理查德·达韦尼 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
理查德·达韦尼简介 编辑本段回目录
Richard.A.D Aveni is credited with creating a new paradigm in the field of strategic management. this paradigm is based on the use of temporary advantages—employing principles of rapid and aggressive maneuvering—rather than defensive barriers to entry and power over buyers and suppliers.
AB, Cornell University, 1975; JD, Suffolk University, 1979; MBA, Boston University, 1979; PhD, Columbia University, 1987; CPA, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. At Tuck since 1988.
Business policy and strategy, with an emphasis on teaching firms how to become more innovative and “hypercompetitive;” industry and competitive analysis; the dynamics of jockeying for competitive advantage in rapidly changing environments; and global strategy and implementation.
Professor D’Aveni is a keynote speaker, consultant,CEO coach,informal interim CEO,strategic advisor, and off-site strategic decision process facilitator for companies in the U.S. and Europe at the divisional and CEO-level. His clients have included Aetna, AGFA, American Tire Distributors, Bayer AG, BJ's Wholesale Club, Cargill, Citibank/Salomon Smith Barney, Corning, Delphi, Dun & Bradstreet, Fininvest Italia, GM, GE, Instinet (Reuters), John Deere, Merrill Lynch, Motorola, PepsiCo, Philips Electronics, Phizer, Rhodia, SAP, and Schering-Plough. He has also been a keynote speaker at The Conference Board CEO Forum, The World Economic Forum, Young President’s Organization, Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, CIO Forum, and the Management Centre Europe, as well as numerous other professional societies and corporate events throughout the world.
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Forum Fellow, World Economic Forum; A.T. Kearney Award; Richard D. Irwin Foundation Fellowship; Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Center Fellow, Wharton School; Runner-up for Outstanding Teaching Award, UNC at Chapel Hill; Honorable Mention for number of articles published in academic journals, Academy of Management Hall of Fame. He has also been a speaker at the French Senate. Professor D’Aveni’s book Hypercompetition has been referred to by Fortune as “a modern-day analogue to The Art of War.”
Professor D’Aveni is the author of articles in Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review, as well as the best-selling book Hypercompetition (Simon & Schuster, The Free Press Division, 1994), which is available in 11 languages. He is also the author of Strategic Supremacy (Simon & Schuster, The Free Press Division, 2001).
Prior to joining the faculty at Tuck, Professor D’Aveni was an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before entering academia, he was a lawyer/CPA at Coopers & Lybrand. Professor D’Aveni has also served as a special consultant to the Federal Trade Commission since 1991.
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标签: 理查德·达韦尼 A.T. Kearney Aetna Bayer AG Boston University CPA Cargill Citibank Columbia University Competitive advantage Cornell University
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