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Nostro and vostro accounts

Nostro and vostro (Italian, from Latin, noster and voster; English, 'ours' and 'yours') are accounting terms used to distinguish an account held for another entity from an account another entity holds. The entities in question are almost always, but need not be, banks.

The terms nostro and vostro remove the potential ambiguity when referring to these two separate accounts of the same balance and set of transactions. Speaking from the bank's point-of-view:

A nostro is our account of our money, held by you
A vostro is our account of your money, held by us
Note that all "bank accounts" as the term is normally understood, including personal or corporate checking, loan, and savings accounts, are treated as vostros by the bank. They also regard as vostro purely internal funds such as treasury, trading and suspense accounts; although there is no "you" in the sense of an external customer, the money is still "held by us".

Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostro_and_vostro_accounts



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