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IT Management with SAS庐 IT Intelligence 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

SAS IT Intelligence is a comprehensive solution that helps you optimize IT resources, services and financial impact, all in support of strategic business goals. It provides powerful tools to anticipate and align the right mix of physical and virtual IT resources to meet business demands, and assess IT performance and costs across your infrastructure. From every vantage point you can increase the business value of IT, ensuring high quality of IT services as you manage risk and minimize the cost of delivery.
The SAS solu tion made it possible for us – and our customers – to better exploit changes in our offerings and pricing.

在IT管理中运用SAS IT智能
SAS IT智能能广泛的解决多种问题那样他能够帮助你使IT资源、服务以及所有支持你商业战略目标的东西最优化和减小对财政的冲击力。它为预测和把正确混合的实物和虚拟的IT资源连成一线从而符合商业的需求、评估IT性能和你基础设施的所花费的费用提供了强有力的工具。当你冒险管理和希望在提交的报告中把消耗减得的最低从任何一个有利点你都可以增加IT的商业价值,确保高质量的IT服务
Components of IT Management with SAS® IT Intelligence
• SAS IT Resource Management – Assess availability and forecast IT resource requirements to deploy the right IT resources at the right time.
• SAS IT Service Level Management – Set, monitor and document service targets to measure and improve quality of IT services.
• SAS IT Charge Management – Measure delivery costs of any process that uses IT, to identify cost-cutting opportunities and optimize expenditures.
For customers who have adopted a VMware Infrastructure, be sure to learn about SAS® IT Intelligence for VMware Infrastructure.
Sas iT资源管理-----有效估计和预测IT资源从而提高IT 服务的质量。
Sas it服务水平管理——制定、检测和成文规定服务的目标从而提高服务水平。
Sas it收费管理——规划任何使用it资源的过程所使用的费用,明确费用,减少支出的机会,使支出达到最优。
对于那些采用VMware基础设施的消费者,一定要确保学习关于VMware基础设施的 sas it智能

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