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李海洋 Haiyang LI 编辑本段回目录

Assistant Professor of Innovation and Strategic Management
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management
Rice University
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005
Phone: 713-348-4194 Fax: 713-348-6331
E-mail: haiyang@rice.edu


Ph.D. City University of Hong Kong, 1998 Major Field: Innovation and Strategic Management
Dissertation Title: Marketing Strategy and New Venture Performance in China’s Transitional EconomyM.A. (Business Economics) Renmin (People’s) University of China, 1994
B.A. (Economics) Renmin (People’s) University of China, 1991

2008 - Present Associate Professor (with tenure), Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University
2005 – 2008 Assistant Professor, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University
2001 – 2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Texas A&M University, College Station
1999 – 2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing & International Business, Lingnan University of Hong Kong
1998 – 1999 Research Fellow, Department of Management, City University of Hong Kong

Business Strategies and Technology Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies
Product Innovation and Project Team Management in Technology-Based Firms
Multinationals’ R&D Investment and Joint Ventures in Emerging Markets

Strategic Management
nnovation and Technology Management


2007 Co-Chair of Strategic Management Society Special Conference on “China Strategies”, Shanghai, China, May 29-30, 2007.
2005 Chair of the Roundtable at the China-U.S. Relations Conference, Beijing, China.

Doctoral Consortium Faculty, International Management Division of Academy of Management Annual Conference, Hawaii.

2004 Finalist of the Best Paper in Macro Management Award, International Association of Chinese Management and Research (IACMR) Inaugural Meeting, Beijing, China.

2003 Finalist of the Haynes Prize Award at Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting, Monterey, California.

Finalist of AIB Best Paper Award at Academy of International Business (AIB) annual Meeting, Monterey, California.

Chair of the Roundtable at the China-U.S. Relations Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station.

2001 Winner of the Best Paper Award in the Sales SIG track of the 2001 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona


2008- Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship
2006- Editorial Board, Academy of Management Journal
2005- Editorial Board, Journal of High Technology Management Research
2005- Editorial Board, International Journal of Emerging Markets
2005- Editorial Board, Multinational Business Review


1. Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, 2007. “The role of managers’ political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China’s transition economy”. Strategic Management Journal, 28: 791-804.2. Zhang, Yan, Li, Haiyang, Hitt, Michael, and Geng Cui, 2007. “R&D Intensity and performance of international joint ventures in an emerging market: Moderating effects of market focus and ownership structure.” Journal of International Business Studies, 38(6), 944-960.

3. Li, Haiyang and Jun Li, “Top Management team conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making in China.” Forthcoming in Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

4. Li, Haiyang, Bingham, J., and Umphress, E. 2007. Fairness from the top: Perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development.” Organization Science, 18(2): 200-216.
· Findings of this paper will be reported at the Marriott Alumni Magazine.

5. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2006. “The effects of formal controls on supervisee trust in the manager in new product selling: Evidence from young and inexperienced salespeople in China”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23: 342-358.
· An earlier version of the paper won the Best Paper Award in the Sales SIG track of the 2001 American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.
· An earlier version of the paper was summarized and reviewed at Allbusiness.com by Ram Krishnan and Madhu Wiswanthan.

6. Atuahene-Gima, K., Haiyang Li, and Luigi M. De Luca, 2006. “The contingent value of marketing strategy innovativeness for product development performance in Chinese new technology ventures.” Industrial Marketing Management, 35: 359-372.

7. Hitt, M., Li, Haiyang, and Willington, W. 2005. “Emerging markets as learning laboratories: Learning behaviours of local firms and foreign entrants in different institutional contexts.” Management and Organization Review, 1(3): 353-380.

8. Li, Haiyang, Yan Zhang, and T.S. Chan, 2005. “Entrepreneurial strategy making and performance in China’s new technology ventures — The contingency effect of environments and firm competences.” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 16(1): 37-57.

· The reprint of the paper has been included in Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, Haiyang Li (Ed. 2006), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.

9. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2004. Strategic decision comprehensiveness and new product development outcomes in new technology ventures. Academy of Management Journal, 47(4): 583-597.

10. Li, Haiyang and John Bingham, 2003. Collaborative problem solving and decision justice in new product development. Best Paper Proceedings at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2003, Seattle. This paper is also nominated for the Best Practice Award in the Business Policy and Strategy Division at the Academy of Management.

11. Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2002. The adoption of agency business activity, product innovation, and performance: A study of new technology ventures in China. Strategic Management Journal, 23(6): 469-490. Lead article.
· This paper was reprinted in Business Networks and Strategic Alliances in China (2007), edited by S.R. Clegg, Y. Wang, & M. Berrell, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

12. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, 2002. When does trust matter? Antecedents and contingent effects of supervisee trust on performance in selling new products in China and the United States. Journal of Marketing, 66(3): 61-81.
· Findings of the paper was summarized by Hong Kong Economic Journal, April 08, 2002, p. 22.

13. Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, 2002. Founding team comprehension and behavioural integration: Evidence from new technology ventures in China. Best Paper Proceedings at Academy of Management Annual Conference, Seattle.

14. Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2001. Product innovation strategy and the performance of new technology ventures in China. Academy of Management Journal, 44(6): 1123-1134.
· This article was ranked as the 13th most impactful entrepreneurship article published in the top business journals during 2001 based on citations in 2002-2006 by the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurship Studies at the University of Southern California.
· Findings of this paper have been reported in Entré, a magazine published by Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

15. Li, Haiyang, 2001. How does new venture strategy matter in the environment-performance relationship? Journal of High Technology Management Research, 12(2): 183-204.

16. Yan Zhang and Li, Haiyang, 2001. The control design and performance in international joint ventures: A dynamic evolution perspective. International Business Review, 10(3): 341-362.

17. Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 2001. The impact of R&D and marketing interaction on new product performance: An empirical analysis of Chinese high technology firms. International Journal of Technology Management, 21(1/2): 61-75.

18. Li, Haiyang, Kwaku Atuahene-Gima and Yan Zhang, 2000. How does new venture strategy matter in the environment-performance Relationship? Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Toronto, August, 2000.

19. Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku and Haiyang Li, 2000. Marketing’s influence tactics in new product development: A study of high technology firms in China. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17(6): 451-470.

20. Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, 1999. Marketing’s influence and new product performance in Chinese firms. Journal of International Marketing, 7(1): 36-58.

1. Yan Zhang and Haiyang Li, forthcoming, Theorizing China-related strategy research: Learning from review processes. In Chen, Xiaoping., Tsui, Anne, & Farh, Larry (Eds.) Management Research Methods (in Chinese).

2. Li, Haiyang and Michael A. Hitt. 2006. Growth of new technology ventures in China: An introduction. In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, pp. 3-10. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.

3. Li, Haiyang and Toyah Miller. 2006. New ventures in emerging markets: Comprehensive review and future directions. In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, pp. 11-24. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.

4. Li, Yuan, Dan Li, Haiyang Li, and Yongbin Zhao. 2006. “The effect of organizational reward and control on firm innovation and financial performance in Chinese technology firms.” In Haiyang Li (Ed.), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, pp. 196-218. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.

5. Zhang, Yan and Haiyang Li. 2004. “International joint venture control: An integrated framework.” In S.B. Prasad & P.N. Ghauri (Eds.), Global Firms and Emerging Markets in the Age of Anxiety: A Contributed Research Volume, pp. 147-169. Westport, CT: Praeger.

6. Xu, Yan and Haiyang Li. 2002. “From politics to markets: A case study of firms’ strategic adaptation in China’s transitional economy.” In A. Tsui & C.M. Lau (Eds.), The Management of Enterprises in the People’s Republic of China, pp. 159-181. Kluwer Academic Publishers. This book with our paper included has been translated into in Chinese and published by Peking University Press, Beijing, 2004.

1. Li, Haiyang (Ed.) (2006), Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., MA: Northampton.

2. Guo, Guoqing, Li, Haiyang, Niu, H., Guo, X. and Zhang, Y. (Eds.) (1999), The General Principles of Marketing (in Chinese). Beijing: People’s University Press. (This book has been selected as the Key Textbook in marketing by the Ministry of Education in China.)

3. Li, Haiyang and Haipeng Niu (Eds.) (1996), Service Marketing (in Chinese). Beijing: Business Management Press of China.

4. Guo, Guoqing, Li, Haiyang, Li, X. and H. Niu (Eds.) (1996), Principles of Marketing (in Chinese). Wuhan: Wuhan University Press.

5. Qu, Yunbo and Haiyang Li (1994), The Practices of Marketing Planning (in Chinese). Beijing: Commercial Press of China.


1. Zhang, Yan, Haiyang Li, and Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, “Inter-community relationships and community growth in China’s high technology industries 1988-2000”, under second-round R&R in Strategic Management Journal.

2. Zhang, Yan and Haiyang Li, “Creating more from less: Ties with service intermediaries and product innovation in Chinese new ventures”, under R&R in Strategic Management Journal.

3. Li, Haiyang, Holmes, M., and Hitt, M. “Why do multinationals establish their R&D facilities in an emerging market: Theory and empirical evidence from China.” Under review in Strategic Management Journal.

4. Zhang, Yan, Haiyang Li, Yu Li, and Li-An Zhou, “FDI spillovers and domestic firm productivity in an emerging market—The role of competition among FDIs”, under review in Academy of Management Journal.

5. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, “Strategic decision comprehensiveness, decision quality, and new product performance: An empirical test.” Under review in Organization Science.

1. Li, Haiyang, Zhang, W., and Zhou, L. “Ownership and new venture survival during economic transition: Evidence from China’s high technology industries.” Under preparation for Strategic Management Journal.

2. Li, Haiyang, Schoonhoven, K., and Y. Zhang, “Localized resource conditions and growth of organizational communities: Evidence from China’s national technology development zones 1988-2000”. Under preparation for Strategic Management Journal.

3. Li, Haiyang and Dan Li, “Getting out of organizational decline: Does strategic alliance formation matter?” Under preparation for Academy of Management Journal.

4. Li, Haiyang, “Profiting from collaborative innovation by new ventures: Evidence from China’s high technology industries” Under preparation for Academy of Management Journal.

5. Li, Haiyang, Technology entrepreneurship in China’s emerging market. Invited submission to Asia Pacific Journal of Management.


Guest speaker on “Technology entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment in China” in the Global Business Forum: China in the Global Economy at Baylor University, Waco, Feb. 27-29, 2008.

“Why do multinationals establish their R&D facilities in an emerging market: Theory and empirical evidence from China.” Paper presented at the Samsung Economic Research Institute (SERI) in Beijing, Jan. 14, 2008. This paper was also presented in the Department of Management at Baylor University on Feb. 29, 2008.

Innovation and Technology Panel at the Wharton China Business Form 2007 in Philadelphia, March 24. I gave a talk on “Technology innovation and entrepreneurship in China”.

Keynote speaker, “Innovation and learning in Chinese new technology ventures”, International Symposium on Marketing and Innovation, Hangzhou, China, June 16.

Panellist in the Workshop of “Building a balanced research-centered academic career”, Philadephia, August 2.

Panelist in the Workshop of “Doing strategy management research in China”, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadephia, August 4.

Panelist on “Opportunities and challenges in the emerging Asian market” in the Asian Business Student Association Annual Conference, Rice University, September 14.

Showcase panel on “Advances in learning, knowledge and innovation”, Academy of International Business Annual Conference 2006, Beijing, China.“Technology entrepreneurship in China’s emerging market”, Glasscock School of Continuing Studies, Rice University, March 9.“Institutional embeddedness, strategic choice and survival of technology ventures in China’s transition economy 1995-2003.”, School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing, June 28.
“Growth of high technology industries in China”, an invited presentation for Shell’s Financial Consulting Group (Houston), November 4.
“Survival and growth of new technology ventures in China.” an invited presentation for a CIBER-sponsored conference held at the University of Connecticut on “Doing Business in Brazil, Russia, China, and India” on April 29-30.
Effective management localization in MNC subsidiaries: Evidence from China”, an invited presentation for the International Human Resources Management Conference by National Foreign Trade Council (Washington, D.C.), Houston.
Ties with service intermediaries: How do they matter in Chinese new technology ventures?” an invited presentation at the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, June 28.2003
Chair and Speaker of the roundtable discussion of “New venture growth strategies in China’s high technology industries: Internal growth versus strategic alliances with foreign direct investment”, at the conference on “China-U.S. Relations: Past, Present, and Future”, November 5-8, College Station, Texas, USA.
“High technology industries and new venture growth in China”, an invited presentation for MBA students at McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin on February 3.
“Technology innovation in China”, an invited presentation for MBA students at Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University on February 26.

1. Li, Haiyang, Schoonhoven, C., and Zhang, Y. “Growth of industrial communities: Evidence from China’s technology development zones 1988-2001.” Presented at Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia.

2. Zhang, Y. and Li, Haiyang “Ties with service intermediaries and product innovation: Evidence from Chinese new technology ventures.” Presented at Asia Academy of Management annual conference 2006, Tokyo, Japan.

3. Li, Haiyang and Y. Zhang. “The role of manager’s political networking and functional experience in new venture performance: Evidence from China’s transition economy.” Presented at Academy of International Business annual conference 2006, Beijing, China.

4. Zhang, Yan, Li, Haiyang, and Claudia B. Schoonhoven, “Exploring the relationship between geographic proximity and growth in China’s technology development zones: Implications for national technology development”. Presented at International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) annual conference 2006, Nanjing, China.

5. Li, Haiyang and Miller, T. “New ventures in emerging markets: Comprehensive review and future directions.” Presented at Academy of International Business annual conference 2005, Quebec City, Canada.

6. Li, Haiyang and Y. Zhang. “Technology innovation strategies, strategic flexibility and performance in Chinese technology ventures.” Presented at Academy of International Business annual conference 2005, Quebec City, Canada.

7. Li, Haiyang, Holmes, M., and Hitt, M. “Why do multinationals establish their R&D facilities in an emerging market: Theory and empirical evidence from China.” Presented at Academy of Management Annual Conference 2005, Hawaii.

8. Li, Haiyang, Zhang, W., and Zhou, L. “Growth of high technology new ventures in China’s transition economy: A longitudinal study.” Presented at Academy of Management Annual Conference 2005, Hawaii.

9. Li, Haiyang, Schoonhoven, K., and Y. Zhang, “The evolution of communities of industrial populations: Evidence from China technology development zones 1988-2000”. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Conference 2005, Hawaii.

10. Li, Haiyang, Schoonhoven, K., and Y. Zhang, “Factors affecting the growth of China’s high technology development zones: Evidence from 1988-2000”. Presented at the Professional Development Workshop “Growth strategies of China’s High Technology Ventures”, Academy of Management annual conference 2004, New Orleans.

11. Li, Haiyang and Dan Li, “Getting out of organizational decline: Does strategic alliance formation matter?” Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2004, New Orleans.

12. Li, Haiyang, Yan Zhang, and T.S. Chan, “The contingency value of entrepreneurial posture in technology-based new ventures in China.” Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2003, Seattle.

13. Ulenbruck, Klaus Li, Haiyang, and Michael Hitt, “Firm resources and strategic flexibility in a transition economy: Evidence from the Czech Republic.” Accepted for presentation at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2003, Seattle.

14. Zhang, Y., Li, Haiyang, and Geng Cui, “Technology innovation propensity of international joint ventures in an emerging economy.” This paper was accepted for presentation as a Competitive Paper at the 2003 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting in Monterey, California, July 5-8.

15. Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, “Perceptions of dominant problems and strategic choices in new technology ventures: Evidence from China.” Presented at the Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 2003, Baltimore.

16. Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang, “Growth of Chinese High Technology Zones: 1991-2000” Presented at the “China-U.S. Relations: Past, Present, and Future” International Conference organized by Texas A&M University on November 5-8, 2003.

17. Li, Haiyang and Jun Li, “Environment, Founding Team Attributes and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Chinese Technology Ventures.” Presented at Academy of Management Conference 2002, Denver, Colorado.

18. Zhang, Y., Li, Haiyang, and Geng Cui, “Capability development and performance in international joint ventures in China’s transitional economy.” Accepted for presentation at Academy of Management Conference 2002, Colorado and Academy of International Business Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 28 – July 1, 2002.

19. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, “The Effects of Control Systems on Salesperson Trust in the Sales Manager: A Contingency Model and Empirical Test in the Context of New Product Launch,” winner of the Best Paper Award in the Sales SIG track of the 2001 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference.

20. Atuahene-Gima, K. and Haiyang Li, “New Product Decision Comprehensiveness and Performance in Entrepreneurial High Technology Firms,” presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 2001.

21. Zhang, Yan and Haiyang Li (2000), “Partners’ Credible Threat in the International Joint Venture Game—A Game Theoretic Approach to the Control-Performance Relationship,” presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Toronto, August, 2000.

22. Li, Haiyang and Kwaku Atuahene-Gima (1999), “Product Innovation and Performance of New Technology Ventures in China”. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, August, 1999.

23. Li, Haiyang and Yan Zhang (1998), “Dynamic Designs of International Joint Ventures: Empirical Evidence from Chinese-Japanese Cases”. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, August, 1998.

24. Atuahene-Gima, K., Haiyang Li, and Kamel Michael (1997), “The Determinants of Salespeople Commitment to Sell New Products: An Empirical Analysis”. Proceedings of Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Annual Conference, Monterey, California, October, 1997.

25. Li, Haiyang and K. Atuahene-Gima (1996), “R&D and Marketing Interaction in New Product Development: Review, Assessment and Future Research”. Proceedings of Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Conference, Atlanta, 1996.

26. Atuahene-Gima, K., Li, Haiyang and Kamel Micheal (1996), “Determinants of Adaptive Selling: A Self-Regulation and Learning Perspective”. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Wollongong, Australia, 1996.

27. Li, Haiyang and K. Atuahene-Gima (1996), “Marketing’s Influence on R&D in New Product Development: A Conceptual Framework”. Proceedings of the McMaster Business Conference’96, Hamilton, Canada, 1996.

2005 Research roundtable of “Learning and Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s High Technology Industries: Domestic Ventures vs. Foreign Entrants” (co-chaired with Michael A. Hitt and Ming Lei), at the international conference on “China-U.S. Relations: Trade, Diplomacy and Research”, jointly hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Texas A&M University, the George Bush School of Government and Public Service, and the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, on November 14-17, 2005 in Beijing (US$5,000)

2003 Research roundtable proposal titled, “New venture growth strategies in China’s high technology industries: Internal growth vs. alliances with foreign direct investment” was funded by the international conference, “China-U.S. Relations: Past, Present, and Future” organized by Texas A&M University, which was held on November 5-8, 2003 (US$5,000)

2002 The Spring 2002 International Research Travel Assistance Grant from Texas A&M University (US$2,000) on the project “Antecedents and consequences of product innovation propensity in international joint ventures in China”.

2002 Research Fund from CIBS on the project “Firm resources and strategic flexibility in transition economy (US$4,800).

2000 Growth of High Technology Ventures in China: The Role of Business, Technology, and Financial Strategies (Principal Investigator, funded by Lingnan University, RES-004/200, HK$99,600).

2000 Knowledge Management and New Product Development: An Exploratory Study in China’s High Technology Firms (Principal Investigator; funded by Lingnan University, HK$29,500).

1999 Top Management Team, Business Strategy and New Venture Performance: An Exploratory Study in China’s High Technology Industries (Principal Investigator; funded by Lingnan University, HK$27,900).

1999 Sales Control Systems in New Product Launch in High Technology Firms (Associate Investigator; Other Member: Dr. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, PI; funded by CityU HK$162,000).

1998 Antecedents and Consequences of Compensation Strategies of New Product Managers (Principal Investigator; funded by CityU HK$56,500).


Member of Dissertation Committee
1. Jun Li (2003-2004), Ph.D. in strategaic management, Texas A&M University.
2. Low Yi Jia, (2002-) Mphil in Management, City University of Hong Kong.
3. Yuan Ma (2003-), Ph.D in Management, City University of Hong Kong.

Ad-hoc Reviewer for Academic Journals and Conferences:
1. Academy of Management Review
2. Administrative Science Quarterly
3. Asia Pacific Journal of Management
4. International Journal of Technology Management
5. Journal of International Business Studies
6. Journal of Management
7. Journal of Management Studies
8. Journal of High Technology Management Research
9. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
10. Journal of Small Business Management
11. Management Science
12. Management and Organization Review
13. Organization Science
14. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
15. Academy of Management Conference
16. Academy of International Business Conference
17. International Association of Chinese Management Research Conference

Other Professional Services
1. Panel member for the 1st Annual Conference of Asian Business Student Association (ABSA), Rice University, Sept. 14, 2007.

2. Co-Chair, Strategic Management Society Special Conference “China Strategies”, Shanghai, China, May 29-30, 2007.

3. External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation of Mr. Fu Keung Eddie Yu, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2007.

4. Conference Program Committee member, International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) 2006 Conference, June 15-18, Nanjing, China.

5. Co-Chair of the research roundtable of “Learning and Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s High Technology Industries: Domestic Ventures vs. Foreign Entrants” (with Michael A. Hitt and Ming Lei), at the international conference on “China-U.S. Relations: Trade, Diplomacy and Research”, jointly hosted by the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Texas A&M University, the George Bush School of Government and Public Service, and the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, on November 14-17, 2005 in Beijing.

6. Organizer of Professional Development Workshop “Growth strategies of China’s High Technology Ventures”, Academy of Management annual conference 2004, New Orleans. Michael Hitt (discussant, Texas A&M), Jonathan Brookfield (Texas A&M), Jin Chen (Zhejiang U.) Yuan Li (Xi’an Jiaotong U.), Shaker Zahra (Babson Colleage), and Yan Zhang (Rice U.).

7. Chair of the research roundtable of “New venture growth strategies in China’s high technology industries: Internal growth versus strategic alliances with foreign direct investment”, at the conference on “China-U.S. Relations: Past, Present, and Future”, featuring Former President George Bush, Former Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, Former Secretary of State Mr. James Baker III, Former National Security Advisor General Brent Scowcroft, Former Vice Premier Qian Qichen (P. R. of China) and Head of Chinese Delegation. November 5-8, 2003, College Station, Texas, USA. Speakers of the roundtable included Lorraine Eden (Texas A&M), Jonathan Brookfield (Texas A&M), Jin Chen (Zhejiang U.), Marjorie Lyles (Indiana U.), Klaus Ulenbruck (Texas A&M), Shaker Zahra (Babson Colleage), and Yan Zhang (Rice U.).

8. Discussant of the paper session of “Joint ventures and strategic alliances”, Academy of Management annual conference 2004, New Orleans.

9. Session Chair: “Isolating mechanisms: Building and overcoming lock-in” in the annual meeting of Strategic Management Society in Paris, September 22-25, 2002.

10. Member of Graduate Faculty at Texas A&M University

11. Graduate Council Representative on the advisory committee of Heidi M. Felix, a doctoral student with a major in Biochemistry, Texas A&M University.

12. Member of Management Scholarship Committee, Department of Management, Texas A&M University

13. Supervision of Independent Study for Jun Li.

14. Reviewer for the textbook “Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization” by M. Hitt, R.D. Ireland, and R.E. Hoskisson (5ed), Thompson South-Western Publishing Co.

15. Reviewer for book proposal at Oxford University Press.

16. External Reviewer for the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (since 2002)

17. Member for International Research Travel Assistance Grant Review Committee, Texas A&M University (2004).

Member, Academy of Management
Member, Academy of International Business
Member, Strategic Management Society


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