保罗·罗森斯坦·罗丹 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
保罗·罗森斯坦·罗丹生平简介 编辑本段回目录
Paul Rosenstein-Rodan was an Austrian economist born in Kraków, who was trained in the Austrian tradition at Vienna. His early contributions to economics were in pure economic theory —- on marginal utility, complementarity, hierarchical structures of wants and the ever-Austrian issue of time.
Rosenstein-Rodan emigrated to Britain in 1930, and taught at UCL and then at LSE until 1947. He then moved to the World Bank, before moving on to MIT, where he was a professor from 1953 to 1968. He subsequently moved to Texas and Boston University.
保罗·罗森斯坦·罗丹的学术研究与主要贡献 编辑本段回目录
He was the author of a theory of the 'Big Push Model' in which he compared an underdeveloped economy to an airplane on a runway. An airplane, before it flies, has to gain a certain velocity in order to take off. Similarly, an economy was able to function along Adam Smith's free market principles only when it gained momentum stimulated by planned large-scale investment programmes.
Rosenstein-Rodan's famous 1943 article argued that industrialization could be regarded as the "initiator" of economic development. His thesis, based on Young's famous 1928 paper, argued that given increasing returns to scale, government-induced industrialization was possible. Credited with having "initiated" the theory of economic development, Rosenstein- Rodan's future work exhibited his continued concern with this issue.
保罗·罗森斯坦·罗丹的主要著作 编辑本段回目录
- "Marginal Utility", 1927, Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften
- "Das Zeitmoment in der Mathematischen Theorie des Wirschaftlichen Gleichgewichtes", 1929, ZfN
- "La Complementarieta: Prima delle tre etappe del pogresso della Teoria Economica Pura", 1933, La Riforma Social
- "The Role of Time in Economic Theory", 1934, Economica
- "A Coordination of the Theories of Money and Price", 1936, Economica
- "Problems of Industrialization of Eastern and South- Eastern Europe", 1943, EJ
- "The International Development of Economically Backward Areas", 1944, International Affairs
- Disguised Underemployment and Under-employment in Agriculture, 1956.
- "International Aid for Underdeveloped Countries", 1961, REStat
- "Notes on the Theory of the Big Push", 1961, in Ellis, editor, Economic Development for Latin America
- "Criteria for Evaluation of National Development Effort", 1969, J Development Planning
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标签: 保罗·罗森斯坦·罗丹 Adam Smith Big Push Model Boston University Free market Increasing returns to scale LSE MIT UCL World Bank 发展经济学
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