杰恩·巴尼 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
杰恩·巴尼(Jay B. Barney)是美国管理学会院士,美国俄亥俄州立大学管理与人力资源系首席教授,在耶鲁大学获得博士学位,曾任教于加州大学洛杉矾分校和得克萨斯大学的A&M分校。他是国际战略管理权威专家之一,是企业资源本位观理论的主要奠基人。十几年来,其文章的引用率一直处于非常高的水平,其研究成果被国内外所有主流教材采用,在全球战略研究领域具有广泛而深刻的影响。多年来,杰恩教授已在顶级学术杂志上发表了40多篇论文;他还是《管理杂志》、《组织科学》、《AMR》、《SMJ》、《人力资源管理》杂志和《组织科学》杂志的编辑委员会成员。杰恩教授曾为惠普、得州仪器等全球20多个著名公司提供过咨询指导。
多数学者公认Jay Barney是现代企业资源观(RBV)之父。 他的理论(1991)认为,在公司之间可能存在着一种异质或差异,正是这些差异使得一部分公司保持着竞争优势。 因此,RBV理论强调战略选择,认为公司管理的战略任务就是找出、发展和配置这一部分与众不同的关键资源,以谋求最大化的经营回报。
Barney 在1991年发表的《企业资源与可持续竞争优势》 (Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage)一文中明确指出,超常的租值在一定程度上是可以通过“VRIN”资源来获得。这里,VRIN的含义是:
- Organizational Economics: Toward a New Paradigm for Studying and Understanding Organizations, with William G. Ouchi. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1986.
- Managing Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Behavior, with Ricky Griffin. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1992.
- Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 1st ed., Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1997.
- Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 2nd ed., NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.
- Winner, George Robbins Teaching Award, UCLA, 1983-84.
- Winner, Former Student's Association Award for Outstanding Teaching, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University, 1992.
- Winner, 1995 Outstanding Core Professor, Full Time MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University.
- Winner, 1996 Outstanding Core Professor, Evening MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
- Winner, 1999 Outstanding Ph.D. Instructor, Ph.D. Program, Fisher College Of Business, The Ohio State University
- Winner, 2000 Outstanding Ph.D. Instructor, Ph.D. Program, Fisher College Of Business, The Ohio State University
- Winner, 2001 Outstanding Executive MBA Professor, Executive MBA Program, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
- Scholarly Awards
- Designated as an "Ascendant Scholar" by Western Academy of Management, 1990.
- Faculty Research Fellow Award for Outstanding Research, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University, 1992.
- Presenter, The Holger Crafoord Memorial Lecture, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden, "Toward an Organizational Model of Competitive Advantage," Fall 1993.
- Finalist, 1986 Academy of Management Review Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award.
- Winner, 1994 Best Paper Award, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management.
- Honorary Doctorate, 1997, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
- Elected as a Member of the Academy of Management Fellows, 2001
- Grants
- Research Grants, US-Japan Friendship Commission, 1984, 1985, 1986. (Grants totaling $45,000.)
- Texas Advanced Research Program, 1988-89, "Managing Risk & Uncertainty in Funding New Business Ventures: Determinants of the Structure of Venture Capital Governance" (Grant of $90,200).
- Research Grant, Center for International Business Studies, Texas A&M University, 1989, "International Agency Theory," with Arvind Mahajan (Grant of $5,000).
- Research Grant, Center for Entrepreneurship, 1991, "Strategic Analysis in Starting New Businesses," with Jennifer George and Tom Turk (Grant of $6,000).
- Research Grant, Texas Instruments, 1991, "Managing Cultural Diversity for Competitive Advantage," with Bob Hoskisson (Grant of $77,000).
- Research Grant, Texas Instruments, 1992, "Managing Cultural Diversity, Continued," with Bob Hoskisson (Grant of $7,000).
- Summer Research Grant, 1993, College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Business, Texas A&M University (Grant of $13,000).
- Research Grant, AT&T Foundation, 1999, "Center for the Study of Virtual Organization," with Rob Heneman, Roy Lewicki, and David Greenberger (Grant of $200,000).
- Research Grant, Ford Foundation, 2000-2001, "Post Merger Integration," with Oded Shenkar.
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标签: 杰恩·巴尼 Business Administration Executive MBA Ford Foundation International Business Lund University MBA Ohio State University RBV Texas A& M University Texas Instruments
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