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马斯特国际会计师事务所(MSI Legal & Accounting Network Worldwide)
马斯特国际会计师事务所(MSI Legal & Accounting Network Worldwide)


马斯特国际简介 编辑本段回目录


  An international network of independent law and accounting firms

  MSI Legal & Accounting Network Worldwide (MSI) was formed in 1990 in response to the growing need for cross-border cooperation between professional service firms.

  MSI has become a leading global multidisciplinary network of over 250 independent legal and accounting firms in 100 countries throughout the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa.

  MSI consistently achieves one of the strongest rates of growth among the international networks of independent professional firms as a result of its:

  • Ability to offer a membership that is evenly balanced between independent law and accounting firms and in an extensive number of countries
  • Members achieving strong organic growth across their practice groups year on year

Analysis of membership by region

  MSI - an exclusive membership

  On receipt of an application form from a prospective member firm, a number of enquiries are carried out in order to determine the firm's standing in its local marketplace. T

  These include existing member recommendations, peer review reports, Martindale-Hubbell and Legal 500 listings, formal consultations with existing members, a detailed application form and a due diligence process that investigates the firm's local reputation, registration with local regulatory bodies, and experience in servicing a diverse client base. Most importantly, all member firms are visited by a MSI representative prior to an invitation to join.

  A commitment to quality

  On joining MSI, every member firm is required to adhere to The MSI Charter which provides guidelines that ensure member firms and their clients continue to receive reliable and responsive services wherever in the world they require professional advice. A copy of The MSI Charter can be downloaded below.



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标签: 马斯特国际会计师事务所 税务

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