南非储备银行 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
南非储备银行简介 编辑本段回目录
南非储备银行(The South African Reserve Bank,SARB),系南中央银行,始建于1920年,为股份有限银行,除行长与副行长由政府任命外,享有很大的独立决策权。总部设在比勒陀利亚。
南非储备银行的功能 编辑本段回目录
The SARB controls credit and regulates the amount of money in circulation in the following ways:
- Increasing the discount rate in times of excessive spending;
- Lowering the discount rate in times of slack business and scarce money;
- Opening market transactions in times of excessive spending and rising prices;
- Opening market transactions in times of recession, when business is slack;
- Increasing cash reserves;
- Decreasing cash reserves;
- Disciplinary measures;
- Stabilising rates of exchange;
- Credit rationing;
- Bank of issue;
- Acting as the government's banker;
- Acting as a custodian of banks' cash reserves;
- Custodian of gold;
- Bank of rediscount;
- Clearing bank.
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标签: 南非储备银行 Clearing bank 中央银行 商业银行 商人银行 非洲开发银行 南非邮政储蓄银行 南非土地农业银行 贴现银行 综合银行
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