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巴黎证券交易所 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


巴黎证券交易所(Paris Bourse/Paris Stock Exchange)

巴黎证券交易所简介 编辑本段回目录





  • (1)经纪人公会,由法国7家交易所的经纪人组成,属私人机构;
  • (2)交易所业务委员会,1967年成立,系国家机构,主席由部长理事会任命,另加国库司的一个成员作为政府特派员参加该委员会。其职责是对有关重大问题(如建立或撤销交易所、修改现行法律章程)提出意见和建议,对一些技术性的问题作出决定。如确定期货交易所需要的保证金数额、决定佣金费率;在征求同业公会的意见后,对准许证券列入官方牌价表或注销上市的证券作出最后决定;向共和国总统递交日报和年报。巴黎证券交易所在世界各大交易所中,次于纽约、东京和伦敦,名列第四。

巴黎证券交易所发展状况 编辑本段回目录




History and functioning 编辑本段回目录

  Historically, stock trading activities have been located in several spots of the Parisian geography, including the rue Quincampoix, the rue Vivienne (near the Palais Royal), or the back of the Opéra Garnier (the Paris opera house). In the early nineteenth century, the Paris Bourse's activities found a stable location at the Palais Brongniart, or Palais de la Bourse (the building is due to architect Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart).

  From the second half of the nineteenth century, official stock markets in Paris were operated by the Compagnie des agents de change, directed by the elected members of a stockbrokers' syndical council. The number of participants in the processes of the formation of prices and of exchange in each of the different trading areas of the Bourse was limited. In the case of the agents de change (the official stockbrokers at the Paris Bourse), there were around 60. An agent de change had to be a French citizen, be nominated by a former agent or his estate, be approved by the Minister of Finance, and was appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. Officially, the agents de change could not trade for their own account nor therefore even be a counterpart to someone who wanted to buy or sell securities with their aid; they were strictly brokers, that is, intermediaries. In the financial literature, the Paris Bourse is hence referred to as "order-driven market", as oppose to "quote-driven markets" or "dealer markets", where price-setting is handled by a dealer or market-maker. In Paris, only agents de change could receive a commission, at a rate ?fixed by law, for acting as an intermediary. However, parallel arrangements were usual in order to favor some clients' quote. Moreover, until approximately the middle of the twentieth century, a parallel market known as "La Coulisse" was in operation.


  Until the late 1980s, this market was operating as an open outcry exchange, with the "agents de change" (the Parisian stockbrokers) meeting in the exchange floor of the Palais Brongniart. In 1986, the Paris Bourse started implementing an electronic trading system known as CATS (Computer Assisted Trading System), renamed CAC (Cotation Assistée en Continu) for the Parisian version. By 1989, quotation was fully automated. The Palais Brongniart was then hosting the French financial derivatives exchanges MATIF and MONEP, until full automation of these in 1998. In the late 1990s, the Paris Bourse launched the Euronext initiative, which consisted in the alliance of several European stock exchanges.

References 编辑本段回目录


  On the history of the Paris Bourse:

  Lehmann, P.-J. 1991 La Bourse de Paris, Paris: Dunod.

  Lehmann, P.-J. 1997 Histoire de la Bourse de Paris, Paris: PUF.

  Muniesa, F. 2005 "Contenir le marché: la transition de la criée à la cotation électronique à la Bourse de Paris", Sociologie du Travail 47(4): 485-501.

  Walker, D. A. 2001 "A factual account of the functioning of the nineteenth-century Paris Bourse", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 8(2): 186-207.

  On the structure of the Paris Bourse:

  Biais, B., Foucault, T. and Hillion, P. 1997 Microstructure des marchés financiers: institutions, modèles et tests empiriques, Paris: PUF.

  Hamon, J. 1995 Marché d'actions: architecture et microstructure, Paris: Economica.

  Hamon, J. and Jacquillat, B. 1992 Le marché fran?ais des actions: études empiriques 1977-1991, Paris: PUF.




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