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作为回应,金融机构也在寻找合理的措施来确保遵守各类相关的法规,包括实施能够实现以下目标的监督机制: (用途)
• 缓解风险评估中发现的所有风险。
• 只需几个月而不是几年就能实施完毕。
• 基础设施成本和支持成本更低。
• 符合相关法规要求。
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering 是一个企业级解决方案,它通过以风险为重点的方法对可疑活动进行监督。该解决方案根据来自企业各个部门的客户和交易数据采用先进的分析方法和情形,自动识别可疑行为并对其进行分类。一旦发现可疑活动,就会通过无缝工作流程启动调查功能,提高调查效率和有效性。(主要功能)
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering for Teradata 为Teradata的数据仓库客户提供全面的支持,让金融机构通过可靠、基于风险的方法,在数据重复率更低的情况下对更多风险进行监督,以最低的总拥有成本来打击洗钱活动并遵守相关法规。(主要功能)
SAS® Money Laundering Detection在专为中小金融机构定制的解决方案中提供同样强大而可靠的SAS反洗钱方法。此解决方案提供对可疑行为进行检测、调查和报告的自动化流程。 (主要功能)
SAS® 随需应变解决方案允许美洲地区客户将他们的AML应用作为一项服务由SAS进行托管。 (主要功能)
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering 能够为您提供哪些帮助? (优势)
• 降低误判率。
• 适应不断变化的业务需求和法规要求。
• 确定高风险事件的优先调查顺序。
• 在整个企业范围的知识和安全基础上提供更准确的结果。
SAS® 与其它竞争对手有何不同?(优势/特点)
• 透明度。解决方案的监督流程完全透明而且便于理解。解决方案提供重要的分析工具,它们通过逻辑流程进行工作,缩短技术和依从功能之间的差距。
• 适应能力。解决方案的平台能够适应各个金融机构的具体风险情况。风险情形和风险系数直接由银行的AML风险评估决定,而且可以随着金融机构或行业风险的变化而轻松改变。
• 覆盖深度。该解决方案不仅仅是对交易进行评估,它还将风险情形运用到各种金融机构特定的知识中去,通过报警功能发现更多可疑活动。随着AML功能的不断完善,逐渐覆盖金融机构整个金融犯罪监督系统,SAS平台也可以与金融机构一起不断完善和扩展。
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering
With money laundering on the rise around the world, regulatory response is also increasing. Recent enforcement actions have focused on an institution's lack of consistent internal controls, governance and oversight.
in response, financial institutions are in search of reasonable anti-money laundering measures they can take to ensure regulatory compliance, including implementing a monitoring system that:
• Mitigates all risks identified in their risk assessments.
• Can be implemented in months rather than years.
• Has lower infrastructure and support costs.
• Is proven to pass regulatory muster.
Because no two financial institutions have the same anti-money laundering monitoring needs, SAS offers one proven methodology available via distinct solution offerings:
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering is an enterprise solution that takes a risk-focused approach to the critical task of monitoring for suspicious activity. The solution applies advanced analytics and scenarios against customer and transactional data from all areas of the enterprise to automatically identify, classify and surface suspicious behavior. Once identified, a seamless workflow enables the investigative function to proceed with increased effectiveness and efficiency.
SAS® Money Laundering Detection provides the same robust SAS anti-money laundering methodology in a solution tailored for small to mid-sized financial institutions. This solution provides an automated process for detecting, investigating and reporting suspicious behavior.
SAS® Solutions OnDemand gives customers in the Americas the option of having SAS host your anti-money laundering application as a service.
SAS® Anti-Money Laundering for Teradata (PDF) enables financial institutions to reap the benefits of SAS' industry-leading financial crimes solution on Teradata's industry-leading parallel processing platform. This solution reduces the amount of time needed for compliance processing while lowering data preparation and storage costs, and while providing data-driven decision making capabilities that mitigate operational exposures.
How SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Can Help
• Reduces false positives.
o Users can easily refine scenarios and risk factors.
o Frees investigators to focus on high-risk events rather than chasing down all simple alerts.
• Adapts to changing business needs and regulatory expectations.
o A flexible and scalable data model includes a broad set of transaction types, products, channels and services.
o A point-and-click interface enables easy modification of the system抯 scenarios and risk factors.
o Ad hoc report generation lets you answer virtually any question.
o Lower total cost of ownership over time since you won't have to upgrade due to system obsolescence.
• Prioritizes high-risk events for investigation.
o Consistent and straightforward descriptions give compliance staff clear explanations.
o Enables a more effective investigative process.
• Provides more accurate results based on enterprisewide knowledge and security.
o Automatically monitors all known institutional risks.
o Risk scores customers based on prior behavior, expected behavior and known CIP information across all accounts for unmatched depth of analysis.
How SAS® is Different
• Transparency. The solution抯 monitoring process is completely transparent and easily understood. The solution provides a significant analytical tool that works through logical processes, bridging the gap between technology and compliance functions.
• Adaptability. The solution is part of the flexible SAS Business Analytics Framework and is adaptable to each institution's risk profile. Scenarios and risk factors are driven directly from the bank's anti-money laundering risk assessment and can be easily changed as the institution's or the industry's risks change.
• Depth of coverage. The solution does not merely assess transactions; it employs scenarios and risks across a wide array of an institution's specific knowledge to develop alerts that can surface more suspicious activity that ever before possible. And as anti-money laundering functions evolve to cover all of an institution's financial crimes monitoring programs, the SAS Business Analytics Framework gives institutions the flexibility to accommodate changing requirements.
- 黄静姝 li>
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