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康德拉季耶夫的长波理论最早见于1919—1920年完成(1922年出版)的《战时及战后时期世界经济及其波动》一书,此后,关于长波理论他又先后发表 了《经济生活中的长波》(1925年)和《大经济周期》(1928年)等论著。
第二次长波开始于1844—1851年,从那时起到1870—1875年为上升期,1870— 1875年至1890—1896年为衰落期;
第三次长波开始于1890—1896年,至1915—1920年为上升期,而衰落期则开始于1914— 1920年间,到他著书之时第三次长波的衰落期仍在继续。
在50年左右的周期中,一般说头15年是衰退期;接着20年是大量再投资期,在此期间新技术不断 采用,经济发展快,显示出一派兴旺景象;其后10年是过度建设期,过度建设的结果是5~10年的混乱期,从而导致下一次大衰退的出现。
Kondratiev waves (also called supercycles, great surges, long waves, K-waves or the long economic cycle) are described as sinusoidal-like cycles in the modern capitalist world economy. Averaging fifty and ranging from approximately forty to sixty years in length, the cycles consist of alternating periods between high sectoral growth and periods of relatively slow growth. Unlike the short-term business cycle, the long wave of this theory is not accepted by current orthodox economics.
The Russian economist Nikolai Kondratiev (also written Kondratieff) was the first to bring these observations to international attention in his book The Major Economic Cycles (1925) alongside other works written in the same decade. Two Dutch economists, Jacob van Gelderen and Samuel de Wolff, had previously argued for the existence of 50 to 60 year cycles in 1913. However, the work of de Wolff and van Gelderen has only recently been translated from Dutch to reach a wider audience.
Kondratiev was a Russian economist, but his economic conclusions were disliked by the Soviet leadership and upon their release he was quickly dismissed from his post as director of the Institute for the Study of Business Activity in the Soviet Union in 1928. His conclusions were seen as a criticism of Stalin's intentions for the Soviet economy: as a result he was sentenced to the Soviet Gulag and later received the death penalty in 1938.
Later, in Business Cycles (1939), Joseph Schumpeter suggested naming the cycles "Kondratieff waves", in honor of the economist who first noticed them. In the 1950s, French economist François Simiand proposed naming the ascendant period of the cycle "Phase A" and the downward period "Phase B". Some market commentators divide the Kondratiev wave into four 'seasons', namely, the Kondratiev Spring (improvement or plateau) and Summer (acceleration or prosperity) of the ascendant period and the Kondratiev Fall (recession or plateau) and Winter (acceleration or depression) of the downward period.
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