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ODBC Drivers
20071042230 张秉顺
What Is ODBC?
ODBC stands for Open Database Connectivity. ODBC is an interface standard that provides a common application programming interface (API) to access databases. Most software that runs in the Windows operating environment follows this standard for data access so that you can access data created by a variety of software applications.
ODBC functionality is provided by three main components:
the client application
the ODBC Driver Manager
the ODBC driver
Components of ODBC Functionality displays components of ODBC functionality. The ODBC Driver Manager, which was developed by Microsoft, manages the interaction between a client application and one or more ODBC drivers.
What Is the SAS ODBC Driver?
The SAS ODBC driver is an implementation of the ODBC interface standard that enables you to access, manipulate, and update SAS data sources from applications that are ODBC compliant. As Components of ODBC Functionality shows, the SAS ODBC driver uses a SAS server to access data from your SAS data sources. The SAS server can be a local and minimized SAS session or a remote SAS/SHARE server. (For more information, see SAS Servers.) If you use other ODBC drivers (such as an ODBC driver for Oracle or SQL Server) to access other data sources, those ODBC drivers might require additional software components.
1. 客户申请
2. ODBC驱动管理员
3. ODBC驱动
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