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SAS / ACCESS接口外的现成解决方案,提供企业数据存取与SAS和第三方数据库的集成。的SAS / ACCESS接口,使您的SAS ®解决方案,读,写和更新数据,无论其本地数据库或平台。由于数据显示本机的SAS,没有必要学习结构化查询语言(SQL)或任何其他特定于数据库的查询语言。

通过整合整个企业的SAS / ACCESS软件的所有可用的数据支持你的使命,给您访问完整的,重要的商业决策,最新和准确的企业数据。

通常那些负责IT企业的范围内提供数据存取整个组织秋天业务单位。商业用户,他们的工作可能需要他们来管理数据,以进行也可能有兴趣的SAS / ACCESS技术的具体任务。


获取更多在更多平台上的数据源。的SAS / ACCESS引擎提供无缝和透明的读/写/更新访问60多个数据源,包括关系和非关系数据库,电脑文件格式和数据仓库设备。 (SAS数据测量,可用于访问企业应用程序。)的SAS可以帮助你充分利用所有的竞争优势的企业数据。

直接,容易和安全的本地接口来访问的。没有SQL专业或定制的提取编码是必需的。您可以获得一个对数据的控制高度安全性,因为的SAS / ACCESS荣誉,增强了对目标数据源本身的安全。


支持通过标准的集成,包括的ODBC,JDBC和OLE - DB进行。的SAS / ACCESS接口紧密集成和所有的SAS产品和第三方数据集成解决方案使用。



与SAS /访问接口,您可以访问最流行的平台上最流行的数据库的情况下或SQL的详细知识数据库。该接口允许你将其作为一项普遍可用的资源,可以查看和使用的SAS,无论其格式的数据。

的SAS / ACCESS引擎支持两种手段的整合:LIBNAME引擎和通过基金的传递。该LIBNAME引擎提供了一个无缝和透明的方式表面数据,需要的数据或在路面它需要在SQL最小的知识。提供的通行证,通过基金更大的灵活性,提供用户选择使用自己的自定义SQL语句或修改/保持自动生成的SQL,这将直接传递给他们的数据库服务器。在所有情况下,通过映射的SAS具体声明或数据库功能的具体陈述或职能,采取一切适当的SQL语句可以直接处理在数据库中,提供最佳的性能。

的SAS / ACCESS支持搬迁的SAS到第三方数据存储的数据多工选择。批量加载可以显着提高性能。其他性能增强提供了一个多线程的阅读界面,自动分区的支持,能够传递功能的数据库,可以直接控制处理。



的SAS / ACCESS引擎可以接受的密码编码,数据库管理系统,使他们不以明文形式出现的SAS程序。该软件还使用了身份验证和内部的SAS元数据库中存储的信息登录,或使用由每个数据库系统提供的要求。

Data Access with SAS/ACCESS® Software
Providing data access to more of your data sources so you can make better decisions faster
SAS/ACCESS interfaces are out-of-the-box solutions that provide enterprise data access and integration between SAS and third-party databases. SAS/ACCESS interfaces enable your SAS® solutions to read, write and update data regardless of its native database or platform. Because the data appears native to SAS, there is no need to learn Structured Query Language (SQL) or any other database-specific query languages.
By integrating all available data across the enterprise, SAS/ACCESS software supports your mission-critical business decisions by giving you access to complete, up-to-date and accurate enterprise data.
Typically those responsible for providing enterprise data access to business units across the organization fall within IT. Business users whose jobs may require them to manage data to perform specific tasks also may be interested in SAS/ACCESS technology.
Key Benefits
• Access more data sources on more platforms. SAS/ACCESS engines provide seamless and transparent read/write/update access to more than 60 data sources, including relational and nonrelational databases, PC File Formats and Data Warehouse Appliances. (SAS Data Surveyors are available for accessing Enterprise Applications.) SAS can help you leverage all your enterprise data for competitive advantage.
• Direct, easy and secure access with native interfaces. No SQL expertise or custom coding of extractions is required. You get a high degree of control over data security because SAS/ACCESS honors and augments the native security of the target data source.
• Fast performance and reduced network traffic. The ability to pass database queries, joins and many functions to a target data source for processing reduces network traffic and speeds data access. You also gain faster load times with support for native bulk-load utilities.
• Support for integration through standards, including ODBC, JDBC and OLE-DB. SAS/ACCESS interfaces are tightly integrated and used by all SAS products and solutions for third-party data integration.
• Designed to support both technical and business users. These out-of-the-box access solutions require minimal training and knowledge transfer.
Key Features
• Seamless and transparent data integration
With SAS/ACCESS interfaces, you can access the most popular databases on the most popular platforms without detailed knowledge of the database or SQL. The interfaces allow you to treat data as a generally available resource that can be viewed and used by SAS regardless of its format.
• SQL support
SAS/ACCESS engines support two means of integration: the LIBNAME engine and the Pass-Through Facility. The LIBNAME engine provides a seamless and transparent way to surface data and requires minimal knowledge of the data or the SQL required for surfacing it. The Pass-Through Facility provides greater flexibility, offering users the option to use their own custom SQL statements or to modify/keep automatically generated SQL, which will be passed directly to their database server. In all cases, by mapping SAS specific statements or functions to database specific statements or functions, all appropriate SQL statements can be processed directly inside the database, providing the best possible performance.
• Bulk-loading and other performance features
SAS/ACCESS supports multiple loading options for moving data from SAS into third-party data stores. Bulk loading can significantly enhance performance. Other performance enhancements are provided by a multi-threaded read interface, support for automatic partitioning, the ability to pass functionality to the database and the ability to directly control processing.
• Temporary table support
You can create a temporary table that can be accessed by multiple SAS processes. This provides performance gains when the same data is required for different steps in a session. Performance increases can also be realized by using temporary tables for heterogeneous joins.
• Metadata integration
DBMS metadata can be accurately maintained within the SAS Metadata Repository.
• Data integrity and security
SAS/ACCESS engines can accept encoded DBMS passwords so they do not appear as clear text in SAS programs. The software also uses the authentication and log-in information stored within the SAS Metadata Repository or uses the requirements provided by each database system.

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