期权价外状态 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
期权价外状态 期权价外状态
Out of the Money
Qiquan jiawai zhuangtai
参见In the Money(期权价内状态)。
At the Money(期权平值状态)
An option is described as being out of the money when the current price of the underlying instrument is below the strike or exercise price for a call (an option to buy), and above the strike price for a put (an option to sell). Options can also be described as being deep out of the money when they are likely to expire out of the money.
Out of the Money
Qiquan jiawai zhuangtai
参见In the Money(期权价内状态)。
At the Money(期权平值状态)
An option is described as being out of the money when the current price of the underlying instrument is below the strike or exercise price for a call (an option to buy), and above the strike price for a put (an option to sell). Options can also be described as being deep out of the money when they are likely to expire out of the money.
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