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银行业的SAS ®博览会
Ensuring regulatory compliance while improving lending decisions


Reduce violation risks and improve regulatory performance. A single, consistent business analytics platform enables all stakeholders to reliably assess and report exposure risk at both the summary and detail levels. 减少违规风险 , 提高监管效能。单一,统一的业务分析平台,使所有利益攸关方可靠地评估和报告都详细的总结和各级接触风险。

Improve data and process validation practices. Complete transparency and auditability enables institutions to demonstrate that information integrity is not an issue, processes are consistent and well-controlled, and results are traceable to underlying practices and source data. 改善数据和工艺验证的做法。完整的透明度和可审计性,使机构的证明资料的完整性不是问题,流程是一致的,良好的控制,结果是可以追溯到的基本做法和源数据。

Enhance, grow and sustain fair, responsible and profitable dealings with customers. Accurately understand what has happened and – perhaps more importantly – what actions are needed to make improvements. 加强,发展和维持公平的,负责任的和盈利的客户打交道。准确地理解所发生的-也许更重要的-需要采取什么行动作出改善。

Get up and running quickly. SAS provides a unified framework that enables rapid adoption and deployment of critical business assessment and monitoring capabilities. 获得快速建立和运行。SAS提供一个统一的框架,使快速通过和关键业务的评估和监测能力的部署。


Web-based matched pair analytics基于Web的配对分析 Helps focus manual file reviews on specific criteria and on statistically sound evaluation.帮助侧重于具体的标准手册文件审查和统计学的角度来看评价。

Dynamic, task-driven qualification of Community Development loans, investments and services动态,任务驱动的社区发展贷款,投资和服务资格 Brings consistency to a fully documented qualification process.带来的一致性,全面记录鉴定过程。

A singular measure of risk exposure阿奇异的风险措施 Immediately surfaces potential problem areas and helps direct investigations.立刻浮现,潜在的问题领域,并有助于直接调查。

Web-based performance evaluation reports基于Web的业绩评价报告 Enables drill-down into reports, from the highest organizational level to the census tract in order to pinpoint CRA lending relative to goals.实现了从组织级别最高的人口普查区钻成的报告,以便查明评级机构贷款相对于目标。

A single data integration platform一个单一的数据集成平台 Lets you proactively stop source file errors from polluting the system, helping ensure more accurate HMDA and CRA submissions and reports.让您主动停止从污染的源文件系统错误,帮助确保更准确的己二胺和CRA意见和报告。

Comprehensive, Web-based business intelligence capabilities全面的,基于Web的商业智能功能 Address all stakeholder reporting needs.解决所有利益相关者报告的需要。

A patent-pending Comprehensive Credit Assessment Framework正在申请专利的综合信用评估框架 Effectively balances regulatory compliance and business development at the enterprise level for optimal growth.遵守法规有效制衡的最佳增长的企业水平和业务发展。

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