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(工作经历) 编辑本段回目录

2000 — Director of Corporate Restructuring and Strategic Innovation and Control Program of Xi’an Jiaotong University. 2000 — Chair of Organization and Management Department, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1999—2000 Chair of Corporate Management Department, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1998 — Professor of Corporate Management and Finance, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1995 — 1996 Post Doctoral Fellow in Corporate Restructuring and Business Process reengineering at University of Alberta and University of Saskatchewan in Canada. 1994 — 1998 Associate Professor of Corporate Management and Finance, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1988 — 1994 Lecturer of Corporate Management and Finance, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1983 — 1988 Assistant of Corporate Management, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

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论文、著作及教材 编辑本段回目录


Main Publications in refereed Journals from 1997 to 2002:
“An Options-based Model of Bank Interest Rate Risk Exposure,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Engineering Management, with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Theory and Practice on System Engineering.
“Research on Re-pricing of the Executive Stock Options,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Engineering Management.
“Structure of Managerial Compensation and Dispersion of Firm Value,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Engineering Management.
“The Determinants of Optimal Level of Stock Option,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Engineering Management.
“Control Over Interest Rate Risk of Bank’ Asset/Liability Sheet with Embedded Options,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Theory and Practice on System Engineering.
“The Curvature Improving on the Linear Incentive Contract,” with D. Luo, 2002, Journal of Engineering Management.
“Asymmetric Information and Model of Long-term Reward Incentive to R&D Force,” with L. Sun, 2001, Journal of System Engineering.
“Study of Innovative Growth Modes of Small Sized Hi-Tech Enterprises in China,” with W. Zhu, 2001, Journal of China Soft Science.
“Study of Industrial Organization Innovation and Restructuring in Western Part of China,” with Y. Wang and W. Zhu, 2001, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University.
“Study of Knowledge Management on the Basis of Organization Learning in Chinese Enterprises,” with W. Zhu, 2001, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University.
“Study of the Domination Vicissitudes of Risk Investment Ventures before and after IPO,” with D. Luo, 2001, Journal of International Finance.
“Study of the Process Reengineering Oriented Business Strategy Simulation System,” with Y. Qu, 2000, Journal of Theory and Practice on System Engineering.
“Supermodular Function and System Analysis of Corporate Restructuring,” with X. Wu, 2000, Journal of Theory and Practice on System Engineering.
“Strategic Leverage, Core Competence and Corporate Technology Innovation Strategy,” with W. Zhu and Y. Wang, 2000, Journal of Scientific Research Management.
“Intangible Liabilities and Staff-placement in State-owned Enterprise\'s Restructuring Process of China,” with W. Zhu, 1999, Journal of China Industrial Economy.
“Study of the Prototyping Development of Enterprise Environmental Information Scanning Systems in China,” with Z. Yan, 1998, Journal of Theory and Practice on System Engineering.
“Study of Reengineering Corporate Organizations Using Artificial Neural Network,” with Y. Wang, 1998, Journal of China Mechanical Engineering.
“Corporate Restructuring on the Basis of Core Competence and Its Organizational Economic
Analysis,” with X. Wu, 1998, Journal of Econometrics and Technological Economics.
“Study of Information Technological Application in Chinese Corporate Reengineering,” with Y. Qu, 1998, Journal of China Soft Science.
“Study of Chinese Corporate Competitiveness under the Influence of Knowledge Property Rights Protection,” with P. Wang, 1997, Journal of Scientific Research Management.
“Status Quo, Improvement and Productivity and Organizational Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprises in China,” with Y. Wang, 1997, Journal of Econometrics and Technological Economics.



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