美国费尔菲尔德大学 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
About Fairfield University 编辑本段回目录
Fairfield University is a Jesuit institution that prepares undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students for leadership and service in a constantly changing world. Approximately 5,000 students from 35 states, 46 countries, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are enrolled at the University's six schools. The University was founded in 1942 in the scenic shoreline community of Fairfield, Connecticut.
With a foundation in the time-honored values of Jesuit learning and a dynamic blend of theoretical and applied learning, a Fairfield education prepares students for life-long success measured by how deeply they challenge themselves and how they influence the world for the better.
Fairfield University is a valuable contributor to the region and state, graduating well-prepared, talented students who are ready to make a lasting contribution to the community. Fairfield also enhances the quality of life in southwestern Connecticut by providing a cultural and intellectual richness that is difficult to match.
美国费尔菲尔德大学简介 编辑本段回目录
美国费尔菲尔德大学课程设置 编辑本段回目录
MBA项目具有自己的特色,学生可以选择一定领域的核心课程和选修课程,这些领域包括:会计学、金 融、管理学、人力资源管理、国际商务、市场学、税收。
美国费尔菲尔德大学的入学要求 编辑本段回目录
- 大学本科毕业,专业不限
- 工作经验三年以上
- TOEFL 575
- GMAT成绩550
- 申请费:55美元
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标签: 美国费尔菲尔德大学 GMAT MBA 《美国新闻和世界报道》 人力资源管理 会计学 市场学 税收 税收学 管理学
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