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FRIEDMAN, MILTON 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

Loved and loathed; perhaps the most influential economist of his generation. He won the ,NOBEL PRIZE FOR ECONOMICS in 1976, one of many CHICAGO SCHOOL                    economists   to receive that honour. He has been recognised for his achievements in the study of CONSUMPTION, monetary history and theory, and for demonstrating                       how comple-x   policies aimed at economic STABILISATION can be.

A fierce advocate of free markets, Mr Friedman argued for MONETARISM at a time when KEYNESIAN policies were dominant. Unusually, his work is readily accessible to the           layman. He argues that the problems of INFLATION and short-run UNEMPLOYMENT would be solved if the Federal Reserve had to increase the MONEY SUPPLY at a constant rate.

Like ADAM SMITH and FRIEDRICH HAYEK, who inspired him, Mr Friedman praises the free market not just for its economic EFFICIENCY but also for its moral strength. For him,
freedom--economic, political and civil--is an end in itself, not a means to an end. It is what makes life worthwhile. He has said he would prefer to live in a free country, even if it did
not provide a higher standard of living, than a country run by an alternative regime. However, the likelihood of a free country being poorer than an unfree one strikes him as
implausible; the economic as well as the moral superiority of free markets is, he has declared, "now proven".

Like ADAM SMITH and FRIEDRICH HAYEK, who inspired him, Mr Friedman praises the free market not just for its economic EFFICIENCY but also for its moral strength. For him,
freedom--economic, political and civil--is an end in itself, not a means to an end. It is what makes life worthwhile. He has said he would prefer to live in a free country, even if it did
not provide a higher standard of living, than a country run by an alternative regime. However, the likelihood of a free country being poorer than an unfree one strikes him as
implausible; the economic as well as the moral superiority of free markets is, he has declared, "now proven".

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