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德国林德公司(Linde Group)
德国林德公司(Linde Group) 德国工业气体巨擘


德国林德公司简介 编辑本段回目录

  德国林德公司(LindeAG)属30大上市公司,以生产工业气体与物流堆高机为主。林德公司为发展工业气体事业,在并购英国同业布林氏氧气公司(BOC)后林德公司将更名为林德集团(The Linde Group),为全球最大之工业气体供应商。Linde集团总部由德国黑森邦首府Wiesbaden迁至德南巴发利亚邦首府慕尼黑。

  林德合并BOC后之另一变动为,原有之叉式堆高机部门(Material Handling)将独立成为Kion Group,Kion公司总部则留驻在前公司总部所在地Wiesbaden。Kion公司拥有Linde、Still与OM等3个品牌。

Linde英文简介 编辑本段回目录

  The Linde Group is the international industrial gases and engineering company founded in 1879. The registered company name is Linde AG (ISIN: DE0006483001). Linde shares are traded on all the German stock exchanges and also in Zürich with the symbol LIN, and the Linde share price is included in the DAX 30 index. The group is headquartered in Munich, Germany, with some supporting headquarters functions in Surrey, England.

  The Linde Group underwent a significant transformation in September 2006, following the acquisition of UK based competitor The BOC Group. The merger and subsequent disposal of non-gas interests recast the group as the world's largest pure-play industrial gases supplier. Linde's former materials handling business was rebranded as KION Group in September 2006 and sold in November 2006 to KKR and Goldman Sachs for



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