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        张春教授现为上海中欧国际工商学院副教务长,金融会计系主任,荷兰银行风险管理学讲席教授,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院博士生导师。加入中欧之前,张春教授在美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)卡尔森管理学院(Carlson School of Management)担任金融学教授17年,是国际知名的公司金融学家。
        张春教授于1982年获华东师范大学理学学士学位(数学专业),1983年获美国俄勒冈(Oregon)大学数学硕士学位,1987年获美国西北大学凯洛格管理学院(Kellogg School of Management)管理经济学和决策科学博士学位,并曾任教于凯洛格管理学院。这之后,1987-2006年张春教授在美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)大学卡尔森管理学院(Carlson School of Management)担任金融系助理教授、终身副教授,最后成为终身教授。其间还担任了各种教授职务,于1995-1996年担任中国留美经济学会会长,1998-2001年担任美国明尼苏达大学明尼苏达银行业讲席教授,2002-2005年担任清华大学经管学院金融学特聘教授,2004-2006年担任复旦大学管理学院金融学特聘教授,2005-2006年担任美国明尼苏达大学银行与金融学讲席教授。
        而且,他现在是国际研究中国经济的权威英文学术期刊《中国经济评论》(China Economic Review)的执行主编,同时还是《中国金融评论》、《经济学季刊》、《经济学报》、《经济学与金融学年刊》等几家杂志的编辑。

主要著作 编辑本段回目录

[1]"The Dynamic Structure of Optimal Debt Contracts" Journal of Economic Theory, October, 1990.
[2]"Capital Structure as an Optimal Contract between Employees and Investors" Journal of Finance, July 1992.
[3]"Optimal Liquidation Rule and Debt in the Principal-Agent Model" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Economics Letters, 40, 1992.
[4]"Payout Policy, Capital Structure, and Compensation Contracts when Managers Value Control" Review of Financial Studies, 1993.
[5]"The Nature of Township-Village Enterprises" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics 19, 434-452, 1994.
[6]"A Framework for Understanding Differences in Employment Stability and Human Capital Investment" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 28, 91-105, 1995.
[7]"Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information: the Pigovian Conjecture Revisited" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Journal of Labor Economics, 14, 505-519, 1996.
[8]"Some Empirical Implications of a Model of Human Capital Investment under Asymmetric Information" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Research in Labor Economics, 16, 103-117, 1997.
[9]"Moral Hazard under Commercial and Universal Banking" (with John Boyd and Bruce Smith), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 30, 426-468, 1998.
[10]"Towards a Model of the Organizations in China as a Partially Reformed Developing Economy" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), China Economic Review 1998.
[11]"Capital Structure as Optimal Contracts" North American Journal of Economics and Finance 10, 363-385, 1999.
[12]"Choosing between Up-or-Out and Spot Contracts: Human Capital Investment versus Job-Matching Considerations" (coauthored with Yijiang Wang), Annals of Economics and Finance, 1, 189-210, 2000.
[13]"Deposit Insurance: A Reconsideration" (with John Boyd and Bruce Smith), Journal of Monetary Economics 49, 1235-1260, 2002.
[14]"Incentive Contracting versus Ownership Reforms: Evidence from China’s Township-Village Enterprises" (with Brian McCall and Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics 31, 414-428, 2003.
[15]"Deposit Insurance and Bank Regulation in a Monetary Economy: a General Equilibrium Exposition" (with John Boyd and Bruce Smith), Economic Theory, 2004.
[16]"Investment Opportunities, Liquidity Premiums and Conglomerate Mergers" (with Xiaoyun Yu), Journal of Business 77, 45-74,2004.
[17]Corporate Finance for Chinese Entrepreneurs, Peking University Press, 2006




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