劳伦斯·戴罗斯·麦尔斯 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
1954年在美国通用电气公司工作的工程师迈尔斯,总结了他在工作实践有关材料、设计、功能、费用之间的关系、经验,发表了专文《价值分析》(Value Analysis即VA)。
价值工程之名称系由美国奇异电机公司工程师劳伦斯.麦尔斯(LDMiles)于1947年首先倡导,由于第二次世界大战期间物资材料严重短缺,许多企业所使用之工业产品被迫变更设计或改采用替代性材料,当时奇异公司之采购部副主任哈瑞.欧力奇(Harry Erlicher)发现某些替代品采用后,不但不会影响产品之功能,而且可以大幅降低生产成本,因此他认为如果能够针对工厂内部成本较高之产品组件积极研究替代材料或变更设计方法,提高生产效率,必定能使成本降低。
The Lawrence D. Miles Value Engineering Reference Center was established in honor of Lawrence D. Miles, the "Father of Value Analysis and Value Engineering."
In 1947 Lawrence D. Miles created and introduced the techniques of value analysis and value engineering at General Electric. Soon after he developed this systematic methodology, his concepts were recognized as a powerful approach to problem solving through function-based techniques, and they found their way outside GE to many parts of the world and many environments, including industry, healthcare, and government services. Miles' techniques have saved design engineers, manufacturing engineers, purchasing agents, and service providers millions of dollars by showing users "why so much unnecessary costs exists in everything we do and how to identify, clarify, and separate costs which bear no relationship to customers' needs or desires."
Larry Miles was confident enough to articulate that many decisions are based on honest but wrong beliefs and that his methods provide the highest customer acceptance at the lowest cost. He acknowledged how many professionals identify as solutions what they want to do and not what needs to be done.
After Miles' death in 1986, his wife, Eleanor Miles Walker, became an officer on the Board of the Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation and donated $5,000 to the foundation to organize and present to the public everything related to VA/VE that her husband had collected over the years. She entrusted the project to Professor Thomas J. Snodgrass, a life-long colleague of Lawrence Miles. This led to the establishment in 1993 of the Lawrence D. Miles Value Engineering Reference Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The Center includes (1) the Lawrence D. Miles Value Engineering Papers Collection, (2) the journal, Value World (1977-present) (3) proceedings from the annual conference of the Society of American Value Engineers from 1966-present, and (4) many related books, other references, and audiotapes and videotapes.
It is due, in large part, to the efforts of Professor Thomas J. Snodgrass that the Miles Value Engineering Research Center was established. Enid Simon was instrumental in locating the Center at the Wendt Library. Her effort and commitment is greatly appreciated.
- “一个自由企业在全面竞争中的长期成功,在于不断向顾客出售最佳价值,以换取预期的价格,换言之,‘竞争’决定了一个企业必须采取‘使价值令人满意’的方针,以达到产品或服务富有竞争能力的结果。这种最佳价值由两个条件所决定:功能和成本。”
- “如果一项产品或服务有恰当的功能和成本,则一般就认为有良好的价值。反之,如果一项产品或服务缺少恰当功能和成本,则就认为没有良好的价值。按此定义,几乎可以确切地说:价值或由于增加功能,或由于降低成本而增加。”
- “VA方法可以帮助一个企业的所有部门——设计、制造、采购、销售和管理部门,在以更低成本满足顾客需要方面,得出他们具体问题的更佳答案,当其用于重要决策时,一般可以发现15~20%或更多的不必要成本,而不会丝毫降低顾客方面的价值。
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标签: 劳伦斯·戴罗斯·麦尔斯 GE University of Wisconsin-Madison 价值工程 价格 企业 供应商 替代品 服务 生产成本 生产效率
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