赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司官方网址:http://www.sbaif.com/ 英文
赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司简介 编辑本段回目录
软银亚洲基础设施基金公司 (Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund,SAIF),成立于2001年2月的,是软银进军中国市场的第3支力量(软银发展、软库中国和软银亚洲),这支基金总额为10.5亿美元,是日本软银Softbank与美国思科CISCO战略合作的结果。
SAIF基金拥有一支既有海外学习、工作经验,又深刻了解中国国情的成熟的投资团队。在中国大陆已经投资的项目有:盛大网络(Shanda Entertainment)、亚洲网通(Asia Netcom)、摩比天线技术公司(Mobi Development)、银联商务(UnionPay)等。该基金并于今年被清科创业投资研究中心评选为“2004年中国最佳创业投资机构”。其所投资的盛大网络公司由于其在一年半时间内超过四亿美金的回报,成为亚洲创投历史上最佳的投资项目。它最得意之作便是投资盛大,投资盛大18个月以后,软银亚洲顺利退出,当初投入的4000万美元变成5.5亿美元,此案例成为2004年度中国风险的最佳退出案例。
2005年,原软银亚洲的管理团队独立成立赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司(SAIF Partners),资金规模为6.43亿美元,其主要投资人为美国思科公司等美国和欧洲的著名投资机构。
SAIF Partners is a leading Asian private equity firm headquartered in Hong Kong, with dedicated local offices in China and India. SAIF currently manages over US$2 billion.
SAIF makes privately negotiated equity or equity-linked investments across several growth sectors such as consumer products & services, technology, media, telecom, financial services, healthcare, travel and tourism, and manufacturing. SAIF focuses its efforts primarily on China, India, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
With a team of investment professionals located in Hong Kong, China (Beijing, Shanghai) and India (Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi), SAIF is an active lead investor working closely with our portfolio companies to develop their business both organically and through acquisitions, seek synergistic cooperation among them, as well as enhance shareholder value via promotion of good corporate governance and best management practice.
SAIF's success is built on deep relationships built by its senior investment professionals and it’s Strategic Partners with entrepreneurs, business leaders and government authorities in the region. Almost all of SAIF's senior investment professionals have lived and worked for substantial portions of their careers in the region. In addition, they have experience in initiating investment opportunities, structuring and negotiating acquisitions, and working actively with portfolio company management teams to maximize investment returns. SAIF has formed a cohesive pan-regional team of investment professionals who possess an ideal combination of private equity experience, international business exposure and local economy grounding.
SAIF’s relationship with its entrepreneurs is built on a shared commitment to excellence. To that end, we are actively involved in our portfolio companies, whether it is recruiting members of a management team, making business development introductions, negotiating deals, finding strategic partners, generating sales leads, or developing new product or business ideas. Our partnership works as a team, bringing on broad an array of skill sets, experience and connections. We pride ourselves for the excellent relationships that we have established with our portfolio companies.
赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司的机构事件 编辑本段回目录
投资项目 | 投资类型 | 时间 |
再次投资银河台(1000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2006-03-06 |
58分类网(100万美元) | 风险投资 | 2006-02-12 |
Rox(1000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-12 |
再次投资世芯电子(330万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-12 |
富士康(1000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-12 |
再次投资移数通(750万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-12 |
浩天(1250万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-11 |
太合传媒 | 风险投资 | 2005-10 |
SAIF/GGV/Mobius/Bessemer共同投资博客网(900万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-09-28 |
杰得微电子(1100万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-09 |
SAIF与凯雷投资顺驰(4500万美元;22.5%股权) | 风险投资 | 2005-08-26 |
铭万(1000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-08 |
欢乐传媒(2000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-07 |
橡果(4300万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005-01 |
SAIF与华登投资青牛软件(3150万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005 |
263(1400万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005 |
ATA(1400万美元) | 风险投资 | 2005 |
世芯电子(750万美元) | 风险投资 | 2004-10 |
永新同方(5000万元) | 风险投资 | 2004-06 |
银联商务(1290万美元) | 风险投资 | 2004-05 |
博客中国(100万美元) | 风险投资 | 2004 |
唯上科技(800万美元) | 风险投资 | 2004 |
盛大(4000万美元) | 风险投资 | 2003-03 |
和舰(5600万美元) | 风险投资 | 2003-01 |
IDGVC与SAIF投资数字鱼 | 风险投资 | 2003 |
移数通(500万美元) | 风险投资 | 2002-12 |
中国网通/新桥/SAIF共同投资亚洲网通 | 风险投资 | 2002 |
摩比天线(540万美元) | 风险投资 | 2002 |
博康(300万美元) | 风险投资 | 2002 |
适普 | 风险投资 | 2001-08 |
SAIF与AcerVC共同注资优创科技(300万美元) | 风险投资 | 2000-12 |
网讯家园(150万美元) | 风险投资 | |
SAIF/中经合/普讯共同投资传述 | 风险投资 | |
天融信(720万美元) | 风险投资 |
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标签: 赛富亚洲投资基金管理公司 GGV IDGVC Shanda Entertainment Strategic Partners 中国网通 中经合 基金 富士康 战略合作 投资人
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