莫琳·奥哈拉(Maureen O'Hara) 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
奥哈拉教授是Review of Financial Studies的主编,《金融中介杂志》的共同主编,也是众多金融期刊的副主编。是Investment Technology Group(ITG)指导委员会的成员,担任该组织薪酬委员会的主席。她还曾为一些公司和组织提供咨询,包括微软,美林, 瑞士信贷第一波士顿(Credit Suisse First Boston), 纽约证券交易所, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, 以及世界交易所联合会(the World Federation of Exchanges)。
近期主要著作 编辑本段回目录
Market Microstructure Theory, (Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, Mass.: 1995). Japanese edition published by (Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Tokyo, 1996).
“Can Transparent Markets Survive?” Journal of Financial Economics, (with R. Bloomfield), 2000
“When the Underwriter is the Market Maker: An Examination of Trading in the IPO Aftermarket,” Journal of Finance, (with K. Ellis and R. Michaely), 55(3), 2000, 1039-1074.
“The Interaction of Law, Finance, and Markets,” Journal of Financial Intermediation, (with J. Macey) 9 (2000), 113-116.
“The Accuracy of Trade Classification Rules: Evidence from Nasdaq,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (with K. Ellis and R. Michaely), 35,(4), 2000, 529-551.
“How Stock Splits Affect Trading: A Microstructure Approach”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, (with D. Easley and G. Saar), 36 (1), 2001, 25-51.
“Designing Markets for Developing Countries”, International Review of Finance, 2(4), 2001. Also published in SASIN Management Review, 7, APFA supplement, December 2001.
“Overview: Market Structure Issues in Market Liquidity”, in Market Liquidity: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at the BIS, BIS Papers, No. 2 (2001), April, Basel, 1-8.
“The Economics of Listing Fees and Listing Requirements,” Journal of Financial Intermediation, (with J. Macey),11 (2002), 297-319.
“Is Information Risk a Determinant of Asset Prices?” Journal of Finance, (with D. Easley and S. Hvidjkaer), 57(5), 2002, 2185-2223.
“The Making of a Dealer Market: From Entry to Equilibrium in the Trading of NASDAQ Stocks”, Journal of Finance, (with K. Ellis and R. Michaely), 57(5), 2002, 2289-2317.
“Solving the Corporate Governance Problems of Banks: A Proposal,” The Banking Law Journal, (with J. Macey), 120(4), 2003, 326-348.
“The Corporate Governance of Banks”, FRBNY Economic Policy Review, (with J. Macey), April 2003, 91-107. Reprinted in The ICFAI Journal of Bank Management, 2(3), August 2003, 35-56.
“Microstructure and Asset Pricing”, in the Handbook of Financial Economics, ed. by G. Constantinides, M. Harris, and R. Stulz, Elsevier- North Holland, (with D. Easley), 2003.
“Presidential Address: Liquidity and Price Discovery,” Journal of Finance, 58 (4), 2003, 1335-1354.
“Information and the Cost of Capital,” Journal of Finance, (with D. Easley), 59, 2004.
“Searching for a New Center: U.S. Securities Markets in Transition,” Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Fourth Quarter 2004.
“The “Make or Take” Decision in an Electronic Market: Evidence on the Evolution of Liquidity”, Journal of Financial Economics, (with R. Bloomfield and G. Saar), 75(1), 2005, 165-200.
“Best Execution Regulation: From orders to markets,” Journal of Financial Transformation, (with J. Macey) February, 2005, 43-55.
“Stock Transfer Restrictions and Issuer Choice in Trading Venues,” Case Western Reserve Law Review, (with J. Macey), 55(3), Spring 2005, 587-616.
“From Markets to Venues: Securities Regulation in an Evolving World,” Stanford Law Review (with J. Macey), 58(2), November 2005, 563-598.
“Optimal Microstructures,” European Financial Management Review, forthcoming.
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