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阿贝尔·朱兰德 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

阿贝尔·朱兰德(Abel P.Jeuland)

朱兰德的简介 编辑本段回目录

Abel P. Jeuland studies the design and application of analytical marketing tools (statistics, econometrics, management science, economic modeling) to address marketing issues, such as product design and new product diffusion, forecasting, the effects of marketing mix variables (pricing, distribution, advertising, promotions), and the nature of competition (product differentiation and market segmentation). He also studies modeling of brand choice, of promotions, of channels of distribution. His work has appeared in numerous editions of Operations Research, Marketing Science and Management Science, as well as in the Journal of Business. Many U.S. corporations and consulting firms turn to him as a consultant because of his knowledge in these areas. He also employs this knowledge as a ad hoc reviewer for a handful of journals and is a member of the Advisory Board of Marketing Science. He is also guest editor of Marketing Science,

Jeuland's current research projects include "The Interaction of Price and Information in a Model of Diffusion of Innovation," "Heterogeneity of Brand Preferences Reveals Brand Competitive Structure in Differentiated Markets," and "A Bass-like Diffusion Model that Incorporates Heterogeneity of Consumer Purchase Propensity."

Jeuland, a native of France, spent his baccalaureate years in the scientific section. He earned his license in business management from Paris University in 1972 while simultaneously earning an advanced degree in engineering from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures with a specialization in applied mathematics. After graduation, Jeuland moved to the United States, where he earned a PhD in industrial administration at Purdue University in 1975. He joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 1975.

Outside of the classroom, Jeuland enjoys jogging.

多兰—朱兰德模型概述 编辑本段回目录

  多兰(Robert J.Dolan)和朱兰德(Abel P.Jeuland)于1981年提出了将成本动态和扩散过程动态考虑在内的最优价格模型。他们分别对静态需求和动态需求情况下的最优价格问题进行了研究。




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标签: 阿贝尔·朱兰德 Chicago Booth Market segmentation Paris University Product differentiation Purdue University 多兰—朱兰德模型 撇脂战略 最优价格 生产成本 耐用品

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