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SAS National Language Support (NLS) 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

       SAS National Language Support翻译为SAS的国际语言支持,是为了确保软件产品使用者运用NLS以后能够写成符合约定的格式。通常,用户运用的英语或数据等方式都是遵守全球的约定英文格式。但是,没有NLS,这些产品在其他地区的用户世界可能无法正常工作。通过SAS的NLS,使用户的地区如亚洲和欧洲的数据成功地处理成自己的语言和环境。另外NLS也提供了相应的培训,如美国培训和全球培训等。这对于一些地区来说是不可缺少的,因为没有了NLS,有些的确特别是亚洲和欧洲地区的数据将没有办法和标准相契合,这样数据之间的连接性就没有了。
       国际化是设计而不是在一个单一的语言或区域设置的假设一个软件应用的过程。一个国际化的目标是确保国际公约,包括用于排序的字符串和格式化日期的规则,时间,数字和货币支持。另一个目标是设计产品具有一致的外观,感觉和在不同语言版本的功能。 虽然应用程序逻辑可能会支持文化习俗(例如,某一地区的货币和数字格式),只有软件的本地化版本列当地语言的用户界面和系统信息。


National Language Support (NLS) is a set of features that enable a software product to function properly in every global market for which the product is targeted. The SAS System contains NLS features to ensure that SAS applications can be written so that they conform to local language conventions. Typically, software that is written in the English language works well for users who use the English language and use data that is formatted using the conventions that are observed in the United States. However, without NLS, these products might not work well for users in other regions of the world. NLS in SAS enables users in regions such as Asia and Europe to process data successfully in their native languages and environments.
SAS provides NLS for data as well as for code under all operating environments and hardware, from the mainframe to the personal computer. This support is especially important to international users who are running applications in a client/server environment. SAS provides NLS for mainframes while maintaining consistency with applications that were developed with previous versions of SAS.
NLS is applied to data that is moved between machines; for example, NLS ensures that the data is converted to the correct format for use on the target machine.
Text-string operations are sensitive to SAS settings for language and region. This action enables correct results for such operations as uppercasing and lowercasing characters, classifying characters, and scanning data. SAS provides features to ensure that national characters, which are characters specific to a particular nation or group of nations, display and print properly.
Software applications that incorporate NLS can avoid dependencies on language-specific or cultural-specific conventions for software features such as:
character classifications
character comparison rules
code sets
date and time formatting
message-text language
numeric and monetary formatting
sort order

Localization is the process of adapting a product to meet the language, cultural, and other requirements of a specific target environment or market so that users can use their own languages and conventions when using the product. Translation of the user interface, system messages, and documentation is part of localization.
Internationalization is the process of designing a software application without making assumptions that are based on a single language or locale. One goal of internationalization is to ensure that international conventions, including rules for sorting strings and for formatting dates, times, numbers, and currencies, are supported. Another goal is to design the product to have a consistent look, feel, and functionality across different language editions.
Although the application logic might support cultural conventions (for example, the monetary and numeric formats of a particular region), only a localized version of the software presents user interfaces and system messages in the local language.
SAS NLS features are available for localizing and internationalizing your SAS applications.

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