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电子信箱:huobaofeng@mail.xjtu.edu.cn; baofenghuo@gmail.com


霍宝锋博士是西安交通大学管理学院运营管理领域的助理教授,他拥有香港中文大学运营管理专业博士学位和天津大学管理科学与工程专业硕士、管理信息系统专业学士学位。霍博士的教学领域包括运营管理、物流与供应链管理、实证研究方法论(empirical research methods)、结构方程模型(structural equation modeling)等。他的研究领域包括物流与供应链管理、企业间关系管理、跨文化运营管理。他曾获得多个最佳论文奖,包括Chan Hahn Award (Academy of Management, 2007, 亚太地区首次获此奖) 和杰出供应链管理论文奖 (Decision Sciences Institute, 2008). 他的研究被接受或发表在Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Business Horizons等国际知名期刊。他是Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics等期刊的审稿人。他主持或参与了多项重要国际合作项目,包括主持有8个国家和地区参与的跨文化供应链管理的项目和参与有10个国家合作的高绩效制造业企业管理项目。

2007年,哲学博士(运营管理专业),香港中文大学商学院 [论文题目:权力、关系承诺、供应链整合与绩效的探索性研究(导师:赵先德)]

2002年,工学硕士(管理科学与工程专业),天津大学管理学院 [论文题目:基于BPR与供应链管理的ERP理论及应用研究(导师:刘伯莹)]

1999年,工学学士(管理信息系统专业),天津大学管理学院 [论文题目:MRPⅡ系统的BOM子系统的研究与开发]

1. 供应链管理领域:供应链整合、供应链协作/合作/协调、供应链与公司战略
2. 关系管理领域:依赖性、信任、权力、关系承诺等
3. 物流领域:第三方物流、物流战略、服务质量、物流外包
4. 跨文化研究

1. 研究方法课程:实证研究方法、结构方程模型、行为科学研究法、定量研究法
2. 专业课:物流管理、供应链管理、运营管理、服务管理、ERP

1. Flynn, B.B, Huo, B, Zhao, X. "The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach". Journal of Operations Management, 2009, forthcoming. (国际A+类期刊, UTD24种期刊, SSCI检索)
2. Yeung, J., Selen, W., Zhang, M., Huo, B. “The Effects of Trust and Coercive Power on Supplier Integration”. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 120, No. 1, 2009, pp. 66-78. [国际B类期刊, SCI检索]
3. Huo, B., Selen, W., Yeung, J., Zhao, X. “Understanding Drivers of Performance in the 3PL Industry in Hong Kong”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.28, No.8, 2008, pp.772-800. [国际B类期刊, SSCI检索]
4. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Flynn, B., Yeung, J. "The impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Integration between Manufacturers and Customers in a Supply Chain". Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2008, pp. 368-388. (国际A+类期刊, UTD24种期刊, SSCI检索)
5. Flynn, B., Zhao, X., Huo, B., Yeung, J. “We’ve Got the Power! How Customer Power Affects Supply Chain Relationships”. Business Horizons, Vol. 51, 2008, pp. 169-174. [国际C类期刊]
6. Yeung, J., Selen, W., Sum, C.C. Huo, B. "Linking Financial Performance to Strategic Orientation and Operational Priorities: An Empirical Study of Third-Party Logistics Providers", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.36, No.3, 2006, pp.210-230. [国际C类期刊]
7. Yue, B., Huo, B., Xie, B., Zhao, Y, Liu, B, "Study on the Network Intrusion Session Model", Journal of Tianjin University, Vol.36, No.2, 2003, pp.254-256. (in Chinese)
8. Huo, B., Liu, B., Yue, B., Xie, B. "Research on Network Attacks and Security Countermeasures",Computer Engineering, Vol.28, No.8, 2002, pp.9-11. (in Chinese)
9. Huo, B., Liu, B, 2001, "Sustainable Development and Ecomaterials", Journal of Tianjin University, Vol.34, No.1, pp.90-94. (in Chinese)

1. Huo, B., Zhang, M., Zhao, X., “The mediating effect of trust between relationship importance and supply chain integration: Evidences from China”, The 40th annual meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November, 2009.
2. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Selen, W., Yeung, J., “The Impact of Ownership on Relationship Commitment and Supply Chain Integration in China”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009.
3. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Flynn, B.B., “Power used in Chinese supply chains: A taxonomy perspective”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2009.
4. Huo, B., Zhang, M., Zhao, L., Zhao, X., “Relationship management and supply chain integration: Literature review and a research framework”, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan, China, Jul.-Aug. 2009.
5. Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Huo, B., “Developing operations strategies in the supply chain context”, The Third International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Wuhan, China, Jul.-Aug. 2009.
6. Flynn, B.B., Huo, B., Zhao, X., “Emergent Supply Chain Patterns and Their Impact on Performance”, The 39th annual meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Louisiana, USA, November, 2008. [Distinguished SCM Track Paper Award]
7. Zhao, X., Zhou, H., Huo, B., “Business Environment, Supply Chain Information Sharing and Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Study in China”, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, August 2008.
8. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Selen, W., Yeung, J., “The Impact of Relationship Commitment and Internal Integration on External Integration: Empirical Evidence from China”, The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taiwan, Jul.-Aug. 2008.
9. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., Zhou, D., “Supply Chain Integration and its Impact on Performance: Literature Review”, The First International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management in China, Xi’an, China, June 2007.
10. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., “The Impact of Power on Relationship Commitment in Supply Chains”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2007.
11. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Flynn, B., Yeung, J., “Impact of Power and Relationship Commitment on Manufacturer-Customer Integration in A Supply Chain”, Proceedings of the 2007 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, Aug. 2007. [Chan Hahn Award]
12. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Nie, W., "A Taxonomy of Supply Chain Integration in China", Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Hong Kong, June 2006.
13. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., “Power, Relationship Commitment and Supply Chain Integration Between Manufacturers and Suppliers”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business, Hong Kong, Dec. 2005.
14. Zhao, X., Nie, W., Huo, B., Yeung, J., “The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Company Performance and Supply Chain Performance in China”, Proceedings of the 65th Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2005.
15. Huo, B., Yeung, J., Zhao, X., “Competitive Hostility, Operation Priority and Performance of Logistics Services Providers in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming, China, July 2005.
16. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., “Trust, Relationship Commitment and Supply Chain Integrations in China”, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electronic Business, Beijing, China, Dec. 2004.
17. Yeung, J., Zhao, X., Huo, B., “Strategic Postures of 3PL Providers in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Shanghai, China, July 2003.

1. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Selen, W., Yeung, J., "The Impact of Relationship Commitment and Internal Integration on External Integration: Empirical Evidence from China". Under the second review for publication in Journal of Operations Management, 2009.
2. Huo, B., Nie, W., Zhao, X., Yeung, J., "The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Company Performance and Supply Chain Performance in China", Under review for publication in International Journal of Production Economics, 2009.
3. Huo, B., Zhang, M., Zhao, X., "The mediating effect of trust in supply chain integration: Evidence from China", Under review for publication in International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2009.
4. Zhao, X., Huo, B., Selen, W., Yeung, J., "The impact of ownership on relationship commitment and supply chain integration in China". Under review for publication in Production and Operations Management, 2009.
5. Zhao, X., Zhou, H., Huo, B., “Business Environment, Supply Chain Information Sharing and Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Study in China”, Under review for publication in Decision Sciences, 2009.
6. Lai, F., Tian, Y., Huo, B., “Relational Governance and Opportunism in Logistics Outsourcing Relationships: Empirical Evidence from China”, Under review for publication in European Journal of Operational Research, 2009.
7. Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Huo, B., Zhao, X., "Developing operations strategies in the supply chain context: Evidence from China", Under review for publication in International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2009.
8. Huo, B., Zhao, X., Lai, F., “Supply chain quality integration: A global empirical study”, Under review for publication in International Journal of Production Research, 2009.
9. Zhao, L., Huo, B., Sun, L., Zhao, X., “The impact of supply chain risks on supply chain integration and performance: A global investigation” Under review for publication in International Journal of Production Economics, 2009.
10. Huo, B., Qi, Y., Wang, Z., Zhao, X., “Strategic Antecedents of Supply Chain Integration and Their Impacts on Company Performance: Evidence from China”, Under review for publication in International Journal of Production Research, 2009.

决策科学学会(Decision Sciences Institute)、管理学会(Academy of Management)成员
期刊审稿人:Journal of Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal, Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, etc.

1. 01/2010-12/2012:主持人,基于企业间关系管理的供应链整合的实证研究,国家自然科学基金
2. 08/2009-07/2011:主持人,基于信任的供应链信息共享机制研究,西安交通大学校内基金
3. 01/2008-现在:研究员,中国3PL供应商与用户之间关系的控制机制研究(进行中,与香港中文大学、南开大学合作)
4. 07/2007-现在:研究员,关系管理与3PL服务质量(进行中,与香港中文大学合作)
5. 01/2007-现在:研究员,高绩效制造项目(进行中,国际合作项目)
6. 09/2005-现在:主持人/研究员,关系管理与供应链整合的跨文化研究(进行中,国际合作项目:中国大陆、香港、台湾、美国、日本、意大利、巴西、韩国等)
7. 06/2005-现在:研究员,3PL外包与服务质量研究:用户观点(进行中,与香港中文大学合作)
8. 06/2006-02/2007: 研究员,珠江三角洲快递行业的竞争力研究(与CAPEC (成员包括DHL, FedEx, TNT, 和 UPS)合作)
9. 06/2006-02/2007: 研究助理,中国的决策科学研究(利丰供应链管理与物流研究所资助)
10. 12/2002-12/2006: 研究助理,亚洲可视化供应链管理(欧盟资助)
11. 12/2002-06/2005: 研究助理,香港3PL供应商的战略地位(香港中文大学资助)
12. 11/2000-09/2001: 研究助理,全球制造业标杆研究(国际合作项目)
13. 04/2000-07/2001: MRPII/ERP顾问、系统分析员,中外建发展股份有限公司CIMS工程(中外建发展股份有限公司资助)
14. 03/2001-06/2001: 系统分析员,MRPII系统构建(天津大学-IBM计算机中心资助)
15. 11/1999-08/2001: 研究助理,ERP系统网络侵入模型研究与实施(天津市青年科学基金资助)
16. 03/1999-06/1999: 系统分析员、程序员,MRPII子系统构建与设计(天津自行车三厂资助)

1. 02/2008-现在: 助理教授,西安交通大学管理学院
2. 09/2007-01/2008: 博士后,香港中文大学
3. 07/2007-09/2007: 助理研究员,香港中文大学
4. 12/2002-07/2007: 研究助理,香港中文大学商学院
5. 12/2002-11/2005: 助教(《服务运营与质量管理(MBA)》(2005)、《运营管理》(2005)、《运营竞争优势(MBA)》(2004)、《服务质量管理》(2004)、《全面质量管理》(2003)、《经济学》(2003)),香港中文大学商学院
6. 07/2002-10/2002: 产品顾问(全职),北京双汇软件公司
7. 07/2001-06/2002: 讲师(兼职)(《高级软件工程》(2002)、《软件工程》(2001), 5个班级),天津广播电视大学
8. 09/1999-06/2002: 助教(《管理信息系统》(2000-2002)、《数据结构》(1999-2002)),天津大学管理学院

1. 2009年,最佳“运营/制造战略与实践”论文奖,国际运营与供应链管理会议
2. 2008年,最佳“供应链管理”论文奖,决策科学学会(Decision Sciences Institute)
3. 2007年,Chan Hahn Award,管理学会(Academy of Management)
4. 2001年,最佳研究生论文二等奖,天津大学研究生院
5. 1999年,最佳研究生论文一等奖,天津大学研究生院



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