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SAS/C® Compiler Software
The SAS/C and SAS/C++ family of products provides a versatile development environment for IBM zSeries® and System/390® processors. Enhancements and product features for SAS/C 7.50F include support for z/Architecture instructions and 64-bit addressing, IEEE floating-point, C99 math library and a number of C++ language enhancements and extensions. The SAS/C runtime library, optimizer and debugging environments have been updated and enhanced to fully support the breadth of C/C++ 64-bit addressing, IEEE and C++ product features. Finally, the SAS/C and SAS/C++ 7.50.06 Cross-compiler products for Windows, Linux, Solaris and Aix incorporate the same enhancements and features that are provided with SAS/C and SAS/C++ 7.50F for z/OS.
For additional information on SAS/C 7.50 product enhancements and features, refer to the SAS/C 7.50F Release Notes and the SAS/C 7.50 Changes and Enhancements.
The SAS/C Compiler has proven reliability for over a decade, in the demanding development environments of business, industry, education and government. One indication of the power and flexibility of the SAS/C Compiler is that SAS Institute has relied on it to engineer the SAS System for Information Delivery.
The primary elements of the SAS/C and C++ development system are the compiler, linker, full-screen debugger and the freely redistributable run-time library.
Key features of the SAS/C Compiler Product
• Cross-Platform Development. There is also the capability to implement cross-development of C/C++ applications on UNIX, Windows 95 and Windows NT using the SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler. Pre-linked output is produced on the workstation, which can then be transferred to the mainframe for final linking. Benefits to using the Cross-Platform Compiler are reduced mainframe load, improved source management, improved build management and improved compilation turnaround.
• POSIX and Unix System Services MVS Support. SAS/C supports the compilation and execution of applications that run under OS/390 Unix System Services. The SAS/C Library implements a C language interface to the operating system functionality specified by the POSIX 1003.1 standard. SAS/C programmers have the option of developing applications that are either strictly conforming POSIX.1 programs or developing mixed-mode programs that take advantage of traditional MVS and SAS/C functionality, like VSAM and dynamic load modules, as well as POSIX functionality, such as pipes and directories.
• TCP/IP Support. The SAS/C Library also provides TCP/IP support with a complete implementation of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX Socket Library interface to support both Integrated (Unix System Services, USS) and non-Integrated sockets. The SAS/C Socket Library has an open architecture that permits using TCP/IP products from different vendors such as IBM's SecurewayTM or Computer Associate's NetworkIT TCPaccess products. The SAS/C Socket Library provides the highest practical level of compatibility with the BSD UNIX socket library for MVS and CMS environments. Programs whose only UNIX dependencies are in the area of sockets or other UNIX features already supported by the SAS/C Library can be compiled and executed with little or no modification. Because the socket functions are integrated with the existing SAS/C Library and are not add-on features, many of the incompatibilities of other MVS and CMS socket implementations have been avoided. For example, there are no requirements for additional header files specific to MVS or CMS, the close, read, and write calls operate on both files and sockets, just as they do in a UNIX operating system, and errno is used for socket function error codes.
• Inter-language Communication. Developing a multi-language program is never as simple as programming in a single language. The SAS/C inter-language communication (ILC) support minimizes the programming difficulties and reduces the detailed knowledge required to create robust multi-language programs. The SAS/C ILC support provides routines to create and delete execution frameworks for C as well as FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, and Pascal. It also provides the ILCLINK utility that automates the multilanguage linking process, simplifying the task of producing a multi-language module.
• Connectivity Support Library (SAS Technical Report C-113). The SAS/C CSL facilitates network communication between SAS/C programs and other applications. CSL is a set of libraries and utilities that support the use of several popular application protocols for distributed (client/server) computing, such as X Window System graphical user interface, Sun Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Sun Network File System (NFS) protocols. CSL also provides a rexec client function, some Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent customization functions, and a few supporting POSIX functions.
• Full-Screen Support Library. SAS/C FSSL functions free you from handling details of IBM terminal communication, enabling more focus and flexibility in full-screen applications development. FSSL provides support for developing full-screen, windowing, and hypertext applications for both the CMS and MVS operating systems. Full-Screen applications would include data entry, system interface screens, and software packages, (including editors and can be used with the wide variety of mainframe terminals), that communicate by using the IBM 3270 data stream format. Applications are completely portable between MVS and CMS.
• Interactive Full-screen Debugger (Including Remote and Cross-Platform Debugging). This feature allows you to find run-time errors and has been designed to help you determine the location of errors in your programs and why the errors are occurring. There are various methods to choose: Full-screen mode, Line-mode, Batch-mode, or Remote. Each method provides many capabilities to enhance your productivity. These include: trace the program flow, request breakpoints to interrupt the program, re-execute or bypass code, single step through the program, perform actions to access and modify expressions, (including structures, unions and arrays), produce a storage analysis report, escape to your operating system's debugger, and execute an EXEC or CLIST.
• Highly Optimized Code. The 'optimize' compiler option enables global optimization, which optimizes the flow of control and data through an entire function. Some of the optimizations performed are register allocation, dead store elimination, moving invariant calculations out of loops, constant propagation and folding, merging common subexpressions, dead code elimination, induction variable transformations, and "very busy" expression hoisting. In addition, inline functions can be defined in conjunction with optimization. The result is a reduction of function call overhead.
• VSAM File Support.
• CICS Command Language Translator. The SAS/C CICS Command Language Translator enables you to develop application programs to run under all IBM supported releases of CICS, including the latest versions of the CICS Transaction Server. Transaction Server support includes processing for the Application Programming Interface, System Programming Interface, and Business Transaction Services. CICS commands may be placed within your C source code, in addition to calling C routines from your COBOL CICS programs.
• Systems Programming Environment. The SAS/C Systems Programming Environment (SPE) is designed to enable the C language to be used as a Systems Programming language in the IBM 370 environment. SPE consists of the support routines needed to execute a C program and a small run-time library that is Systems-Programming oriented. Source code for all of the SPE routines that interface with the operating system is provided, enabling the Systems Programmer to modify the library as required to meet specific application requirements and to maximize efficiency. To further improve performance, the SPE library provides a minimal C runtime environment that uses streamlined prologs and epilogs for all function calls.
• Standard C++ Library. Incorporated into the SAS/C C++ Development System Product are the industry standard Roque Wave libraries: Standard C++ Library and Tools.h++. The SAS/C integration with the Rogue Wave product allows implementations of applications on various operating systems. Inclusion of these libraries results in a large and comprehensive collection of classes and functions for fine-grained, low-level programming. The use of the Standard C++ Library and Standard Template Library results in smaller source code, provides flexibility of using algorithms with C++ pointers and arrays as well as conventional objects. This leads to more efficient coding and faster execution. Also included in the C++ support is C++ Exception Handling, various new functions, keywords and the "long long" data type. The Standard C++ Library is integrated to provide functionality of the Standard Template Library (STL), IOStream library, Locale facility, and various classes as defined in the ISO/ANSI C++ standard.
• Tools.h++® Library. Tools.h++ provides a rich, robust and versatile C++ foundation class library. It encapsulates the Standard C++ Library with an object-oriented interface. Tools.h++ contains features not included in the Standard C++ Library, such as time, date and regular expression classes, enhanced strings, object persistence and virtual streams. Used in tandem with the Standard C++ Library, one can take advantage of the benefits of both low-level generic programming and object-orientation. When you use the Standard C++ Library with Tools.h++ , you get the portability and flexibility of the ANSI/ISO standard, plus the safety and reusability that come with object-oriented design.
• C++ Template Support. In C++, it is common for the same abstract data structure to be applied to different data types. For example, you could have a stack of integers, characters, or pointers. Rather than create a new stack class for each type, a template allows you to write generic type-independent code. A C++ template defines a family of types or functions by creating a parameterized type. Parameterized types can be used wherever actual types can be used. However, the template itself is not a type. The Standard C++ Library and Tools.h++ products provide a comprehensive selection of templates offering essential building blocks to sophisticated code design.
• REXX Support. The SAS/C Library provides an interface that enables you to extend CMS REXX with function packages written in the C language. Function packages add flexibility to the REXX language. In addition to extending the REXX language, function packages can also boost the performance of a REXX program. With function packages written in SAS/C, more complicated or arithmetically intensive functions can be executed in machine code rather than interpreted.
• Support for Database Access. SAS/C provides support for developing applications that use embedded SQL statements in your C code to access data that are in an ORACLE or a DB2 table or in a relational database such as IMS or SQL/DS. You can also use the DL/I call-level interface to access IMS databases from your SAS/C application. (IBM DLL support is being added for SAS/C Release 7.50 that will also enable SAS/C applications to access DB2 data via the DB2 call-level interface.)
• ISPF Support. ISPF panels are provided with SAS/C that enable you to compile, link and debug your SAS/C applications either interactively in TSO or with batch processing. The ISPF panels are designed to make it easier for a programmer who is not familiar with the OS/390 operating environment to use SAS/C. The panels are provided in both CLIST and REXX to facilitate tailoring to your site. You can also write your own ISPF applications that can be used with SAS/C.
• GDDM and Netview Support. SAS/C can be used to develop applications that use IBM's Graphical Display Manager (GDDM) or to customize the NetView Distribution Manager. GDDM functions can be called from a SAS/C application and all of the C language services described in the NetView documentation can be used with SAS/C.
• Limited Distribution Library. SAS/C customers my ship this runtime library to third parties without any associated fees.
• Resident Library Product. This product allows a customer to compile on one operating system (such as CMS) and link on another (such as OS/390).
• Redistribution Library. This package allows a SAS/C customer to ship SAS/C components to a third party. The third party would then be allowed to prelink, link and execute an application at their site.
在SAS / C和的SAS / C + +的产品系列可以为IBM公司zSeries ®通用的开发环境和System/390 ®处理器。 改进和产品功能的SAS /荤7.50F包括支持z / Architecture为指令和64位寻址,IEEE浮点,C99的数学库和数量的C + +语言的增强和扩展。 在SAS / C运行时库,优化和调试环境进行了更新和改进,以全力支持广度的C / C + +的64位寻址,IEEE和C + +的产品功能。 最后,北欧/ C和的SAS / C + +的7.50.06跨为Windows,Linux,Solaris和AIX的编译器产品采用了相同的改进和特性与提供的SAS / C和的SAS / C + +的7.50F为z / OS的。
SAS/C 和 C++开发系统的基本要素为编译器,连接器,全屏幕调试和自由可再发行运行时库。
• 跨平台开发。也有能力,推行交叉发展的C / C + +中在UNIX,Windows 95和Windows NT应用程序使用的SAS / C交叉平台编译器。 预连接输出制作工作站,然后可以转移到最终连接主机。 使用的跨平台编译器的好处是减少主机负载,改善源头管理,提高建设管理和提高编制的转变。
• POSIX和UNIX系统服务MV产品支持。的SAS / C支持的编制和执行的应用程序下运行OS/390 Unix系统服务。 在SAS / C库实现了一个C语言接口操作系统功能由POSIX 1003.1标准规定。 的SAS / C程序员的开发应用,不是严格按照POSIX.1项目或开发的混合模式程序,采取传统的MVS和优势的SAS /荤VSAM和功能,如动态负载模块,以及POSIX的功能,选项,如管道和目录。
• TCP / IP的支持。将SAS / C库还提供了一个完整的伯克利软件分发执行TCP / IP支持(BSD的)UNIX的套接字库接口,同时支持集成(Unix系统服务,号)和非集成插座。 在SAS /交流电插座,图书馆,如IBM的Secureway 商标或计算机联营公司的IT网络开放式架构,允许使用TCP /来自不同厂商的IP产品TCPaccess产品。 在SAS /交流电插座,图书馆提供了与BSD UNIX的MVS和不育系的环境套接字库的兼容性切实可行的最高水平。 程序的唯一的UNIX依赖正在插座或其它UNIX领域的功能已经支持的SAS / C库可以编译和很少或根本没有修改执行。 由于插座功能集成到现有的SAS / C库,不附加功能,对其他MVS和不育系套接字实现的抵触很多是可以避免的。 例如,有额外的头文件没有规定具体的MV产品或CMS,收盘时,读,写操作需要两个文件,插座,正如他们在UNIX操作系统,errno将被错误的使用socket函数代码。
• 间的沟通语言。开发一个多语言的程序从来没有像编程简单的一种语言。 在SAS / ć,跨语言交流(ILC)的支持,最大限度地减少编程困难,降低了详细的知识需要创建强大的多语言课程。 在SAS /荤国际法支持提供程序创建和删除的C执行框架,以及高级语言的COBOL,的PL / I和帕斯卡尔。 它还提供ILCLINK实用工具,多语言自动链接过程,简化了生产多语言模块的任务。
• 连接支持库 (的SAS技术报告C - 113)。 在SAS /荤俊促进网络通信之间的SAS / C程序和其他应用。 CSL是在图书馆和工具的集合,以支持若干分布式(客户机/服务器使用流行的应用协议)的计算,如X Window系统的图形用户界面,新的远程过程调用(RPC)和Sun网络文件系统(NFS)协议。 联俊达还提供了一个rexec客户端函数,一些简单网络管理协议(SNMP)代理定制功能,以及一些支持POSIX的职能。
• 全屏幕支持库。的SAS /荤FSSL职能摆脱IBM的终端处理您的沟通细节,使更多的重点和灵活性,在全屏幕应用的开发。 FSSL发展提供了全屏幕的支持,窗口,并同时为不育系和MVS操作系统的超文本应用程序。 全屏幕的应用将包括数据输入,系统界面屏幕,和套装软件(包括编辑,可以用来与各种主机终端),通信的使用IBM的3270数据流格式。 应用程序是完全便携式MVS和不育系之间。
• 交互式全屏幕调试 (包括远程和跨平台调试)。 此功能允许您找到运行时错误,并已旨在帮助您确定在您的程序错误的地点和错误的原因正在发生。 有多种方法可供选择:全屏模式,线模,批量模式,或远程。 每个方法提供了许多功能,以提高您的生产力。 这些措施包括:跟踪程序流程,要求断点中断程序,重新执行或绕过通过程序代码,单步,执行行动,访问和修改表达式,(包括结构,工会和数组),生产存储分析报告,逃避于您的操作系统的调试器,并执行一个EXEC或CLIST。
• 高度优化的代码。在'优化'编译器选项,使全局优化,从而优化了整个功能,通过控制和数据流。 进行优化的一些寄存器分配,消除死商店,迁出循环不变计算,不断繁殖和折叠,合并共同表达式,消除死代码,归纳变量转换和“非常忙”表达停课。 此外,内联函数可以定义与优化结合。 其结果是一个函数调用的开销减少。
• VSAM文件支持。
• CICS的命令语言翻译。将SAS /荤CICS的命令语言翻译,您可以开发应用程序能够运行在所有支持的IBM的CICS版本,包括CICS事务服务器的最新版本。 事务服务器的支持,包括为应用程序处理的接口,系统编程接口,和商业交易服务。 CICS的命令都可以放置在您的C源代码,除了从您的COBOL调用CICS程序C例程。
• 系统编程环境。将SAS / C系统编程环境(SPE)的目的是使C语言作为在IBM 370系统编程环境使用的语言。 固相萃取包括需要执行一个C程序和一个小的运行时库,系统编程导向的支持例程。 源代码的与操作系统的界面固相萃取例程提供一切,使系统程序员修改库,需要满足特定应用的要求,最大限度地提高效率。 为了进一步提高性能,SPE的图书馆提供了一个最小的C运行时环境,它使用的所有函数调用简化prologs和epilogs。
• 标准C + +库。纳入的SAS /荤C + +开发系统的产品是行业标准罗克波库:标准C + +库和Tools.h + +。 在SAS /权证巨浪产品的整合可以实现对各种操作系统的应用程序。 在列入类和大细职能,全面地收集,这些库成果颗粒,低层次的编程。 在使用标准C + +库和标准模板库源代码在较小的结果,提供使用的算法的灵活性与C + +指针和数组以及常规的对象。 这将导致更有效的编码和更快的执行。 还包括在C + +支持的是C + +异常处理,各种新的功能,关键字和“很长的”数据类型。 标准C + +库的整合,以提供标准模板库(STL),iostream库,区域设置设施,各类功能作为在ISO / ANSI C的定义+ +标准。
• Tools.h + + ®库。Tools.h + +提供了丰富,强大的,多功能的C + +基础类库。 它封装了标准C + +与面向对象的接口库。 Tools.h + +包含的功能不包括在标准C + +库,如时间,日期和正则表达式类,增强字符串,对象持久性和虚拟流。 用于与标准C + +库串联,可以利用两个低级泛型编程和对象的好处取向。 当您使用标准的C + + Tools.h图书馆+ +,你的便携性和灵活性的ANSI / ISO标准,再加上安全性和可重用性,与面向对象的设计来。
• C + +模板技术支持。在C + +,这是共同的抽象数据相同的结构将适用于不同的数据类型。 例如,你可以有一叠整数,字符,或指针。 而不是建立一个新的堆栈每个类型的类,模板允许你写泛型类型无关的代码。 阿C + +模板定义创建一个参数化类型的类型或函数族。 参数化类型可以用于任何类型的实际可以使用。 但是,模板本身不是一个类型。 标准C + +库和Tools.h + +产品提供了全面的选择模板提供的重要基石,以先进的代码设计。
• Rexx的支持。将SAS / C库提供一个接口,使您可以扩展在C语言编写的函数封装不育系音质。 功能包增加弹性,Rexx的语言。 除了延长Rexx的语言,功能软件包也可以增强一个REXX程序的性能。 在编写的SAS /荤,更复杂的算术密集的功能或功能封装,可以执行的机器代码,而不是解释。
• 数据库访问支持。的SAS / C提供开发使用嵌入到您的C代码的SQL语句来访问数据,在Oracle或DB2表或在如IMS或SQL关系型数据库是/副局长应用支持。 您也可以使用的DL /我调用级接口来访问您的SAS / C应用程序的IMS数据库。 (IBM的DLL文件被添加支持的SAS / C的释放7.50,也将启用的SAS / C应用程序来通过的DB2调用级接口DB2数据。)
• ISPF的支持。ISPF的面板提供的SAS / C,它使您可以编译,链接和调试的SAS / C应用程序可以在曹交互或批处理。 在ISPF的面板设计,使其成为程序员谁是不熟悉OS/390操作环境使用的SAS /长容易 该面板提供了两个CLIST和REXX以方便定制您的网站。 您也可以编写自己的ISPF的,可使用的应用程序与SAS /℃
• GDDM和Netview支持。的SAS / C可以用来开发应用程序使用IBM的图形显示管理器(GDDM)或自定义NetView分销经理。 GDDM函数可以调用的SAS / C应用程序和C语言在NetView文档中描述的服务都可以使用与SAS /℃
• 限制分发的图书馆。的SAS /荤的客户我的船这个运行库的第三方没有任何相关费用。
• 驻地图书馆产品。此产品允许客户在一个编译(如CMS)和另一个链接(如OS/390)操作系统。
• 再分配图书馆。此包允许的SAS /荤客户推出的SAS / C标准规范,给第三方。 该第三方将被允许prelink,链接和他们的网站上执行的应用程序。
The SAS/C and SAS/C++ family of products provides a versatile development environment for IBM zSeries® and System/390® processors. Enhancements and product features for SAS/C 7.50F include support for z/Architecture instructions and 64-bit addressing, IEEE floating-point, C99 math library and a number of C++ language enhancements and extensions. The SAS/C runtime library, optimizer and debugging environments have been updated and enhanced to fully support the breadth of C/C++ 64-bit addressing, IEEE and C++ product features. Finally, the SAS/C and SAS/C++ 7.50.06 Cross-compiler products for Windows, Linux, Solaris and Aix incorporate the same enhancements and features that are provided with SAS/C and SAS/C++ 7.50F for z/OS.
For additional information on SAS/C 7.50 product enhancements and features, refer to the SAS/C 7.50F Release Notes and the SAS/C 7.50 Changes and Enhancements.
The SAS/C Compiler has proven reliability for over a decade, in the demanding development environments of business, industry, education and government. One indication of the power and flexibility of the SAS/C Compiler is that SAS Institute has relied on it to engineer the SAS System for Information Delivery.
The primary elements of the SAS/C and C++ development system are the compiler, linker, full-screen debugger and the freely redistributable run-time library.
Key features of the SAS/C Compiler Product
• Cross-Platform Development. There is also the capability to implement cross-development of C/C++ applications on UNIX, Windows 95 and Windows NT using the SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler. Pre-linked output is produced on the workstation, which can then be transferred to the mainframe for final linking. Benefits to using the Cross-Platform Compiler are reduced mainframe load, improved source management, improved build management and improved compilation turnaround.
• POSIX and Unix System Services MVS Support. SAS/C supports the compilation and execution of applications that run under OS/390 Unix System Services. The SAS/C Library implements a C language interface to the operating system functionality specified by the POSIX 1003.1 standard. SAS/C programmers have the option of developing applications that are either strictly conforming POSIX.1 programs or developing mixed-mode programs that take advantage of traditional MVS and SAS/C functionality, like VSAM and dynamic load modules, as well as POSIX functionality, such as pipes and directories.
• TCP/IP Support. The SAS/C Library also provides TCP/IP support with a complete implementation of the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) UNIX Socket Library interface to support both Integrated (Unix System Services, USS) and non-Integrated sockets. The SAS/C Socket Library has an open architecture that permits using TCP/IP products from different vendors such as IBM's SecurewayTM or Computer Associate's NetworkIT TCPaccess products. The SAS/C Socket Library provides the highest practical level of compatibility with the BSD UNIX socket library for MVS and CMS environments. Programs whose only UNIX dependencies are in the area of sockets or other UNIX features already supported by the SAS/C Library can be compiled and executed with little or no modification. Because the socket functions are integrated with the existing SAS/C Library and are not add-on features, many of the incompatibilities of other MVS and CMS socket implementations have been avoided. For example, there are no requirements for additional header files specific to MVS or CMS, the close, read, and write calls operate on both files and sockets, just as they do in a UNIX operating system, and errno is used for socket function error codes.
• Inter-language Communication. Developing a multi-language program is never as simple as programming in a single language. The SAS/C inter-language communication (ILC) support minimizes the programming difficulties and reduces the detailed knowledge required to create robust multi-language programs. The SAS/C ILC support provides routines to create and delete execution frameworks for C as well as FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/I, and Pascal. It also provides the ILCLINK utility that automates the multilanguage linking process, simplifying the task of producing a multi-language module.
• Connectivity Support Library (SAS Technical Report C-113). The SAS/C CSL facilitates network communication between SAS/C programs and other applications. CSL is a set of libraries and utilities that support the use of several popular application protocols for distributed (client/server) computing, such as X Window System graphical user interface, Sun Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Sun Network File System (NFS) protocols. CSL also provides a rexec client function, some Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent customization functions, and a few supporting POSIX functions.
• Full-Screen Support Library. SAS/C FSSL functions free you from handling details of IBM terminal communication, enabling more focus and flexibility in full-screen applications development. FSSL provides support for developing full-screen, windowing, and hypertext applications for both the CMS and MVS operating systems. Full-Screen applications would include data entry, system interface screens, and software packages, (including editors and can be used with the wide variety of mainframe terminals), that communicate by using the IBM 3270 data stream format. Applications are completely portable between MVS and CMS.
• Interactive Full-screen Debugger (Including Remote and Cross-Platform Debugging). This feature allows you to find run-time errors and has been designed to help you determine the location of errors in your programs and why the errors are occurring. There are various methods to choose: Full-screen mode, Line-mode, Batch-mode, or Remote. Each method provides many capabilities to enhance your productivity. These include: trace the program flow, request breakpoints to interrupt the program, re-execute or bypass code, single step through the program, perform actions to access and modify expressions, (including structures, unions and arrays), produce a storage analysis report, escape to your operating system's debugger, and execute an EXEC or CLIST.
• Highly Optimized Code. The 'optimize' compiler option enables global optimization, which optimizes the flow of control and data through an entire function. Some of the optimizations performed are register allocation, dead store elimination, moving invariant calculations out of loops, constant propagation and folding, merging common subexpressions, dead code elimination, induction variable transformations, and "very busy" expression hoisting. In addition, inline functions can be defined in conjunction with optimization. The result is a reduction of function call overhead.
• VSAM File Support.
• CICS Command Language Translator. The SAS/C CICS Command Language Translator enables you to develop application programs to run under all IBM supported releases of CICS, including the latest versions of the CICS Transaction Server. Transaction Server support includes processing for the Application Programming Interface, System Programming Interface, and Business Transaction Services. CICS commands may be placed within your C source code, in addition to calling C routines from your COBOL CICS programs.
• Systems Programming Environment. The SAS/C Systems Programming Environment (SPE) is designed to enable the C language to be used as a Systems Programming language in the IBM 370 environment. SPE consists of the support routines needed to execute a C program and a small run-time library that is Systems-Programming oriented. Source code for all of the SPE routines that interface with the operating system is provided, enabling the Systems Programmer to modify the library as required to meet specific application requirements and to maximize efficiency. To further improve performance, the SPE library provides a minimal C runtime environment that uses streamlined prologs and epilogs for all function calls.
• Standard C++ Library. Incorporated into the SAS/C C++ Development System Product are the industry standard Roque Wave libraries: Standard C++ Library and Tools.h++. The SAS/C integration with the Rogue Wave product allows implementations of applications on various operating systems. Inclusion of these libraries results in a large and comprehensive collection of classes and functions for fine-grained, low-level programming. The use of the Standard C++ Library and Standard Template Library results in smaller source code, provides flexibility of using algorithms with C++ pointers and arrays as well as conventional objects. This leads to more efficient coding and faster execution. Also included in the C++ support is C++ Exception Handling, various new functions, keywords and the "long long" data type. The Standard C++ Library is integrated to provide functionality of the Standard Template Library (STL), IOStream library, Locale facility, and various classes as defined in the ISO/ANSI C++ standard.
• Tools.h++® Library. Tools.h++ provides a rich, robust and versatile C++ foundation class library. It encapsulates the Standard C++ Library with an object-oriented interface. Tools.h++ contains features not included in the Standard C++ Library, such as time, date and regular expression classes, enhanced strings, object persistence and virtual streams. Used in tandem with the Standard C++ Library, one can take advantage of the benefits of both low-level generic programming and object-orientation. When you use the Standard C++ Library with Tools.h++ , you get the portability and flexibility of the ANSI/ISO standard, plus the safety and reusability that come with object-oriented design.
• C++ Template Support. In C++, it is common for the same abstract data structure to be applied to different data types. For example, you could have a stack of integers, characters, or pointers. Rather than create a new stack class for each type, a template allows you to write generic type-independent code. A C++ template defines a family of types or functions by creating a parameterized type. Parameterized types can be used wherever actual types can be used. However, the template itself is not a type. The Standard C++ Library and Tools.h++ products provide a comprehensive selection of templates offering essential building blocks to sophisticated code design.
• REXX Support. The SAS/C Library provides an interface that enables you to extend CMS REXX with function packages written in the C language. Function packages add flexibility to the REXX language. In addition to extending the REXX language, function packages can also boost the performance of a REXX program. With function packages written in SAS/C, more complicated or arithmetically intensive functions can be executed in machine code rather than interpreted.
• Support for Database Access. SAS/C provides support for developing applications that use embedded SQL statements in your C code to access data that are in an ORACLE or a DB2 table or in a relational database such as IMS or SQL/DS. You can also use the DL/I call-level interface to access IMS databases from your SAS/C application. (IBM DLL support is being added for SAS/C Release 7.50 that will also enable SAS/C applications to access DB2 data via the DB2 call-level interface.)
• ISPF Support. ISPF panels are provided with SAS/C that enable you to compile, link and debug your SAS/C applications either interactively in TSO or with batch processing. The ISPF panels are designed to make it easier for a programmer who is not familiar with the OS/390 operating environment to use SAS/C. The panels are provided in both CLIST and REXX to facilitate tailoring to your site. You can also write your own ISPF applications that can be used with SAS/C.
• GDDM and Netview Support. SAS/C can be used to develop applications that use IBM's Graphical Display Manager (GDDM) or to customize the NetView Distribution Manager. GDDM functions can be called from a SAS/C application and all of the C language services described in the NetView documentation can be used with SAS/C.
• Limited Distribution Library. SAS/C customers my ship this runtime library to third parties without any associated fees.
• Resident Library Product. This product allows a customer to compile on one operating system (such as CMS) and link on another (such as OS/390).
• Redistribution Library. This package allows a SAS/C customer to ship SAS/C components to a third party. The third party would then be allowed to prelink, link and execute an application at their site.
在SAS / C和的SAS / C + +的产品系列可以为IBM公司zSeries ®通用的开发环境和System/390 ®处理器。 改进和产品功能的SAS /荤7.50F包括支持z / Architecture为指令和64位寻址,IEEE浮点,C99的数学库和数量的C + +语言的增强和扩展。 在SAS / C运行时库,优化和调试环境进行了更新和改进,以全力支持广度的C / C + +的64位寻址,IEEE和C + +的产品功能。 最后,北欧/ C和的SAS / C + +的7.50.06跨为Windows,Linux,Solaris和AIX的编译器产品采用了相同的改进和特性与提供的SAS / C和的SAS / C + +的7.50F为z / OS的。
SAS/C 和 C++开发系统的基本要素为编译器,连接器,全屏幕调试和自由可再发行运行时库。
• 跨平台开发。也有能力,推行交叉发展的C / C + +中在UNIX,Windows 95和Windows NT应用程序使用的SAS / C交叉平台编译器。 预连接输出制作工作站,然后可以转移到最终连接主机。 使用的跨平台编译器的好处是减少主机负载,改善源头管理,提高建设管理和提高编制的转变。
• POSIX和UNIX系统服务MV产品支持。的SAS / C支持的编制和执行的应用程序下运行OS/390 Unix系统服务。 在SAS / C库实现了一个C语言接口操作系统功能由POSIX 1003.1标准规定。 的SAS / C程序员的开发应用,不是严格按照POSIX.1项目或开发的混合模式程序,采取传统的MVS和优势的SAS /荤VSAM和功能,如动态负载模块,以及POSIX的功能,选项,如管道和目录。
• TCP / IP的支持。将SAS / C库还提供了一个完整的伯克利软件分发执行TCP / IP支持(BSD的)UNIX的套接字库接口,同时支持集成(Unix系统服务,号)和非集成插座。 在SAS /交流电插座,图书馆,如IBM的Secureway 商标或计算机联营公司的IT网络开放式架构,允许使用TCP /来自不同厂商的IP产品TCPaccess产品。 在SAS /交流电插座,图书馆提供了与BSD UNIX的MVS和不育系的环境套接字库的兼容性切实可行的最高水平。 程序的唯一的UNIX依赖正在插座或其它UNIX领域的功能已经支持的SAS / C库可以编译和很少或根本没有修改执行。 由于插座功能集成到现有的SAS / C库,不附加功能,对其他MVS和不育系套接字实现的抵触很多是可以避免的。 例如,有额外的头文件没有规定具体的MV产品或CMS,收盘时,读,写操作需要两个文件,插座,正如他们在UNIX操作系统,errno将被错误的使用socket函数代码。
• 间的沟通语言。开发一个多语言的程序从来没有像编程简单的一种语言。 在SAS / ć,跨语言交流(ILC)的支持,最大限度地减少编程困难,降低了详细的知识需要创建强大的多语言课程。 在SAS /荤国际法支持提供程序创建和删除的C执行框架,以及高级语言的COBOL,的PL / I和帕斯卡尔。 它还提供ILCLINK实用工具,多语言自动链接过程,简化了生产多语言模块的任务。
• 连接支持库 (的SAS技术报告C - 113)。 在SAS /荤俊促进网络通信之间的SAS / C程序和其他应用。 CSL是在图书馆和工具的集合,以支持若干分布式(客户机/服务器使用流行的应用协议)的计算,如X Window系统的图形用户界面,新的远程过程调用(RPC)和Sun网络文件系统(NFS)协议。 联俊达还提供了一个rexec客户端函数,一些简单网络管理协议(SNMP)代理定制功能,以及一些支持POSIX的职能。
• 全屏幕支持库。的SAS /荤FSSL职能摆脱IBM的终端处理您的沟通细节,使更多的重点和灵活性,在全屏幕应用的开发。 FSSL发展提供了全屏幕的支持,窗口,并同时为不育系和MVS操作系统的超文本应用程序。 全屏幕的应用将包括数据输入,系统界面屏幕,和套装软件(包括编辑,可以用来与各种主机终端),通信的使用IBM的3270数据流格式。 应用程序是完全便携式MVS和不育系之间。
• 交互式全屏幕调试 (包括远程和跨平台调试)。 此功能允许您找到运行时错误,并已旨在帮助您确定在您的程序错误的地点和错误的原因正在发生。 有多种方法可供选择:全屏模式,线模,批量模式,或远程。 每个方法提供了许多功能,以提高您的生产力。 这些措施包括:跟踪程序流程,要求断点中断程序,重新执行或绕过通过程序代码,单步,执行行动,访问和修改表达式,(包括结构,工会和数组),生产存储分析报告,逃避于您的操作系统的调试器,并执行一个EXEC或CLIST。
• 高度优化的代码。在'优化'编译器选项,使全局优化,从而优化了整个功能,通过控制和数据流。 进行优化的一些寄存器分配,消除死商店,迁出循环不变计算,不断繁殖和折叠,合并共同表达式,消除死代码,归纳变量转换和“非常忙”表达停课。 此外,内联函数可以定义与优化结合。 其结果是一个函数调用的开销减少。
• VSAM文件支持。
• CICS的命令语言翻译。将SAS /荤CICS的命令语言翻译,您可以开发应用程序能够运行在所有支持的IBM的CICS版本,包括CICS事务服务器的最新版本。 事务服务器的支持,包括为应用程序处理的接口,系统编程接口,和商业交易服务。 CICS的命令都可以放置在您的C源代码,除了从您的COBOL调用CICS程序C例程。
• 系统编程环境。将SAS / C系统编程环境(SPE)的目的是使C语言作为在IBM 370系统编程环境使用的语言。 固相萃取包括需要执行一个C程序和一个小的运行时库,系统编程导向的支持例程。 源代码的与操作系统的界面固相萃取例程提供一切,使系统程序员修改库,需要满足特定应用的要求,最大限度地提高效率。 为了进一步提高性能,SPE的图书馆提供了一个最小的C运行时环境,它使用的所有函数调用简化prologs和epilogs。
• 标准C + +库。纳入的SAS /荤C + +开发系统的产品是行业标准罗克波库:标准C + +库和Tools.h + +。 在SAS /权证巨浪产品的整合可以实现对各种操作系统的应用程序。 在列入类和大细职能,全面地收集,这些库成果颗粒,低层次的编程。 在使用标准C + +库和标准模板库源代码在较小的结果,提供使用的算法的灵活性与C + +指针和数组以及常规的对象。 这将导致更有效的编码和更快的执行。 还包括在C + +支持的是C + +异常处理,各种新的功能,关键字和“很长的”数据类型。 标准C + +库的整合,以提供标准模板库(STL),iostream库,区域设置设施,各类功能作为在ISO / ANSI C的定义+ +标准。
• Tools.h + + ®库。Tools.h + +提供了丰富,强大的,多功能的C + +基础类库。 它封装了标准C + +与面向对象的接口库。 Tools.h + +包含的功能不包括在标准C + +库,如时间,日期和正则表达式类,增强字符串,对象持久性和虚拟流。 用于与标准C + +库串联,可以利用两个低级泛型编程和对象的好处取向。 当您使用标准的C + + Tools.h图书馆+ +,你的便携性和灵活性的ANSI / ISO标准,再加上安全性和可重用性,与面向对象的设计来。
• C + +模板技术支持。在C + +,这是共同的抽象数据相同的结构将适用于不同的数据类型。 例如,你可以有一叠整数,字符,或指针。 而不是建立一个新的堆栈每个类型的类,模板允许你写泛型类型无关的代码。 阿C + +模板定义创建一个参数化类型的类型或函数族。 参数化类型可以用于任何类型的实际可以使用。 但是,模板本身不是一个类型。 标准C + +库和Tools.h + +产品提供了全面的选择模板提供的重要基石,以先进的代码设计。
• Rexx的支持。将SAS / C库提供一个接口,使您可以扩展在C语言编写的函数封装不育系音质。 功能包增加弹性,Rexx的语言。 除了延长Rexx的语言,功能软件包也可以增强一个REXX程序的性能。 在编写的SAS /荤,更复杂的算术密集的功能或功能封装,可以执行的机器代码,而不是解释。
• 数据库访问支持。的SAS / C提供开发使用嵌入到您的C代码的SQL语句来访问数据,在Oracle或DB2表或在如IMS或SQL关系型数据库是/副局长应用支持。 您也可以使用的DL /我调用级接口来访问您的SAS / C应用程序的IMS数据库。 (IBM的DLL文件被添加支持的SAS / C的释放7.50,也将启用的SAS / C应用程序来通过的DB2调用级接口DB2数据。)
• ISPF的支持。ISPF的面板提供的SAS / C,它使您可以编译,链接和调试的SAS / C应用程序可以在曹交互或批处理。 在ISPF的面板设计,使其成为程序员谁是不熟悉OS/390操作环境使用的SAS /长容易 该面板提供了两个CLIST和REXX以方便定制您的网站。 您也可以编写自己的ISPF的,可使用的应用程序与SAS /℃
• GDDM和Netview支持。的SAS / C可以用来开发应用程序使用IBM的图形显示管理器(GDDM)或自定义NetView分销经理。 GDDM函数可以调用的SAS / C应用程序和C语言在NetView文档中描述的服务都可以使用与SAS /℃
• 限制分发的图书馆。的SAS /荤的客户我的船这个运行库的第三方没有任何相关费用。
• 驻地图书馆产品。此产品允许客户在一个编译(如CMS)和另一个链接(如OS/390)操作系统。
• 再分配图书馆。此包允许的SAS /荤客户推出的SAS / C标准规范,给第三方。 该第三方将被允许prelink,链接和他们的网站上执行的应用程序。
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