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1. 金门酒厂实业股份有限公司 董事
2. 台湾烟酒股份有限公司顾问兼人事训练委员会委员
3. 国际财商教育发展基金会 董事
4. 国家政策研究基金会(智库)「财政金融组」资深顾问
5. 中华公共财务协会理事兼秘书长
6. 经济永续发展会--国家智库「财政金融组」代表
7. 中华民国全国商业总会国际经济关系委员会副主任委员
13. Taiwan's Financial Engineering Association (台湾财务工程协会发起委员)
14. 中国(大陆)金融学会理事
15. 台湾财务工程学会监事
16. 台湾金融管理学会理事
17. 台湾竞争力论坛「行销台湾组」召集人




1. Nieh, Chien-Chung and Jiang, Shi-Jie (2006), “Against Marine Risk: Margins Determination of Ocean Marine Insurance,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 14(1), 15-24,【EI】
2. Nieh, Chien-Chung and Ho, Tsung-wu (2006), “Does the Expansionary Government Spending Crowd out the Private Consumption? : Cointegration Analysis in Panel Data,” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46(1), 133-148,【SSCI】
3. Chang, Tsangyao, Nieh, Chien-Chung, Yang, Ming-Jing and Yang, Jer-Yiu Yang (2006), “Are Stock Market Returns Related to the Weather Effect? Empirical Evidence from Taiwan,” Physica-A, 364 , 343-354,【SCI, SSCI, EI】
4. Yau, Hwey-Yun and Nieh, Chien-Chung (2006), “Interrelationships among Stock Prices of Taiwan and Japan and NTD/Yen Exchange Rate,” Journal of Asian Economics, 17(1), May-June, 535- 552,【EconLit】
5. Chang, Tsangyao, Nieh, Chien-Chung and Wei, Ching-Chun (2006), “Analysis of Long-Run Benefits from International Equity Diversification between Taiwan and Its Major European Trading Partners : An Empirical Note,” Applied Economics, 38 (19), 2277-2283,【SSCI】
6. Chang, Tsangyao, Nieh, Chien-Chung and Chiu, Chi-Chen (2007), “Rational Bubbles in the US Stock Market? Further Evidence from a Nonparametric Cointegration Test,” Applied Economics Letter, 14(7), 517- 521,【SSCI】
7. Nieh, Chien-Chung and Chou, Ming-Che (2007), “Arbitrage Opportunity of the ADR: Taiwan Evidence,” International Journal of Finance, forthcoming,【FLI, EconLit】
8. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Lin, Jeng-Bau and Wang, Yu-Shan (2007), “Regime-Switching Analysis for the Impacts of the Exchange Rates Uncertainty on the Taiwan's Corporate Values,” Applied Economics, forthcoming,【SSCI 】
9. Chang, Tsangyao, Yang, Ming Jing, Nieh, Chien-Chung and Chiu, Chi-Chen (2007), “Nonlinear Short-Run Adjustments in US Stock Market Returns,” Applied Economics, forthcoming【SSCI】
10. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Lin, Jeng-Bau and Wang, Yu-Shan (2007), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Corporate Values: Evidence from Taiwan,” Applied Financial Economics, forthcoming,【FLI, EconLit】
11. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Lin, Jeng-Bau and Wang, Yu-Shan (2008), “Regime-Switching Analysis for the Impacts of the Exchange Rates Volatility on Corporate Values: A the Taiwanese Case,” Applied Economics, 40 (4), 491-504,【SSCI】
12. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Lin, Jeng-Bau and Wang, Yu-Shan (2008), “Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Corporate Values: Evidence from Taiwan,” Applied Financial Economics, 18, 1181-1192,【FLI, EconLit 】
13. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Yau, Hwey-Yun and Liu, Wen-Chien, (2008),“Investigation of Target Capital Structure for Electronic Listed Firms in Taiwan,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, forthcoming,【SSCI】
14. Chang, Tsangyao, Yang, Ming Jing, Nieh, Chien-Chung and Chiu, Chi-Chen (2008), “Nonlinear Short-Run Adjustments in US Stock Market Returns,” Applied Economics, forthcoming【SSCI】
15. Nieh, Chien-Chung, Wu, Shu and Zeng, Yong, “Regime Shifts and the Term Structure of Interest Rates,” in Cheng-few Lee and Alice C. Lee (eds.), Handbook of Quantitative Finance, New York : Springer-Verlag, 2009, forthcoming
16. Nieh, Chien-Chung and Chou, Ming-Che (2008), “Arbitrage Opportunity of the ADR: Taiwan Evidence,” International Journal of Finance, forthcoming,【FLI, EconLit】
17. Yau, Hwey-Yun and Nieh, Chien-Chung (2009), “Testing for Cointegration with Threshold Effect between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in Japan and Taiwan,” Japan and the World Economy, forthcoming,【SSCI】
18. 聂建中与李娴柔,2006年6月,「欧亚美三洲九国之国内生产毛额对犯罪率之纵横门槛研究」,文大商管学报,第11卷第1期,pp.61~ 82
19. 聂建中与施静慧,2006年7月,「财务危机公司研发费用与财务绩效非线性关联性研究─纵横门槛效果分析」,商学学报,第14期,pp.239~256
20. 姚蕙芸、聂建中与许嘉麟,2007年1月,「金融风暴前后外资持股高低与股汇市动态关系之实证分析-VAR方法」,国立台北商业技术学院学报,第11期,pp.27~45
21. 聂建中,2007年3月,「中共第三次全国金融工作会议评析」,展望与探索(Prospect and Exploration),第5卷第3期, pp. 1-7
22. 谢安田、聂建中与黄昱程,2007年3月,「殖利率曲线与实质经济活动之关系---纵横资料门槛效果检定」,财税研究,第39卷第2期,pp. 1- 26
23. 聂建中,2007年12月,「两岸金融互动及金融监理机制」,展望与探索(Prospect and Exploration),第5卷第12期, pp. 5-10
24. 蔡鎤明与聂建中,2007年12月,「总体经济与产业因素对信用风险影响之研究」,台湾银行季刊,第58卷第4期, pp. 107-132
25. 聂建中与陈建佑,2008年1月,「经济成长率与出国旅游人数之最适关系」,台湾健康照护产业管理论坛,第1卷第1期, pp. 58-71
26. 聂建中,2008年8月,「美国金融动荡再起对两岸金融的影响」,展望与探索(Prospect and Exploration),第6卷第8期,pp.12-17
27. 聂建中与张婷雁,2008年,「资本适足率与银行风险及财务绩效之关联-纵横平滑移转模型之应用」,广东金融学院学报,2008年第一期
28. 孙效孔、林苍祥与聂建中,2008年10月,「Credit Spread Decomposition and Diversification: Evidences from Corporate Bond Indices」,证券市场发展季刊,第20卷第三期,已接受刊登【TSSCI】


1. 聂建中与姚蕙芸,4/22, 2006,“Co-integration and Dynamic Interactive Relationship between Steel Prices of Mainland China and Taiwa,”(南开大学会计学系2006年度学术年会暨海峡两岸会计学术研讨会),南开大学(中国大陆天津市)
2. 聂建中与施静慧,5/6, 2006,“财务危机公司研发费用与财务绩效非线性关联性研究─纵横门槛效果分析,”(第10届经济发展学术研讨会—台湾金融发展与财务健全问题探讨),国立台北大学(国立台北大学民生校区)
3. 聂建中、张婷雁与刘文谦,5/13, 2006,「资本适足率对银行风险与财务绩效之门槛效果影响关系研究」,(2006年财经学术研讨会),真理大学财经学院(台北县淡水)
4. Nieh, Chien-Chung, 7/10-12, 2006, “Investigation of Target Capital Structure for Electronic Listed Firms in Taiwan,” Asian FA 2006 conference (Auckland /NZ) (NSC:台会合字第0950026353号)
5. Nieh, Chien-Chung,7/14-15, 2006, “Nonlinear Market Model with Endogenous Threshold to Estimate Bull and Bear Betas,” The 14th Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, and Accounting (Taipei/Taiwan)
6. 聂建中与姚蕙芸,10/20, 2006,“Non-dynamic Threshold Estimation for Optimal Capital Structure,” (2006海峡两岸金融改革与发展高级研讨会),西南财经大学金融学院(中国四川成都市)
7. 聂建中与姚蕙芸,10/20, 2006, “The Relationships between Steel Prices of Mainland China and Taiwan in the Presence of Structural Change,”(2006海峡两岸金融改革与发展高级研讨会),西南财经大学金融学院(中国四川成都市)
8. 姚蕙芸、聂建中、吴韵吾,11/1, 2006, ”Study of Cointegration and Causal Relationships between Steel Prices of Mainland China and Taiwan in the Presence of Structural Change,” (TBI 2006台湾商管与资讯研讨会),国立台北大学(台北县三峡校区)




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