摘要: DCF是Discounted Cash Flow的简写,就是现金流折现法的意思,用资产未来可以产生现金流的折现值来评估资产的价值。[阅读全文:]
摘要: 【内容】 多元化原则是构建证券组合应遵循的基本原则之一。它是指投资者在构建证券组合时,为平衡收益和风险,不仅在所选证券的种数上,而且在所选证券的类型及特性上都应体现多样性的特点。组合理[阅读全文:]
摘要: 众多发现表明,一段时间内,表现差的股票有强烈的趋势在其后的一段时间内经历相当大的逆转,而在给定的一段时间内,最佳股票[阅读全文:]
摘要: Facility for the receipt, segregation, inspection, storage, issue and/or distribution of good[阅读全文:]
摘要:Discounting cash flow,这是一种常见的估值法,指将项目或资产在生命期内将要产生的现金流折现,计算出当前价值的一种评估方法,通常适用于项目投资、商业地产估值等。[阅读全文:]
摘要: The delivery of securities in exchange for a signed receipt for the securities. One of two me[阅读全文:]
摘要: The delivery of securities in exchange for an asset, usually money. One of two methods for th[阅读全文:]
摘要: Contract based on (derived from) but independent of another contract, and involving a party n[阅读全文:]
摘要: A measure of a company's financial leverage. Debt/equity ratio is equal to long-term debt di[阅读全文:]