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SAS® Financial Management is a comprehensive solution for enterprise planning, budgeting, consolidation and reporting. With a proprietary calculation engine and accounting logic, this remarkable solution consolidates planning or historical information on demand, ensuring that the latest information is always available for decision makers and regulatory agencies.
SAS ®财务管理是一个为企业规划,预算编制,合并和报告的全面解决方案。 有一个专有的计算引擎和会计的逻辑,这显著的解决方案整合了所需要的规划或历史的信息,确保信息总是最新的决策者和监管机构提供的。

Simulate potential outcomes for leveraging opportunities and mitigating threats.利用模拟的机会,减轻威胁的可能的结果。
Identify correlations between activities and objectives to better predict the most optimal path to success.确定活动和目标之间的相关性,以便更好地预测最成功的最佳路径。
Utilize more accurate forecasts in planning, identifying historical trends and aligning operations with planning.利用规划更准确的预测,确定和调整的历史趋势与规划行动。
Accelerate analysis of financial information and eliminate time-consuming batch processing.加快财务信息的分析和消除耗时的批处理。
Facilitate collaborative budgeting and planning.促进协作预算编制和规划。
Create reports that conform to new regulatory and compliance needs.创建报告,符合新的监管和法规遵从需求。

Communicate and execute strategies more effectively. SAS Financial Management provides seamless communication of strategy with integrated planning, budgeting, financial reporting, business modeling, and scorecards and dashboards. 沟通和更有效地执行战略。SAS财务管理提供了综合规划,预算,财务报表,业务建模和计分卡和仪表板的战略沟通无阻。
Create more frequent, accurate forecasts. With SAS Financial Management, you can explore multiple scenarios and encourage broader participation in forecast development to enhance the reliability of published earnings expectations. 创建更加频繁,准确的预测。有了SAS财务管理,你可以探索多种方案,并鼓励更广泛地参与发展的预测,提高出版的盈利预期的可靠性。
Publish financial reports more quickly. SAS Financial Management performs on-demand consolidations that include automatic currency conversion, intercompany eliminations, ownership adjustments, allocations and more, helping you close your books faster. 发布财务报告更迅速。SAS财务管理执行按需整合,包括自动货币兑换公司内部冲销,调整所有制,分配等等,帮助您更快地关闭您的书籍。
Plan your transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). SAS Financial Management allows simultaneous reporting in both local GAAP and IFRS, easing the transition while ensuring regulatory compliance. 计划你的过渡到国际财务报告准则(IFRS)。SAS财务管理,允许在当地公认会计准则和国际财务报告准则报告的同时,缓解过渡期,同时确保遵守法规。 The accompanying IFRS Planning Guide will help you focus on what's important for a smooth transition. Download the IFRS Planning Guide now.所附财务报告准则规划指南将帮助你关注什么是重要的顺利过渡。
Adopt eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) for financial reporting. Review the XBRL Planning Guide for guidance on your post-consolidation options after compiling your regulatory reports from SAS Financial Management. 财务报告采用可扩展商业报告语言(XBRL)。审查后在您的指导XBRL的规划指南 ,编译后的SAS财务管理的监管报告合并方案。

Dynamic consolidation强夯
Bidirectional, dynamic, secure link to the common data repository.双向,动态的,安全的连接到共同的数据储存库。
On-demand access to actual and planning data.按需访问的实际和规划数据。
On-demand consolidation for enhanced what-if scenario modeling.按需增强假设场景建模巩固。

Accounting logic会计逻辑
Support for multiple accounting standards and partial ownership consolidations.支持多种会计标准和合并部分所有权。
Manual journal adjustments.手动杂志调整。
Balancing rules.平衡的规则。
Automatic time aggregations (eg, year to date).自动聚合时间(例如,年至今)。
Roll forward of retained earnings.前滚留存收益。
Multiple exchange rate sets.多重汇率规定。
Currency translation adjustment for single and multiple accounts.货币对单个和多个帐户的翻译调整。
Calculated rates ( eg, cost per product).计算率(例如,每个产品的成本)。
Special data dimension classifies and tracks changes to source data from external systems or data entry forms.维特别数据分类和跟踪,从外部系统或数据源的数据输入形式的变化。

Budgeting and planning预算编制和规划
Rolling forecasts.滚动预测。
Driver-based, top-down and bottom-up budgeting.以驱动为基础的,自上而下和自下而上的预算编制。
Enterprisewide collaboration.企业协作。
Workflow control.工作流控制。
Budget-cycle seeding.预算周期播种。
Advanced SAS Analytics for intelligent forecasting.先进的SAS智能分析预测。
Supplementary schedules.补充时间表。

Data management数据管理
Common data model for integration with other SAS solutions.通用数据模型与其他的SAS解决方案的集成。
Extraction, transformation and loading from virtually any data source, including ERP systems, RDBMSs and Microsoft Excel.提取,转换和装载从几乎任何数据源,包括ERP系统的RDBMS和Microsoft Excel。
Validation of data while importing and automatic generation of error reports when data importing fails.数据的验证,而进口和错误报告自动生成导入数据时失败。
Checks during data importing for missing dimension values, trial balance debit or credit, and intercompany activity that has been tagged for internal and external trading.检查数据导入时缺少维度值,试算表借记卡或信用卡,和公司间的活动已标记为内部和外部贸易。

Information delivery信息传递
Reports created in Microsoft Excel.在Microsoft Excel中创建的报告。
Shared reports are easily accessed.共享报告很容易访问。
Automatic notification for key information, such as KPIs.自动通知的关键信息,如KPI的。
Workflow managed for individual users.工作流管理的个人用户。
Data flow automated, minimizing the time users spend gathering data.数据流的自动化,减少使用者花在收集数据。

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