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安德森准则Andson′s rule 发表评论(0) 编辑词条

Anderson's rule is used for the construction of energy band diagrams of the heterojunction between two semiconductor materials(半导体材料). It is also referred to as the electron affinity rule. Anderson's rule was first described by R. L. Anderson in 1960 (Anderson, 1960).
Anderson's rule states that when constructing an energy band diagram, the vacuum levels of the two semiconductors on either side of the heterojunction should be aligned (at the same energy) (Borisenko and Ossicini, 2004).
The term is also used in the field of computer security for a principle formulated by Ross J. Anderson: by their nature large databases will never be free of abuse by breaches of security. If a large system is designed for ease of access it becomes insecure; if made watertight it becomes impossible to use.
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