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 徐寅峰,男,1962年9月生,运筹与控制专业博士,管理科学与工程专业博士后。现为教育部“长江特聘教授”,西安交通大学管理学院教授、博士生导师,国际期刊Information编委,陕西省运筹学学会理事长,中国运筹学会企业运筹学分会副理事长。
学 历

1998年07月至今, 西安交通大学管理学院教授,博士生导师。

1995年05月至1995年07月,美国,North Carolina大学,访问研究副教授;
1996年03月至1996年08月,加拿大Memorial 大学、Waterloo大学、Saskatchewan大学、York大学进行合作研究;
2005年08 月至2005年09月,澳大利亚 Deakin University,访问教授。


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l 科研项目 编辑本段回目录









l 组织的主要学术活动

1、2005年作为会议主席(另两位主席为Nimrod Megiddo (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA),Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA))于2005 年6月22-24日在西安交通大学学术交流中心举办第一届国际算法与管理会议,AAIM 2005(The First International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management);该会议论文集是Springer出版社的Lecture Notes in Computer Science系列(卷号:3521),并全部被SCI收录。会议中的优秀论文已经发表在Theoretical Computer Science的专刊上。

2、2006年与陕西几所高校及科研单位联合发起并成立了陕西省运筹学学会(Operations Research Society of Shaanxi Province, 简称ORSSH),致力于推动运筹学科的发展及其在陕西省经济建设中的作用。2006年12月9日在西安交通大学管理学院举行陕西省运筹学学会第一次会员大会。

3、2007年作为会议主席(另两位主席为Andreas Dress(中国科学院上海生命科学研究院计算生物学研究所所长),Binhai Zhu (Montana State University, USA))于2007年8月12日至8月15日在西安交通大学学术交流中心举办第一届组合优化与应用国际会议,COCOA 2007(The First International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications);该会议论文集是Springer出版社的Lecture Notes in Computer Science系列(卷号:4616);会议中的优秀论文被推荐发表在Journal of Combinatorial Optimization国际期刊的专刊中。

l 学术论著
客座主编 (Guest Editor)
1. Megiddo N, Xu YF, Zhu BH, Algorithms automata complexity and games, Theoretical Computer Science, 2006, 363(3)
2. Aurenhammer F, Xu YF, Optimal triangulations, Encyclopedia of Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 160-166.
3. Xu YF, Minimum weight triangulations, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, Vol.2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 617-634.
(1) SCI国际期刊
4. Zheng FF, Xu YF, Zhang E, How much can lookahead help in single machine scheduling. Accepted by Information Processing Letters, 2007.
5. Xu YF, Dai WQ, Katoh N, Ohsaki M, Triangulating a convex polygon with fewer number f non-standard bars. Theoretical Computer Science. In press. Available online 15 August.2007.
6. Xiao P, Xu YF, Su B, Finding an anti-risk path between two nodes in undirected graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization. In press. Available online 12 August.2007.
7. Dong YC, Xu YF, Li HY,Dai M, A comparative study of the numerical scales and the prioritization methods in AHP. European Journal of Operational Research. in press. Available online 7 March 2007.
8. Dong YC, Xu YF,Li HY, On consistency measures of linguistic preference relations. European Journal of Operational Research. In press. Available online 16 June 2007.
9. Dong YC, Li H Y, Xu YF, On reciprocity indices in the aggregation of fuzzy preference relations using the OWA operator. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. In press. Available online 28 June 2007.
10. Xu YF, Xu WJ, Li HY, On the on-line rent-or-buy problem in probabilistic Environments. Journal of Global Optimization, 2007, 38 (1): 1-20.
11. Zheng FF, Xu YF,Zhang E, On-line production order scheduling with preemption penalties. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2007, 13(2): 189–204.
12. Poon CK, Zheng FF,Xu YF, On-demand bounded broadcast scheduling with tight deadlines. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2007, 18(2):251-262.
13. Dai WQ, Xu YF, Zhu BH, On the edge l_{infinity} Radius of saitou and nei's method for phylogenetic reconstruction. Theoretical Computer Science, 2006, 369: 448–455.
14. Zheng FF, Chin FYL, Fung SPY, Poon CK, Xu YF, A tight lower bound for job scheduling with cancellation. Information Processing Letters, 2006, 97 (1): 1-3.
15. Xu YF , Dai WQ, Zhu BH, A lower bound on the edge radius of Saitou and Nei's method for phylogenetic reconstruction. Information Processing Letters, 2005, 94 (5), 225-230.
16. Ma WM, Xu YF, You J, Wang KL, On the k-Truck Scheduling Problem. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2004, 15(1): 127-141.
17. Cheng MX, Cardei M, Cheng XC, Wang LS, Xu YF, Du DZ, Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks for Energy Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2004, 53(12):1629-1635.
18. Lu B, Xu YF, Zhu BH, Du DZ, On a minimum linear classification problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 2003, 26:435-441.
19. Aurenhammer F, Katoh N, Kojima H, Ohsaki N, Xu YF, Approximating uniform triangular meshes in polygons. Theoretical Computer Science, 2002, 289 (2): 879-895.
20. Ma WM, You J, Xu YF, On the on-line number of snacks problem. Journal of Global Optimization 2002, 24(4): 449-462.
21.Wolff A, Thon M, Xu YF, A simple factor 2/3 approximation algorithm for two-circle point labeling. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 2002, 12: 269–282.
22. Ma WM, Xu YF, Wang KL, Online k-truck problem and its competitive algorithms. Journal of Global Optimization 2001, 21: 15-25.
23. Cheng SW, Xu YF, On β-skeleton as a subgraph of a minimum weight triangulation. Theoretical Computer Science, 2001, 262: 459-471.
24. Xu YF, Ye JC, Zhu BH, Computing the degree-4 shortest network under a given topology. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2000, 23: 437-448.
25. L Cai, Xu YF, B Zhu, Computing the optimal bridge between two convex polygons. Information Processing Letters, 1999, 69:127-130.
26. Wang CA, Xu YF, Computing a MWT of a spare point set. Journal of Global Optimization, 1999, 15(1): 73-83.
27. Aichholzer O, Aurenhammer F, Rote G, Xu YF, Constant-Level greedy triangulation approximate the MWT well. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 1999, 2(4): 361-369.
28. Wang C, Chin F, Xu YF, A new subgraph of minimum weight triangulations. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 1997, 1 (2): 115-127.
29. Aichholzer O, Aurenhammer F, Cheng SW, Katoh N, Rote G, Taschwer M, Xu YF, Triangulations intersect nicely. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 1996, 16(4): 339-359.
(2) 其他国际期刊
30. Yi FL, Xu YF, Xin CL, On the online Dial-A-Ride problem with time-windows. Information, 2007, 10(2): 161-169.
31. Li CQ, Xu YF, Li HY, An empirical study of dynamic customer relationship management. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2005, 12(6): 431-441.
32. Su B, Xu YF, Xu Y, Zhu ZJ, Online recoverable canadian traveler problem on a road. Information, 2004, 7(4): 477-486.
33. Xu YF, Wang K, Zhu B, On the k-taxi problem. Information, 1999, 2 (4): 429-434.

34. Dress A, Xu YF, Zhu B, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, First International Conference, COCOA 2007, 14-16.
35. Dong YC, Xu Y F, Xu WJ, On the on-line rental problem with risk and probabilistic forecast. FAW’2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4613: 117-123.
36. Yi FL, Xu YF, Xin CL, Online dial-a-ride problem with time-windows under a restricted information model, AAIM’2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4041:22-31.
37.Xu YF, Yan HH, Real time critical edge of the shortest path in transportation networks, TAMC’2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3959: 198-205.
38. Dong YC, Xu Y F, Consistency measures of linguistic preference relations and its properties in group decision making. FSKD’2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4223: 501-511.
39. Megiddo N, Xu YF, Zhu B, Algorithmic Applications in Management, First International Conference, AAIM 2005, 22-25.
40. Xu YF, Dai WQ, Katoh N, Ohsaki M, Triangulating a convex polygon with less number of non-standard bars, COCOON’2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3595: 481-489.
41. Xu YF, Xin CL, Yi FL, new results on on-line replacement problem. WINE’2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3828: 554-563.
42. Ding LL, Xu YF, Hu SH, The Bahncard problem with interest rate and risk, WINE’2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3828: 307-314.
43. Hu ML, Xu YF, Xu WJ, Online algorithms for the vehicle scheduling problem with time objective. WINE’2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3828: 574-583.
44. Xu YF, Xu WJ, Competitive algorithms for on-ling leasing problem in probabilistic environments. ISNN'2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3174: 725-730.
45. Xu YF, Dai WQ, Optimal triangulation: old and new problems. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Global Optimization, 2005: 263-267.
46. Su B, Xu YF, Online recoverable canadian traveler problem. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2004, 3: 633-639.
47. Su B, Xu YF, Decision making and analysis for unexpected road blockages. ICEB’2004, 2: 1130-1135.
48. Zhu ZJ, Xu YF, Online one-way trading with fixed transaction cost. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2004, 1:1773-1777.
49. Yan HH, Xu YF, Guo Q, Review on evaluating theory and models of intellectual capital. Proceedings of the International Conference on Management of innovation and Technology managing Total Innovation in the 21st Century, 2004: 588-592.
50. Xu YF, Li CQ, The optimal reward programs structural elements: designing and analysis. Lecture Note in Decision Sciences, Advances in Risk Management, Global-link Publisher, Hong Kong London, Tokyo, 2004, 4: 256-270.
51. Li CQ, Xu YF, Optimal mixed marketing strategies: a new methodology in customer relationship management. Lecture Note in Decision Sciences; Advances in Risk Management Global-link Publisher, Hong Kong London, Tokyo, 2004, 4: 287-296.
52. Rote G, .Wang CA, Wang L, Xu YF, On constrained minimum pseudotriangulations. COCOON’2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2697: 445-454.
53. Ma WM, Xu YF, You J, Liu J, Wang K, New results on the k-truck problem. COCOON 2002, 504-513.
54. Qin Z, Wolff A, Xu YF, Zhu B, New algorithms for two-label point labeling. ESA’2000, 368-379
55. Qin Z, Xu YF, Zhu B, On some optimization problems in obnoxious facility location, COCOON’ 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1858: 320-329.
56. Aurenhammer F, Katoh N, Kojima H, Ohsaki M, Xu YF, Approximating uniform triangular meshes in polygons, COCOON’2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1858: 23-33.
57. Mirzaian A, Wang C, Xu YF, On stable line segments in triangulations. CCCG’1996: 62-67.
58. Wang C, Chin F, Xu YF, A new subgraph of minimum weight Triangulations. ISAAC’1996: 266-274
59. Cheng SW, Xu YF, Approaching the largest beta-skeleton within a minimum weight triangulation. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1996: 196-203
60. Wolff A, Thon M, Xu YF, A better lower bound for two-circle point labeling. ACP’2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1969: 422-431.
61. Cheng S, Xu YF, Constrained independence system and triangulations of planar point sets. COCOON’1995: 41-50.
62. Yang B, Xu YF, You Z, A chain decomposition algorithm for the proof of a property on minimum weight triangulations. ISAAC’1994: 423-427

63. Ye J, Xu YF, Chen Q, On the minimum spanning tree determined by n points in the unit square. Chinese Journal of Mathematics, 1999, 14(2): 76-82.
64. Xu YF, On the minimum distance determined by n (≤7) points in an isoscele right triangle. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 1996, 12(2): 169-175.
65. Xu YF, Dong FM,On graphs with zero determinant of adjacency matrices. Mathematica Applicata, 1996, 9(2): 254-255.
66. Xu YF, Zhou D, Improved heuristics for the minimum weight triangulation problem. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 1995, 11(4): 359-368.

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10、2000年获第6届国际计算与组合年会为最佳论文颁发的Hao Wang奖(与奥地利、日本学者合作)。



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