美国德纳公司 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
美国德纳公司简介 编辑本段回目录
美国德纳公司(Dana Holding Corporation)(纽约证券交易所代码:DAN)创建于1904年,总部设在俄亥俄州托莱多市。德纳公司在为汽车制造商,商用车制造商,非公路用车制造商提供附加值高的产品和系统的设计、工艺及制造方面在全球居于领先地位。公司在全球的雇员约有7万人,他们都通过与客户的紧密协作取得最大限度的突破。德纳在34个国家设有数百个技术、制造和客户服务机构。
Dana Holding Corporation (NYSE: DAN) is an auto parts and systems company recently emerged from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
The company, which has 35,000 workers, is listed on the Fortune 500. Originally incorporated in New Jersey in 1904 as the 'Spicer Universal Joint Manufacturing Company', named after Clarence W. Spicer, engineer, inventor, and founder of the company; it was renamed the 'Spicer Manufacturing Company' in 1909. It relocated to Toledo, Ohio in 1928 and was renamed the Dana Corporation after Charles Dana, who joined the company in 1914 and became president and treasurer in 1916.
On April 16, 2008 Dana appointed Gary Convis, formerly head of manufacturing for Toyota North America and widely considered a preeminent expert in "lean manufacturing" philosophy, to its CEO position.
Key products include axles, driveshafts, frames, and sealing and thermal-management products.
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标签: 美国德纳公司 Lean manufacturing NYSE 《美国破产法》 产品 债务人 克莱斯勒 公司 制造商 福特 纽约证券交易所
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