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男,数学科学学院教授、博士生导师,厦门大学陈景润特聘教授。专业方向为:泛函分析、 凸分析和Banach空间几何学。哈尔滨工业大学理学博士学位。 南开大学南开数学所博士后流动站出站。曾到美国华盛顿大学数学系等六个国家和地区十多所高校和科研机构做学术访问。主要学术贡献为:证明了Preiss可微性定理-这一Preiss在国际数学家大会(1990)上的45分钟报告主体结果在更广义的框架下仍然立(JFA); 证明了:一个GDS与 一个可分空间的乘积仍然是GDS(PAMS); 发现了BANACH空间单位球球面的球覆盖性质(Israel.J.Math.,Studia Math., Sci. China)并引起了国际同行的关注和兴趣等. 自2001年来,先后十多次被邀请作泛函分析国际学术会议和全国性学术会议的大会报告.分别担任(2008年)首届中国数学会和美数学会联合学术年会第十一分会中方主席和首届中国数学会和韩国数学会联合学术年会泛函分析分会中方主席。自2001年来共主 持科学研究项目7项,其中5项国家自然科学基金项目、1项教育部跨世纪优秀人培养计划项目,1项教育部博士点基金项目。在国内外学术刊物发表学术论文五十多篇。2002年入选"教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划" , 独立获得2002年福建省科学技术奖二等奖,1993年获国务院特殊津贴,1991年获省部级新长征突击手称号。曾担任国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部特邀评委. 现任厦门大学数学科学学院副院长和学术委员会主任,中国数学会常务理事, 全国泛函分析空间理论学术联络组召集人,曾任福建省数学会理事长。学术期刊《数学进展》《应用泛函分析学报》《数学研究》 和《The Open Mathematics Journal》编委,美国 《MATH REVIEWS》评论员。       个人英文简介     代表性成果 论文发表: (1) Erratum: Ball-covering property of Banach spaces,Israel J Math. (in press),2011年05月 (2) Some new characterizations of weakly compact sets (coauthored with QJ Cheng, ZH Luo),Studia Math. 201(2010), 155-166,2010年10月 (3) A functional characterization of measures and the Banach-Ulam problem,JMAA 374:2, 568-565/ doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.06.020 ,2010年10月 (4) Several remarks on ball-covering property of normed spaces( coauthored with XF Liu, ZH Luo and W Zhang),Acta Math. Sinica (Eng. Ser.) Volume 26 no.9,1667-1672,2010年09月 (5) On super-weakly compact sets and uniformly convexifiable sets(coauthored with Q Cheng, B Wang, W Zhang),Studia Math. 199(2)(2010),145-169,2010年08月 (6) More on convexity and smoothness of operators(coauthored with Q Cheng),J Math. Anal. Appl. 371 no.2(2010), 407-413,2010年07月 (7) A note on ball-covering property of Banach spaces(coauthored with Vladimir Kadets, B Wang, W Zhang),JMAA vol.371 no.1 (2010),249-253 ,2010年07月 (8) Every weakly compact set can be uniformly embedded into a reflexive Banach space(coauthored with Q. Cheng and W. Zhang) ,Acta Math. Sinica (Eng. Ser.) Volume 25 Number 7, 1109-1112,2009年07月 (9) Minimal ball-coverings of Banach spaces and their application(coauthored with Q.Cheng and H. Shi),Studia Math.192(2009),15-27,2009年04月 (10) On Real-valued Measures of Statistical Type and Their Application (coauthored with Lin Guochen and Shi Huihua) ,Math. Comput. Modelling 50 (2009) 116-122,2009年04月 (11) Every Banach space with w*-separable dual has a (1+epsilon) equivalent norm with ball-covering property (coauthored with H.Shi and W. Zhang),Science in China, A Matnematics (Chinese)39:2,177-182,(English)52,2009年02月 (12) A note on non-support points, negligible sets, differentiability points and Lipschitz embeddings(coauthored with Zhang Wen),J Math. Anal. Appl. vol.350(2009),531-536 ,2009年01月 (13) A linear perturbed P-S condition for lower semi continuous functions(coauthored with Liu Xiaoyan and Zuo Maifang) ,Acta Math Sin(Eng Ser.)24(2008),1853-1860,2008年11月 (14) Measure Theorey of Statistical Convergence(coauthored with Lan Yongyi, Lin Guochen and Liu Hui),Science in China A: Mathematics 38:4(2008),450-468; (Engl.Ser.) 2008 Vol. 51 (12): 2285-2303 ,2008年04月 (15) Extreme points, exposed points and differentiability points in CL-spaces(coauthored with Li Min),Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), no. 7, 2445--2451,2008年04月 (16) Ball-covering property is not preserved under linear isomorphisms(coauthored with Cheng Qingjin and Liu Xiaoyan),Science in China A: Mathematics 51:1(2008),143-147,2008年01月 (17) Convex sets on which boundedness implicit continuity(coauthored with Teng Yanmei),Acta Math. Sinica(Engl. Ser.) 23 (2007), no. 6, 1063--1066.,2007年06月 (18) Smooth approximation of convex functions in Asplund generated spaces(coauthored with Chen Shaoxiong),J. Nonlinear Convex Analysis 8 (2007), no. 1, 81--85,2007年03月 (19) Ball-covering property of Banach spaces,Israel J.Math.156(2006),111-123,2006年12月 (20) On heriditarily indecomposabale Banach Spaces(coauthored with Zhong Huaijie),Acta Mathematica Sinica(En. Ser. )22 (3): 751-756 ,2006,2006年05月 (21) Smooth Approximation of Convex Functions in Banach Spaces(coauthored with Chen Shaoxiong),J Math. Anal. Appl.313(2006),572-580,2006年01月 (22) Differentiability of Convex Functions on Sublinear Topological Spaces and Variational Principles in Locally Convex Spaces(coauthored with Teng Yanmei),Chin. Ann. Math.(Ser. B)26(2005),611-632,2005年10月 (23) A neural network for constrained saddle point problems: An approximation approach(coauthored with Shen Xisheng),Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3610: 470-475 2005 ,2005年09月 (24) On the product of Gateaux differentiability locally convex spaces(coauthored with Shen Xisheng),Acta Math.Sci. 25 (3): 395-400 JUL 2005,2005年06月 (25) A one perturbation variational principle and applications(coauthored with J.M.Borwein,M.Fabian and M.Revalska),Set-Valued Analysis,2004年05月 (26) Frechet Differentiability of Lipschitz Functions on Banach Spaces(coauthored with Ruan Yingbin),Functional Space Theory and its Applications,2003年09月 (27) A strong variational principle in locally convex spaces(coauthored with Teng Yanmei),Chin. Ann. Math.(Ser. B)23(2003),2003年06月 (28) Approximation of convex functions(coauthored with Ruan Yingbin and Tengyan Mei),J Approx. Theory,2002年05月 (29) The product of a Gateaux differentiability space and a separable Banach space is again a Gateaux differentiability space(coauthored with M.Fabian),Proc.Amer. Math.Soc.,2001年11月 (30) On the $p$-Asplund space of a Banach space,应用泛函分析学报,2001年05月 (31) Differentiability property and perturbed optimization or variational principle in locally convex spaces.,应用泛函分析学报,1999年08月 (32) Frechet differentiability of convex functions dominated by a lower semi-continuous convex function(coauthored with Shi Shuzhong, Wang Bingwu and E.S.Lee),J Math. Anal. Appl.,1998年09月 (33) Convex functions ,subdifferentiability and renormings(coauthored with Wu Congxin and Yao Xiaobo),Acta Mathematica Sinica,1998年01月 (34) Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces which are actually on Asplund spaces(coauthored with Shi Shuzhong),Science Bull.,1997年12月 (35) Frechet differentiability of convex functions on non-Asplund spaces(coauthored with Shi Shuzhong and E.S.Lee),J Math. Anal. Appl.,1997年10月 (36) Some notes on Riesz Theorem(coauthored with Minghu Ha and Xizhao Wang),Fuzzy sets and systems,1997年09月 (37) On Asplund property of Banach spaces(coauthored with Wu Congxin and Wang Xiaomin),JMAA,1996年12月 (38) On mean ergodic theorems for non-linear operators(coauthored with Wei Wenzhan),Chinese(Taiwanese) J.Math.24(1996), 297-306,1996年05月 (39) Set-valued measures and integral representation(coauthored with Xue Xiaoping,Li Guocheng and Yao Xiaobo) ,Math.Univ.Corolin.,1996年01月 (40) Convexification of nonconvex functions and its application to minimum and maximum principles(coauthored with Wu Congxin and Ha Minghu),Comput.Math.Applic.,1996年01月 (41) Danes' drop theorem in locally convex spaces(coauthored with Zhou Yuncai anf Zhang Feng) ,Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,1996年01月 (42) Some characterizations of convex functions on small set(coauthored with Wu Congxin),Fasc.Math.,1995年01月 (43) Differentiability of convex functions and Asplund spaces(coauthored with Zhang Feng)),Acta Math. Sci.,1995年01月 (44) A note on Differentiability of convex functions(coauthored with Wu Congxin),Proc.Amer.Math.Soc.,1994年01月 (45) Extensions of the Preiss differentiability theorem(coauthored with Wu Congxin),J.Funct.Anal.,1994年01月 专著发表: 获奖、专利和发明: (1) 无穷维分析学,省部级科研奖,2002年12月,福建省政府,等级:2




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