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SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server enables organizations to extract, transform and load data from across the enterprise to create consistent, accurate information. An intuitive, point-and-click process design desktop makes it easy to build logical process workflows, quickly identify the input and output data flows, and create business rules in metadata, all of which enable the rapid generation of data warehouses, data marts and data streams.

SAS also provides unparalleled technical support and professional services, giving organizations the flexibility to go beyond the robust prepackaged transformations to build unique routines without fear of losing vendor support for custom work.

Enables rapid generation of data warehouses, data marts and data streams.

Lets you create ETL processes that are reusable, easily modified and have embedded data quality processing.

Increases returns on existing IT investments by providing multiple-platform scalability and interoperability.

A powerful, yet easy-to-use transformation user interface that supports collaboration, reuse of processes and common metadata.
Single or multiple-source data acquisition, transformation, cleansing and loading to create data warehouses, data marts, or BI and analytic data stores.
Metadata is captured and documented throughout the data integration and transformation processes and is available for immediate reuse.
Transformations can run on any platform with any data source.

提取、 转换和加载 (ETL)

SAS 企业数据集成服务器能使组织可以在整个企业中提取、转换和加载数据,从而创建一致、 准确的信息。 一个直观的、通过单击的桌面设计可以轻松生成逻辑流程工作流、 快速识别输入和输出数据流,并且建立商业规则,所有这些能够使数据仓库、 数据集市和数据流迅速更新换代。
SAS 还提供无与伦比的技术支持和专业的服务,它的灵活性可以给组织提供强健的预先包装转换,建立唯一的惯例,同时,没有失去自定义供应商支持的危险。
允许快速生成数据仓库、 数据集市和数据流。
允许您创建可重用、简单修改的和有嵌入数据质量处理的 ETL 过程。
通过提供多平台可伸缩性和互操作性,增加对现有 IT 投资的回馈。

单个或多个源数据采集、转型、清理及加载来创建数据仓库、 数据集或 BI 和分析数据存储区。

More than 300 predefined table and column-level transformations.
Ready-to-use analytical transformations, including correlations and frequencies, distribution analysis and summary statistics.
Transformation Generator wizard or Java plug-in design templates for creating reusable and repeatable transformations that are tracked and registered in metadata.
Transformation processes are callable through custom exits, message queues and Web services, so they are reusable in many different projects and different technology environments.
Transformations can be executed interactively and scheduled to run in batch at set times or based on events that trigger execution.
Framework for publishing information to archives, a publishing channel, e-mail or various message-queuing middleware.
Easily refresh, append and update during loading.
Optimize loading techniques with user-selectable options.
Database-aware loading techniques, including bulk load facilities, index and key creation, and dropping and truncating of e tables.
Ability to easily design, create and load OLAP cubes.

超过 300 个可预定义的表和列级转换。
随时可用的分析转换,包括关系和频率、 配置分析和统计数据。
通过自定义退出、 消息队列和 Web 的服务器,转化过程是可调用的,所以它们在很多不同的项目和不同的技术环境中可重用。
转换可以以交互方式执行,并计划在处理中运行设置时间或基于触发执行的事件。 信息发布到档案、 发布通道、 电子邮件或消息流的框架。
轻松刷新、 追加和更新期间加载。
数据库拥有加载技术,包括大容量加载设施、 索引和密钥创建,以及删除并截断电子表。
能够轻松地设计、创建并加载 OLAP 多维数据集。
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