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T&D控股,T&D Holdings, Inc.,T&Dホールディングス
T&D控股(T&D Holdings, Inc./T&Dホールディングス)


T&D控股简介 编辑本段回目录

  T&D控股(T&D Holdings,T&Dホールディングス)(TYO: 8795)是三家人寿保险公司的控股公司,包括Taiyo人寿、Daido人寿、和T&D金融人寿,成立于2004年,总部位于日本东京。

T&D控股公司发展历程 编辑本段回目录

  • May 1893 Founded Taiyo Life as Nagoya Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
  • July 1902 Founded Daido Life Insurance Company through the merger of Asahi Life, Gokoku Life and Hokkai Life.
  • July 1947 Daido Life reestablished as a mutual company.
  • February 1948 Taiyo Life reestablished as a mutual company.
  • January 1999 Taiyo Life and Daido Life announced broad business alliance.
  • June 1999 The group name, "T&D Life Group" was announced.
  • October 1999 Launched T&D Taiyo Daido Asset Management Co., Ltd.,through a merger of domestic investment advisory companies.
  • October 1999 Launched T&D Confirm, Ltd., by integrating the operations of policy confirmation.
  • October 2001 Taiyo Life and Daido Life jointly completed the acquisition of former Tokyo Life Insurance Company, renamed T&D Financial Life Insurance Company.
  • October 2001 Launched T&D Information Systems, Ltd., through a merger of the Group system divisions.
  • April 2002 Demutualized Daido Life to a joint stock company and listed its shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange.
  • July 2002 Launched T&D Asset Management Co., Ltd., through a merger of T&D Taiyo Daido Asset Management Co., Ltd., and Daido Life Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd.
  • August 2002 Launched T&D Taiyo Daido Lease Co., Ltd., through a merger of Group leasing business
  • April 2003 Demutualized Taiyo Life to a joint stock company and listed its shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
  • March 2004 Delisted Taiyo Life and Daido Life from the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange.
  • April 2004 Established T&D Holdings, Inc., and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange. (Taiyo Life, Daido Life and T&D Financial Life became wholly owned subsidiaries of T&D Holdings.)
  • April 2004 Launched T&D Customer Services Co., Ltd., through a merger of group administrative services.
  • July 2006 Concentrated and relocated the headquarters of T&D Holdings, Taiyo Life, Daido Life, T&D Financial Life, and T&D Asset Management.
  • January 2007 T&D Hondings made Japan Family Insurance Planning, Ltd. (renamed Pet & Family Small-amount Short-term Insurance Company) a subsidiary.
  • March 2007 T&D Hondings made T&D Asset Management Co., Ltd. a direct subsidiary.


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标签: T& D控股 Osaka Securities Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange 人寿保险 控股公司

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