黄 伟 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
黄 伟 编辑本段回目录
传真: 740-597-1676
1984 年本科毕业于中国华中科技大学 (HUST) and 1986 年研究生毕业于中国西安交通大学. 读博士时师从于K.K. Wei 和Richard Watson教授. Watson教授是世界群体支持系统 (GSS) 研究领域的开拓者之一, 现任世界信息系统协会(AIS)的总裁(AIS是世界上MIS领域中最大和最具权威的学术学会). Watson也是世界MIS学科之父 – Gordon Davis教授的Ph.D学生.MIS是一门融合了计算机科学、管理学以及社会科学等许多不同学科而产生的交叉学科。黄伟获得了理学、工学、管理工程以及信息系统等学科的学位,另外,他还具有IT行业工作经验和澳大利亚、美国、新加坡、中国和香港等地知名大学教学和科研的经验。
1. 主要学术任职: 编辑本段回目录
1) 终身教授,美国俄亥俄大学商学院管理信息系统系 2005-至今
2) 美国俄亥俄大学商学院学术委员会主席 2004-2005
3) 世界信息系统协会 (AIS) 亚太管理信息系统研究学会 (AIS SIG-ISAP) 的发起者及首任主席, 美国服务外包研究学会主席(ISAP) 2004-至今
4) 2004年国际信息系统年会(ICIS)主席之一(ICIS是世界MIS领域的最大和最具权威的学术年会)
5) 世界信息系统协会(AIS)中国分会 (AIS China Chapter:CNAIS) 的特聘顾问. 2004-至今
6) 美国自然科学基金会项目的特邀评审专家 2002-至今
7) 中国自然科学基金会项目的特邀评审专家 2004-至今
8) 国际电子商务学术研讨会大会主席之一 2002
9) 国际MIS学术期刊 (Journal of Data Base for Advances in Information Systems) 的高级编辑 (Senior Editor) (该期刊是由世界知名的ACM协会出版,也是世界排名前十的MIS学术期刊之一, 美国) 2004-至今
10) 国际MIS学术期刊 Information and Management 的编委(世界排名前十的MIS学术期刊之一)(美国) 2002-至今
11) 国际MIS学术期刊 Journal of Global Information Management 的编委(A类MIS学术期刊,尤其是在有关全球性信息系统管理的研究方面)(美国) 2002-至今
12) 国际MIS学术期刊Journal of Data Management的编委(SCI索引的期刊)(美国)
13) 国际MIS学术期刊 International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)的主编.(欧洲) 2007-至今
14) 美国大学MIS学科评审机构ABET的特邀评审专家. 经世界信息系统协会(AIS)及ABET所批准的MIS学科评审专家. 2004-至今
15) 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院MIS硕士学位课程的项目主任. 1999-2001
16) 香港城市大学研究资助委员会特邀评审专家. 2000-至今
2. 工作经历 编辑本段回目录
2005-至今 破格提拔为终身教授. 美国俄亥俄大学商学院管理信息系统系 (提升到终身正教授在美国俄亥俄大学通常需要约6年在本校的终身副教授工作经历).
2003-2005 终身副教授,商学院管理信息系统系, 美国俄亥俄大学商学院管理信息系统系(破格提拔为终身副教授,升到终身副教授在美国俄亥俄大学通常需要约6年在本校的工作经历).
2001-2003 副教授,美国俄亥俄大学商学院管理信息系统系.
1999-2001 信息系统系副教授 (破格提拔为副教授.从助理教授升到副教授通常需要约5-6年时间), 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 (澳大利亚最佳大学之一, 被誉为澳大利亚的麻省理工- MIT).
1998-1999 助理教授, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学商学院信息管理系.
1997-1998 助理教授, 香港中文大学(CUHK),工商学院管理系.
1994 访问学者, 美国乔治亚大学(UGA),Terry商学院.
1993-1996 讲师, 新加坡国立大学.
1990-1991 系统分析/程序员, DBS银行集团(新加坡最大的跨国银行集团).
1986-1990 讲师, 西安交通大学管理学院。
3. 教育背景 编辑本段回目录
(1) 信息系统 (MIS)博士
* 博士毕业于美国乔治亚大学和新加坡国立大学联合培养的博士项目(新加坡国立大学提供资助)
* 论文题目:A Re-examination of Media Richness Theory: Realizing Rich Communication in a Lean Computer-Mediated Communication Medium
* 博士导师: K.K. Wei教授和Richard Watson 教授
(2)理学硕士 (MIS)
华中理工大学, 中国。
4. 主要获奖: 编辑本段回目录
(1)最佳研究奖, 俄亥俄大学商学院, 美国, 2003, 2007.
(3)Huang, W., Watson, R.T., and Wei, K.K., “Can a lean email medium be used for rich communication? - A psychological perspective,” European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 7, 1998, pp.269-274, UK.
(本文被英国不列颠国家图书馆的伙伴机构ANBAR Electronic Intelligence评为最佳研究质量排名奖(Highest Quality Rating),评估是在400种有优秀引用资质证明的国际管理期刊上的90,000多篇论文中进行的。)
(4)新南威尔士大学梅森爵士研究奖(Sir Anthony Mason Fellow),澳大利亚,1999.
5. 附注 编辑本段回目录
现在工作的美国俄亥俄大学建校于200年之前的1804年, 是美国俄亥俄州最早, 也是美国整个西北地区最老的一所研究型公立大学. 俄亥俄大学以其独特学校文化, 优美的校园建筑及景色, 以及良好的学术水平在美国众多的1000多所大学中名列前茅. 该大学每年均被全美知名的大学排名机构及专著所推崇, 如在专著”美国100所最佳大学” 和 “普林斯顿最佳大学评论”等上都年年榜上有名. 最近的美国大学排名报告(US News & World Report) 将俄亥俄大学排名为全美45名, 而美国知名的John Templeton基金会则将俄亥俄大学评为全美大学中最具其独特特色的大学之一(资料来源: http://www.ohio.edu/admissions/facts.cfm)
具有20年多的科研教学经验, 在管理信息系统(MIS)学术领域的研究成果包括在美国和其它国家出版了10本管理信息系统方面的著作(包括参著),在国际A级MIS期刊如Journal of MIS (JMIS), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Information and Management (I & M), Decision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, International Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM); 和European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), 及其它国际MIS期刊和国际会议论文集等上发表了110多篇学术论文. 据不完全统计(至2004年),其论文总共有82引用次数;其中:
o 被有SCI/SSCI/EI索引的期刊引用69次;
o 被排名前十的MIS国际期刊引用33次;
o 被排名前五的MIS国际期刊引用24次;
o 被排名第一的MIS国际期刊 (MIS Quarterly) 引用5次.
Peer-reviewed International Journals:
1. Huang, W., Green, J. and Day, J. “Facing IS Outsourcing and the Decrease of IS Program Enrollment”, Communications of ACM (CACM), USA, 2008 (in press).
2. Zhou, D.N. and Huang, W. “Using Fuzzy Classification Approach to Assess E-Commerce Websites: An Empirical Investigation”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (ACM TOIT, SCI/SSCI Index), USA, 2008 (accepted).
3. Huang, W. and Li, D. “Opening up the black box in GSS research: Explaining group decision outcome with group process”, Computers in Human Behavior, Publisher – Elsevier, Vol. 23, Issue 1, pp 58-78, January 2007 (SCI/SSCI index), USA.
4. Li, Z.X., Li, D.H. and Huang, W. “Traders beware: an examination of the distribution of eBay sellers’ online reputation”, International Journal of Electronic Business, USA, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2007, pp.499-517.
5. “Electronic Government Implementation: A Comparison between Developed and Developing Countries”, International Journal of Electronic Government Research, USA, 3(2), April-June 2007, pp. 45-61 (with Yining Chen, H.M. Chen, and Russell K.H. Ching)
6. Chen, Y.N., Huang, W. and Hee, J. “Straight Through Processing: A Post-Sox Challenge for Internal Auditors”, Internal Auditing, Vol. 22 (No. 6), Nov.-Dec. 2007, Publisher – Thomson (the publisher publishing SCI/SSCI index), USA, pp.20-30.
7. Yu, L., Wang, S.Y., Lai, K.K., and Huang, W. “Developing and Assessing an Intelligent Forex Rolling Forecasting and Trading Decision Support System for Online E-service”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Publisher – Wiley, Vol. 22 (5), USA, May 2007, pp. Issue 5, Date: May 2007, pp.475-499. (SCI index)
8. McGann, S., Frost, R., Matta, V. and Huang, W. "Meeting The Challenge of IS Curriculum Modernization: A Guide to Overhaul, Integration, and Continuous Improvement", Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 18(1), April 2007, USA.
9. Xi, Y.M., Zhuang, Y.L., Huang, W., She, C.G. and Zhang, Z.P. “The Quality Assessment and Content Analysis of Corporate Websites in China: An Empirical Study”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, (SCI index), USA, Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2007, pp. 389 – 405.
10. Li, X. and Huang, W. “Design a Knowledge-based System to Automatically Assess Commercial Websites”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, (SCI index), Vol. 6, No. 1 March 2007, pp.43-60.
11. Lu, Y., Ma, H.Y., Turner, S. and Huang, W. “Wireless Internet and Student-Centered Learning: A Partial Least Squares Model”, Journal of Computers & Education (SCI/SSCI index), USA, Vol. 49, Issue 3, 2007, pp. 530-544.
12. Huang, W. “Healthy Competition only Leads to a Better Computing Community”, Communications of ACM (CACM, in “Forum” Section, SCI/SSCI index), USA, June 2006.
13. Huang, W., Frost, R. and McGann, S. “Integrating Business Acumen with IT Skills in the Same Course: A Case Study with Implications for Increasing IS Program Enrollments”, Journal of Issues in Information Systems, Oct. 2006, USA.
14. Huang, W., Lou, H. and Day, J. “Is a High GPA Still the Most Important Factor for Job Opportunity? – A Case Study”, Journal of Issues in Information Systems, Oct. 2006, USA.
15. Huang,W., Chen, H.M. and Huq, F. “IS Outsourcing: Key Research Issues and Future Development”, Journal of Tsinghua Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2006 (EI index).
16. Huang, W. And Ke, W.L. “Special issue on IS research issues in Asia-Pacific Region”, Invited Editorial Article as a co-editor for the special issue in International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, Europe, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2006, pp.1-4.
17. Klamo, L., Huang, W.W., Wang, K.L. and Le, T. “Successfully implementing e-government: fundamental issues and a case study in the USA”, Electronic Government, USA, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006, pp.158–173. 2006.
18. Huang, W. ; Le, T.W. ; Li, X. ; and Gandha, S. “Categorizing web features and functions to evaluate commercial web sites: An assessment framework and an empirical investigation of Australian companies”, Journal of Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS, SCI index), Vol. 106, No. 4, 2006, pp. 523-539.
19. Chen, Y.N., Huang, W., Chen, H.M., and Ching, R. K.H. “E-Government Strategies in Developed and Developing Countries: An Implementation Framework and Case Study”, Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI index), 14(1), January-March 2006, pp.24-47.
20. Huang, W., Chen, Y.N., and Hee, J. “STP technology: an overview and a conceptual framework”, Information & Management (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 43, 2006, pp.263-270.
21. Lin, Z.X., Li, D.H., Janamanchi, B., and Huang, W. "Reputation distribution and consumer-to-consumer online auction market structure" Decision Support Systems (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 41, 2006, pp. 435-448.
22. Huang, W, Luce, T. and Lu, Y. “Virtual Team Learning In Online MBA Education: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Issues in Information Systems, USA, October 2005, pp. 258-264.
23. Frost, R., Pike, J. and Huang, W, “Breaking down the Blocking Boundary of Separated IS Courses in IS Curriculum: A Case Study”, Journal of Issues in Information Systems, USA, October 2005, pp. 303-310.
24. Matta, V., Frost, R., and Huang, W., “An exploratory investigation of the effect on learning outcomes of different types of presentation handouts”, Journal of Issues in Information Systems, USA, October 2005, pp.66-72.
25. Cheung, W.M. and Huang, W. “Proposing a Framework to Assess the Internet Usage for University Education: An Empirical Investigation from Student’s Perspective”, British Journal of Education Technology (SCI/SSCI index), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2005, pp.237–253.
26. Huang, J.H., Huang, W., C.J. Zhao and H. Huang, “Is Your Company Ready for e-Business? - An e-Readiness Assessment Framework and Two Field Studies”, Communications of AIS, Vol. 14 (19), October 2004.
27. Huang, W. and Zhang, P.Z. “An Empirical Investigation of the Effects of GSS and Group Process on Group Outcome in Small Group Decision-makings”, Journal of Computer Information Systems (SCI/SSCI index), USA, Vol. XLV, No. 1, Fall 2004, pp.23-29.
28. Fang, X., Lee, S., Lee, T. and Huang, W. "Critical Factors Affecting Job Offers for New MIS Graduates", Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE), USA, 2004, Volume 15, Number 2, pp.189-204.
29. Teo, S.H. and Huang, W. "On Electronic Business” International Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI index), 12(1), Jan.-March 2004, USA.
30. Huang, W. and Luce, T. “Proposing an Effective Teaching Pedagogical Mode for Online MBA Education: An Exploratory Empirical Investigation”, Issues in Information Systems, USA, Volume V(1), 2004.
31. Sun, J.R., Gao, J.L. and Huang, W. “On University Educational Programs Accreditation: Experience of USA”, University Education in China, No.1, 2004, pp.55 – 57.
32. Huang, W., Yen, D., Lin, Z.X. and Huang, J.H. “How to Compete in Global Education Market Effectively? - A Conceptual Framework for Designing a Next Generation eEducation System” International Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI index), 12(2), April-June 2004, USA, pp.84-107.
33. Fang, X., Lee, S., Huang, W., and Lee, T. "A comparative analysis of student job placement in management information systems: An exploratory study", Review of Business Information Systems, USA, Vol. 8, No.3, 2004, pp. 39-50.
34. Huang, W., Wei, K.K., and Watson, R. "Overview of MIS discipline – Background, core course, research mainstreams and major conferences and journals", Journal of Management Science in China, Vol. 6, Issue 6, 2003, pp.85-91.
35. Huang, W., Hee, J., and Yen, D. “Straight Through Processing (STP) Technology and Global Financial Markets: Its Current Status and Future Development”, International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, Vol. 4, No. 1, Aug. 2003, USA, pp.63-74.
36. Huang, W. and Luce, T. “A Conceptual Research Framework for Investigating the Effects of Teaching Pedagogy and Technology on Learning Performance in Online Education”, Issues in Information Systems, USA, Volume IV(1), 2003.
37. Huang, W., Lienhart, T. and Yen, D., "A Preliminary Study of eEducation Using Three Case Studies: Key Factors for Successful Implementation," Communications of the ICISA, Vol.5 No.1, Winter/Spring, 2003, USA, pp. 1-13.
38. Huang, W. “Impacts of GSS generic structures and task types on group communication process and outcome: Some expected and unexpected research findings”, Behavior & Information Technology (SCI/SSCI index), Publisher – Taylor & Francis, Volume 22, Number 1, 2003, USA, pp.17-29.
39. Yeo, J. and Huang, W. “Mobile e-Commerce Outlook”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2003, USA, pp.313-332.
40. Hee, J., Chen, Y.N., and Huang, W. “Straight through processing technology in global financial market: Readiness assessment and implementation”, International Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 11, No. 2, 2003, USA, pp.56-66.
41. Huang, W., Wei, K.K., and Lim, J. “Using GSS to Support Global Virtual Team-building: A Theoretical Framework”, International Journal of Global Information Management (SCI/SSCI index), 11(1), Jan.-Mar. 2003, pp. 72-89, USA.
42. Huang, W.; Wei, K.K.; Watson, R.T.; and Tan, C.Y. "Supporting virtual team-building with a GSS: An empirical investigation", Decision Support Systems (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 34(4), pp.359-367, 2003.
43. Cheung, W.M. and Huang, W. “An investigation of commercial usage of the World Wide Web: A picture from Singapore”, Elsevier Science Publisher: International Journal of Information Management (SCI/SSCI index), Publisher – Elsevier, Vol. 22, Issue 5, 2002, pp.377-388.
44. Huang, W., D’Ambra, J., and Bhalla, V. “An Empirical Investigation of the Adoption of eGovernment in Australian Citizens: Some Unexpected Research Findings”, Journal of Computer Information Systems (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. XXXXIII, No. 1, 2002, pp.15-22, USA.
45. Huang, W. and Wei, K.K. “An empirical investigation of effects of GSS and task type on social interactions from an influence perspective”, Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) (SCI/SSCI index), Fall 2000, Vol.17, No.2, pp.181-206, USA.
46. Tan, B., Wei, K.K., Huang, W., and Ng, G.N. “A dialogue technical to enhance electronic communication in virtual teams”, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication (SCI/SSCI index), June 2000, Volume 43, Number 2, pp. 153-165. USA.
47. Huang, W., Wei, K.K., and Tan, C.Y. “Compensating effects of GSS on group performance”, Information & Management (SCI/SSCI index), 35, April 1999, pp. 195-202, USA.
48. Huang, W., Watson, R.T., and Wei, K.K., "Can a lean email medium be used for rich communication? - A psychological perspective", European Journal of Information Systems (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 7, 1998, pp.269-274, UK.(This paper has been awarded with the Highest Quality Rating certificate by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence, a partner with British National Library, UK, 1999)
49. Huang, W., Raman, K.S., and Wei, K.K., "Impact of GSS and Task Type on Social Influence in Small Groups," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SCI/SSCI index), Vol. 27, No. 5, Sept. 1997, pp. 578-587, USA.
50. Xi, Y.M., Huang, W., and Jing, R.T. "MIS in China: Current Status, Existing Problems and Possible Solutions", Journal of Chinese Management Issues, Fall 1995, pp.1-10, Canada.
51. Huang, W. and Wei, K.K. “Task as a moderator for the effects of group support systems on group influence processes”, European Journal of Information Systems (SCI/SSCI index), December (6), 1997, pp.208-217, UK.
Research Monograph Papers
52. Jarrad Hee and Wayne Huang “A Meta-research into the Development of a Theoretical Framework for Straight Through Processing (STP) and the Implications for the Financial Services Industry – Part One: Understanding STP ”, published by KPMG Consulting, April, 2002.
53. Jarrad Hee and Wayne Huang “A Meta-research into the Development of a Theoretical Framework for Straight Through Processing (STP) and the Implications for the Financial Services Industry – Part Two: Applying STP”, published by KPMG Consulting, May, 2002.
54. Jarrad Hee and Wayne Huang “A Meta-research into the Development of a Theoretical Framework for Straight Through Processing (STP) and the Implications for the Financial Services Industry – Part Three: Getting Started with STP”, published by KPMG Consulting, June, 2002.
Books and Book Chapters:
55. Huang, W., Wang, Y.L. and Day, J. (editors) Global Mobile Commerce: Strategies, Implementation and Case Studies, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2007.
56. Huang, W., Siau, K. and Wei, K.K. (editors) Electronic Government: Strategic and Implementations, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2005.
57. Huang, W., Chen, Y.N. and K.L. Wang, “E-Government Development and Implementation”, Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce in Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2006, pp.359-366
58. Chen, Y.N., Chen, H.M. and Huang, W. eGov. …, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2006, pp.?? (accepted)
59. Chuang, T.T., Huang, W., and Zhang, J. “History and Future Development of Group Support Systems”, in Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2005, pp.1338-1343.
60. Chen, Y.N., Huang, W., Li, D., Shen, H.Z., Zhang, P.Z. and Klamo, L. “A Comparative Study of Strategic Issues of Digital Government Implementations Between Developed and Developing Countries”, In W. Huang, K. Siau and K.K. Wei, Electronic Government: Strategic and Implementations, 2004, Idea Group Publishing, USA, pp.191-213.
61. Chen, Y.N., Huang, W. and Hee, J. “STP Technology and Global Financial Market: An Assessment Framework and a Case study”, edited by M. Gordon Hunter and Felix B. Tan, Advanced Topics in Global Information Management Volume III, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2004, pp.139-152.
62. Huang, W., Wei, K.K. and Lim, J. “Using a GSS to Support Virtual Team-building, A Theoretical Framework”, edited by M. Gordon Hunter and Felix B. Tan, Advanced Topics in Global Information Management Volume III, Idea Group Publishing, USA, 2004, pp.92-108.
63. Lin, Z.X., Li, D.H. and Huang, W. “Modeling Trader Reputation Distribution in eAuction”, In Rasool Azari, Current Security Management and Ethical Issues of Information Technology, IRM Press, PA 17033-1117, USA, 2003, pp.249-266.
64. Gan, R.C., Chen, Y., and Huang, W. (editors), Proceeding of International Conference on eBusiness, Sponsored and Supported by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP TC8), Europe and Information Resources Management Association (IRMA), USA, May, 2002,
65. Huang, W. “Consulting Opportunity 22.4 Developing a fine system that was long overdue: using object-oriented analysis for the Ruminski Public Library System” in K. Kendall and J. Kendall (Eds.), Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 2002 (being invited to write the case [In the Textbook, p.885] as well as the whole system analysis and design solution to the case questions [In the Instructor’s Manual, pp.369-380]). (Kendall’s textbook has been one of the most popular and widely adopted textbooks on Systems Analysis and Design in universities worldwide).
66. Huang, W. Advanced Information Management Strategies, an MBA course-teaching material (book) written for the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), Hong Kong, (being invited to write the whole course materials for OUHK), 1999.
67. Huang, W.; Xi, Y.M.; Wei, K.K.; Watson, R.T. and Tan, B. "National Culture and Decision Making: Amplifier & Attenuator Effect of Group Support System" In T. Umezawa, S.H. Kong, and C. Noronha (Eds.), The Dynamic Impact of Culture on Organizations, Macau Foundation, Macau, 1996, pp.107-127.
68. Huang, W. " Information Gathering for Ph.D Research Projects" and "Statistical Analysis Methods Using Computer", In (Eds.) Y.L. Wang, Gordon B. Davis, Y.M. Xi, and K.K. Wei, How to Write Ph.D Dissertation, Xian Jiaotong University Press, China,1996 (in Chinese).
69. Huang, W.; Raman, K.S. and Wei; K.K., "A process study of the effects of GSS and task type on small groups", In (Eds.) D. R. Vogel, P.H. Marshall, B.C. Classon, and A.A. Verrijn-Stuart, Local Area Network Applications: Leveraging the LAN, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1993.
70. Huang, W. and Luce, T. “A Conceptual Research Framework for Investigating the Effects of Teaching Pedagogy and Technology on Learning Performance in Online Education”, Proceeding of Annual Conference of International Association of Computer Information Systems (IACIS), Las Vegas, USA, Oct. 2003 (Nominated as the Best Paper).
71. Huang, W., Chen, H.M. and Ching, R. “A Preliminary Study of eGovernment Strategies and Implementation between Developed & Developing Countries: Proposing a Conceptual Research Framework” Proceeding of International DSI Annual Conference, July 4-8, 2003.
72. Huang, W., “An indicator system for assessing enterprises e-readiness and its application in Chinese retailing”, Proceeding of American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2003, Florida, USA. (Nominated as the Best Paper, with Huang, J.H., Huang, H. and Zhao, C.J.)
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