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Toulouse School of EconomicsToulouse School of Economics
图卢兹经济学院(Toulouse School of Economics)——世界顶级经济学院校之一



图卢兹经济学院(Toulouse School of Economics)位于法国图卢兹市,是世界顶级经济学院校之一。

The origins of the Toulouse School of Economics can be traced back to the early 1980s, when Jean-Jacques Laffont started gathering economists with a common ambition of scientific excellence in Toulouse.

In 1990, the Toulouse economists created the Institut d’Economie Industrielle (IDEI) and started to set up long-term partnerships with corporations and to develop innovative research topics that contributed to establishing the reputation of economists from Toulouse.

The economics group now gathers about 100 senior and junior researchers affiliated with various research institutions (University of Toulouse, EHESS, CNRS, INRA) and about 100 doctoral students (70% international).

In 2007, a new step was taken when the French government and the Academy of Sciences chose TSE as one of 13 "Réseaux Thématiques de Recherche Avancée" (across all fields), enabling the creation of a private Foundation, the Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation - Toulouse School of Economics . This foundation is building an endowment in order to secure long term financing for a research centre that can attract students and researchers from all over the world.
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