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《组织行为学》(Management of Organizational Behavior:Utilizing Human Resources)
《组织行为学》(Management of Organizational Behavior:Utilizing Human Resources)
《组织行为学》(Management of Organizational Behavior:Utilizing Human Resources)

《组织行为学》简介 编辑本段回目录

  保罗·赫塞(Paul Hersey)一生致力于领导力研究。1969年,他同肯·布兰查德Ken H. Blanchard,也译为布兰佳)合著《组织行为学》(Management of Organizational Behavior:Utilizing Human Resources)一书,提出了情境领导模式。这本书在工商界与学术界反响巨大,已被译成14种语言在世界广为传播。


Book Description 编辑本段回目录

Used by more than a million people throughout the world, this highly readable book provides a comprehensive examination of the applied behavioral sciences, and focuses on fundamental ideas which have stood the test of years of application in academic, business, not-for-profit and administrative environments. Complete coverage of motivation and behavior, situational leadership, building effective relationships, planning and implementing change, leadership strategies, the organizational cone and integrating situational leadership with the Classics. For individuals interested in expanding their knowledge of, and proficiency in leadership strategies.

About This Book 编辑本段回目录

  Used by more than a million people, this best-selling book is based on fundamental ideas from the applied behavioral sciences that have been successfully applied in thousands of organizations throughout the world. The Seventh Edition of Management of Organizational Behavior continues to build on the concepts and techniques of two important applied behavioral science approaches: Situational Leadership and One Minute Management - programs adopted worldwide by more than 400 of the Fortune 500 companies. The Seventh Edition is thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most current research in the behavioral sciences as well as the continued development in the authors' thinking and their consulting activities. In addition to bringing quality management into clearer focus, the book features two new chapters written by international consultants. The new edition also takes into account comments and suggestions provided by managers, students, teachers, researchers, consultants, and reviewers; offers a clear writing style and flexible format; and includes an extensive list of suggested supplementary reading. Management of Organizational Behavior, Seventh Edition, provides readers with a thorough introduction to the exciting field of management of organizational behavior applicable to public and private management and administration in a wide variety of disciplines: business, communication, health sciences, education, nursing, engineering, and agribusiness.



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标签: 《组织行为学》 Ken H. Blanchard Leadership strategies 保罗·赫塞 情境领导模型 情境领导模式 情景领导模型 肯·布兰查德 领导力 管理寓言

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