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道琼斯运输业平均指数 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

道琼斯运输业平均指数(Dow Jones Transportation Average,DJTA)

道琼斯运输业平均指数简介 编辑本段回目录

  道琼斯运输业平均指数于1884年始创,是20种在美国买卖的交通业股票股价加权平均。是道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.)根据美国20家最大的航空,公路,铁路和货运公司的股票价格计算的加权平均指数。


The Dow Jones Transportation Average (also called the "Dow Jones Transports;" DJTA) is the oldest U.S. stock market index.


The Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA) is the most widely recognized gauge of the transportation sector. It is also the oldest index used today, even older than its more famous brother, the Dow Jones Industrials (DJIA). The Transportation Average was the first stock index developed by Charles Dow in 1884. At inception, the index held only nine stocks (all railroads). In 1896 it was modified to include 20 “active” stocks, including 18 railroads. (As you can probably guess, automotive and airline stocks were not added to the index until much later.) The index is often referred to simply as the Dow Jones Transports.

道琼斯运输业平均指数成份股 编辑本段回目录


The Dow Jones Transportation Average is composed of 20 stocks that are chosen to represent the transportation industry. Like other Dow Jones Averages, it is a price-weighted index. This means that a firm's weighting in the index is determined by its share price, not by its market capitalization.

  • GATX Corp. (GMT) (rental & leasing services)

(last change September 16, 2005)

道琼斯运输业平均指数的历史 编辑本段回目录


It was created on July 3, 1884 by Charles Dow, co-founder of Dow Jones & Company, as part of the "Customer's Afternoon Letter". At its inception, it consisted of eleven transportation-related companies: nine railroads and two non-rail companies. They were the following:

  • Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
  • Chicago and North Western Railway
  • Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
  • Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway
  • Louisville and Nashville Railroad
  • Missouri Pacific Railway
  • New York Central Railroad
  • Northern Pacific Railroad preferred stock
  • Pacific Mail Steamship Company (not a railroad)
  • Union Pacific Railway
  • Western Union (not a railroad)


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标签: 道琼斯运输业平均指数 AMR Corporation Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp. C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. CSX Corp Charles Dow Continental Airlines Inc Expeditors International FedEx Corporation JB Hunt Transport Services Inc. JetBlue Airways Corp.

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