美国PAA公司 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
美国PAA公司网站:http://www.paalp.com/ 英文
美国PAA公司简介 编辑本段回目录
PAA公司是一家管道输送公司,它的业务范围主要集中在加州、德克萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州、 路易斯安那洲和墨西哥湾、加拿大等地区。
Plains All American Pipeline (NYSE: PAA) is a publicly traded Master Limited Partnership in the oil pipeline transmission and storage business in the United States. It owns about 37 million barrels (5,900,000 m3) of terminalling and storage capacity and 15,000 miles (25,000 km) of crude oil pipelines.
The company, headquartered in Houston, Texas, was traded in 1993 and grew through investment, originally in the Cushing Terminal in Cushing, Oklahoma and mostly acquisition, aimed at improving the transmission of oil to the Midwest.
Major acquisitions include:
- 1998 - All American Pipeline System
- 1999 - Scurlock Permian
- 2001 - assets of Murphy Oil Company Ltd.
- 2001 - assets of CANPET Energy Group
- 2002 - pipeline assets from Shell Pipeline Company
- 2004 - Capline Pipeline System
- 2004 - Link Energy pipeline system
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标签: 美国PAA公司 Murphy Oil Company Ltd. NYSE
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