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SAS/LABSAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件® 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

葛海聪 20071042224 07国贸二班
SAS/LAB software provides guided data analysis for meeting the day-to-day analytical and data presentation needs of engineers and scientists. SAS/LAB software is a component of SAS System software data analysis capabilities.
A fully integrated component of the SAS System, the software includes specific capabilities for engineers and scientists. Commonly required capabilities for analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and regression analysis are closely linked with graphical tools that produce scatter plots, histograms, box-and-whisker plots, and contour plots. An on-line journal facility allows you to store text and graphical output, software-generated analysis interpretation, and personal comments.
Engineers can use SAS/LAB software for observational studies, for determining variation in manufactured products or processes, and for analyzing data from simple experiments -- all through a suggestion-driven interface. Everything from data transformation to analysis of variance and regression can be accomplished with minimal statistical expertise -- and all from within an environment designed for users to solve commonly encountered problems quickly and easily.
Research Scientists
With SAS/LAB software, research scientists may conduct routine, day-to-day analyses with minimal statistical training. Research and development staff are provided with on-line guidance for basic univariate and bivariate statistics, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and regression analysis, as well as graphical tools for producing scatter plots, histograms, and box-and-whisker plots. SAS/LAB software presents the most appropriate choices at each step of the analysis, provides a journal facility for saving results, and offers extensive context-sensitive help.
Statistical Consulting Staff
Computing professionals who support a large number of researchers -- many of whom only need to perform routine analyses (such as analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and regression analysis) - find SAS/LAB software to be a key consulting partner. Not only does the software make end users more productive, it frees up the statistical consulting staff for more sophisticated statistical analysis.
The SAS System
Now installed in sites on six continents, the SAS System provides modular applications that are fully integrated, allowing organizations to tailor the software to their specific information needs.
The SAS System brings together an organization's two most strategic assets -- its people and the information with which they work. The SAS System is designed to:
• Satisfy the needs of different kinds of people, from computer novices to seasoned professionals -- from business analysts and programmers to scientists, statisticians, engineers, and executives.
• Transform data - in any format, from any source - into a generalized corporate resource available to any application or any user.
• Deliver applications that fit the diverse needs of the entire enterprise, from the factory floor to the executive suite.
• Maximize the effective use of an organization's computing resources, from the desktop to the data center and virtually everywhere in between.
The functionality of the SAS System is built around the four primary data-driven tasks common to virtually any application; data access, data management, data analysis, and data presentation. And surrounding this functionality is a rich and productive applications development environment for automating any or all of these tasks to meet specific applications requirements.
We'll show you how SAS/LAB software can become an integral part of your computing strategy, and how you can use the SAS System to meet the data processing needs of your organization today, and in the future.


SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®
SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®提供满足日常的日常分析和数据演示指导数据分析的工程师和科学家的需要。SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®是SAS的系统软件数据分析能力的组成部分。
工程师们可以使用的SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®的观察研究软件,在确定产品或生产过程中的偏差,并从简单的分析实验数据-全部通过一个建议驱动接口。从数据一切转变为方差分析和回归分析,可以以最小的统计专业知识完成-从所有被设计为用户解决一个环境经常遇到的问题快捷方便。
与SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®,科研人员可以以最小的训练日进行日常统计分析。研究和开发人员被提供了在线的基本单因素和二元统计、方差分析、协方差分析和回归分析以及图形化工具生产散点图,直方图,以及箱线图。SAS(赛仕) /实验室软件列出的每一步骤的分析是最适当的选择,提供了为保存结果并提供广泛的相关的帮助的一种工具。
计算机专业中支持大量的研究人员-其中许多人只需要进行常规的分析(如方差分析,协方差分析,回归分析) ,找到SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®是一个关键的咨询伙伴。该软件不仅使其最终用户的工作效率提高,它还释放了需要更复杂的统计分析的统计咨询人员。
我们将向您展示如何的SAS(赛仕) /向导式的数据分析软件®可以成为您的计算战略的组成部分,以及如何使用的SAS系统以满足您的组织今天和未来数据处理需求。

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