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Gross floor area 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

Gross floor area (GFA)
Usually, the sum of the fully enclosed covered floor area and the unenclosed covered floor area of a building at all floor levels. Some commercial and public authorities use variants of this definition.

Gross lettable area (GLA)
Generally, the floor space contained within a tenancy at each floor level measured from the outside of main faces of external walls and, where applicable, the centre lines of internal inter-tenancy, partition and common area walls, but excluding features such as balconies and verandahs and, if there are two of more occupiers or tenants, excluding common use areas, service areas, and non-exclusive public spaces and thoroughfares. In the case of retail tenancy areas such as shops, measurements are often made from the internal finished surface of external building walls, service passage walls, etc. (Some commercial and public authorities use variants of this definition.)

Net lettable area (NLA)
The area for which a tenant could be charged for occupancy under a lease. Generally, it is the floor space contained within a tenancy at each floor level measured from the internal finished surfaces of permanent external walls and permanent internal walls but excluding features such as balconies and verandahs, common use areas, areas less than 1.5 m in height, service areas, and public spaces and thoroughfares. (Some commercial and public authorities use variants of this definition.)

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