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时间调整特别条款 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

时间调整特别条款 编辑本段回目录

       C440 时间调整特别条款
  E440 Time Adjustment Clause
  It is agreed and understood that any loss of or damage to the insured property arising during any one period of seventy two (72) consecutive hours, caused by storm, typhoon, tempest, flood or earthquake shall be deemed as a single event and therefore to constitute one occurrence with regard to the Excesses provided for herein, For the purpose of the foregoing the commencement of any such seventy two (72) hour period shall be decided at the discretion of the Insured it being understood and agreed, however, that there shall be no overlapping in any two or more such seventy two (72)hour periods in the event of damage occurring over a more extended period of time.
  This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.


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