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Three key components comprise SAS OpRisk Management:
• SAS® OpRisk Monitor, a Web-based application that collects, manages, tracks and reports information about operational loss events, key risk indicators, risk-assessment maps and control-assessment scores. Download the OpRisk Monitor fact sheet(PDF)
• SAS® OpRisk VaR, a sophisticated, yet user-friendly analytic VaR (Value at Risk) model that enables users to slice, dice, drill-down, adjust, trend and plot operational loss data at will, following a fully transparent, intuitive and sequential process.
• SAS® OpRisk Global Data, a comprehensive database of external loss data that enriches the statistical sample used for modeling, documenting more than 18,000 publicly reported operational loss events of $100,000 or more. Download the OpRisk Global Data product brief(PDF)
These components equip financial institutions with the tools needed to measure and manage operational risk in conformity with industry best practices and the New Basel Accord (Basel II). In alignment with the approaches used by top-tier risk advisory firms, SAS OpRisk Management enables financial institutions to:
• Establish a systematic framework for capturing risk factors and relationships.
• Assess risk exposures and impacts across the entire organization.
• Optimize capital reserves by improving the internal control environment.
• Integrate external loss and severity databases into the internal loss database.
• Share intelligence through scorecarding, notification and custom reports.
• Provide full visibility into the sources and logic behind report results.
• Comply with national and international regulatory requirements.
SAS OpRisk Management 由三个关键部分组成 :
• SAS ® OpRisk Monitor。它是一种基于Web的应用程序,收集,管理,跟踪和报告经营亏损事件,关键风险指标,风险评估图和控制评估分数等方面的信息。
•SAS ® OpRisk VaR。它是一个精密、用户友好型的风险价值分析模型。用户可以用它slice, dice, drill-down, adjust, trend and plot经营损失数据,整个过程是完全透明的,直观的、循序渐进的。
• SAS® OpRisk Global Data,这是一个外部损失数据综合数据库,它丰富了统计样本,用些样本可以对超过18000例公开报道的10万美元以上的经营亏损的事件建模,记录。

这些组件为公司提供了它们所需的工具,公司根据最佳业界操作风险措施和新巴塞尔协议,用这个工具对经营损失进行计量和管理。这与顶级风险咨询公司所采用的方法一致。SAS OpRisk Management能让公司进行以下操作:
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