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The Swedbank logo (1997-2006). F?reningsSparbanken was created in 1997 through a merger between Sparbanken and F?reningsbanken. The unusual corporate name and logo were compromises of the merger of two different corporate cultures
The Swedbank logo (1997-2006). F?reningsSparbanken was created in 1997 through a merger between Sparbanken and F?reningsbanken. The unusual corporate name and logo were compromises of the merger of two different corporate cultures

瑞典银行英文简介 编辑本段回目录

  Swedbank (formerly called F?reningsSparbanken) is a leading Nordic-Baltic banking group with 8.8 million retail customers and 441,000 corporate customers in Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. In Sweden, the group has more than 470 branches. In the Baltic countries, it has another 280 branches. Elsewhere, the group is present in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kaliningrad, Luxembourg, Moscow, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, Saint Petersburg and Tokyo.

  On September 8, 2006, F?reningsSparbanken AB changed its name to Swedbank AB. The name change took place in the afternoon local time, after the Swedish Companies Registration Office registers the changes in the company’s articles of association. On the same date the subsidiary AB Spintab changed its name to Swedbank Hypotek AB (Swedbank Mortgage AB in English). At the same time, F?reningsSparbanken Jordbrukskredit AB changed its name to Swedbank Jordbrukskredit AB. Other subsidiaries will change their names at later dates.


  The first Swedish saving bank was founded in Gothenburg in 1820. In 1992 a number of local savings banks merged to create Sparbanken Sverige ("Savings Bank Sweden"), which was known simply as Sparbanken ("The Savings Bank"). In 1995 this bank was listed on the stock exchange. In 1997 the bank merged with F?reningsbanken and the names were combined to create F?reningsSparbanken.



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标签: 瑞典银行 Articles of association 外汇 外汇交易 美元 贸易融资

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