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SAS/EIS software, an integrated component of the SAS System, provides a syntax-free environment for building user-friendly enterprise information systems. For the first time, you can have EIS applications that are as easy to develop as they are to use.
The software gives you such EIS "basics" as point-and-click menus with pull-down windows...access to native host applications such as EMAIL...data-sensitive drill down, what-if analyses, exception reporting, and multidimensional data viewing and analysis, and graphical display of critical success factors and grouped bar charts.
Object-Oriented Reporting Tools
SAS/EIS software takes advantage of object-oriented applications development (OOAD) technology by allowing you to use blocks of already existing code to build new, customized applications. The ability to reuse code means that applications are implemented in a consistent, efficient manner--which, in turn, simplifies applications maintenance and updating. Ready-made objects that represent complete parts of applications can easily be assembled into complete systems without the need for programming.
The software offers a wide range of business reporting objects, providing a choice of styles for dynamic display and interactive analysis. The business reporting objects include:
• Multidimensional Data Viewer--allows data to be viewed immediately in any way you choose from any possible dimension.
• Organizational Chart--provides graphical display of your organizational data.
• Comparison Report with horizontal bars--combines text and graphics to instantly display tabular data on graphical displays.
• Expanding Report--delivers a complete overview of data with graphics, and allows drill-down to any level of data.
• Overlapping Bar Report--enables different data sets to be presented together--allowing trends and comparisons to be clearly established.
• Multicolumn Report--summarizes data at all summary levels as tables or tables with graphics.
These reporting objects have multiple levels with built-in drill-down capabilities for fast navigation through your data. The flexibility and power of OOAD--and the fully customized applications themselves--allow you to improve productivity, reduce costs, and maximize resources across your organization.
In addition to the business reporting objects, SAS/EIS has an additional 30+ pre written objects that will allow you to do the most common data processing tasks. You can completely front-end the rest of the SAS System with SAS/EIS software.
The Difference Between Face Value and Real Value
For applications developers, SAS/EIS software provides remarkably intuitive tools for generating customized EIS applications. The user-friendly menu panels you first encounter aren't for end users...they're for you as part of your developer's toolkit. And so are the fill-in-the-blank screens, the extensive help facility, and the on-line demonstrations. The SAS/EIS software main menu welcomes you into an interactive environment for building all kinds of information delivery systems--from simple to sophisticated.
The various processes that perform data access, management, analysis, and presentation have already been defined for you...and are listed as objects in the SAS/EIS menu system. These objects include many of the SAS System's most popular applications development and presentation formats (block menus, list menus, business graphics, variance reports, etc.) as well as commands that drive your applications. You can make any object a part of any application. Convenient fill-in-the-blank screens make it easy to tell the SAS System where to find the data to be processed--from SAS data sets, flat files, or leading database management systems--and the multidimensional data viewer enables you to see your data immediately.
Also included in SAS/EIS software is the metabase--a master SAS data set that stores information about the data. Use the metabase to define a complete drill-down hierarchy of your entire organization, then use this hierarchy as the framework for your data-driven EIS applications.
Unlimited Productivity for You, Unprecedented Power for Business Analysts
SAS/EIS software lets you build customized EIS applications with the following productivity features:
• Variance Analysis and Exception Reporting--A facility for defining and executing standard row-and-column variance reports is part of SAS/EIS software. These reports can help pinpoint the differences between budgeted and actual values. Automatic, data-driven drill-down allows business analysts to delve deeper into their data--level by level--based on the hierarchy you've specified in the metabase. For in-depth financial analyses, SAS/EIS software delivers capabilities for exception reporting and traffic lighting. You can specify colors to highlight exceptional data or to segment data into appropriate ranges.
• Graphics Drill Down--SAS/EIS software also offers graphical drill-down capabilities for use on any graphic, text, or report output. Use hotspots to define areas for drilling down to other reports, graphs, or data...or select keywords from the text or graph.
• Critical Success Factors--An object-oriented front end is provided for developing and displaying critical success factor applications.
• Direct Access to Business Graphics--In addition to serving as an applications development interface, you can use SAS/EIS software as a direct link to the SAS System's information and presentation graphics tools. Instead of just replaying selected graphs as you do in other EIS packages, you can create applications that actually generate new graphs whenever data values change--and modify the graphs just as easily.
• Business Forecasting--SAS/EIS software provides true automated forecasting of any factors in your organization. Use this advantage to spot trends and make informed projections about any aspect of your business.
Customized EIS for Every User, For Every Environment
Because SAS/EIS software is a part of the SAS System, you can integrate EIS applications easily into your existing processing environment. And since the SAS System is virtually hardware independent, you can implement client/server processing by sharing your EIS applications across platforms--from host machines to high-end workstations.

主管信息系统(Executive Information System,EIS),人们通常也称其为经理信息系统,是服务于组织的高层经理的一类特殊的信息系统。EIS能够使经理们得到更快更广泛的信息。EIS首先是一个“组织状况报导系统”,能够迅速、方便、直观(用图形)地提供综合信息,并可以预警与控制“成功关键因素”遇到的问题。EIS还是一个“人际沟通系统”,经理们可以通过网络下达命令,提出行动要求,与其他管理者讨论、协商、确定工作分配,进行工作控制和验收等。
SAS / EIS软件,一个SAS系统的集成组件,提供了一个语法的环境建设方便用户的企业信息系统。该软件提供了这样EIS的“基础”的指向并与下拉窗口...进入,例如电子邮件本地主机申请点击菜单...数据敏感的深入,假设分析,异常的报告,和多维数据浏览和分析,以及对关键成功因素的图形显示和分组条形图。
SAS / EIS软件就会利用面向对象的应用开发(OOAD)的,允许使用现有的代码块,建立新的,定制的应用技术。重用的能力应用程序代码以一致的,有效的方式实施的手段-这反过来,简化了应用程序的维护和更新。现成的对象,代表应用程序的完整部分可以很容易地组装成完整的系统无需编程的需要。






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