财务英语英汉对照表 (T) 发表评论(0) 编辑词条
- table表格
- table A表格A,申报公司章程表格
- T-account T型帐户
- tactical decision战术决策,战略决策
- tactical plan战术计划,策略计划
- tag标签,标识符
- take and pay contract收购付款合同
- take a position抢头寸
- take-home pay实发工资
- takeout loan取代贷款
- takeover盘购,购并
- takeover bid购并出价
- takeover panel购并监管委员会
- take profits实现利润
- taker期权合同买方
- take stock盘货
- take up赎回,付清
- taking a bath注销一笔巨额损失
- takings现金收入,进款
- tally trade赊卖,分期付款交易
- talon息票付券
- tangible asset有形资产
- tangible current asset有形流动资产
- tangible fixed asset有形固定资产
- tangible net worth有形资本净值
- tangibles有形资产
- tangible value有形资产价值
- tap issue龙头发行,随时发行
- tap stock龙头证券
- target目标,指标
- target capital structure 目标资本结构
- target company购并目标公司
- target cost目标成本
- target income目标收益
- target income sales目标收益销售额
- target price目标价格
- target rate of return目标收益率
- tariff关税税则,关税说率;费率
- tariff bargaining关税谈判
- tariff barrier关税壁垒
- tariff customs union关税同盟
- tariff escalation关税税率级距
- tariff level关税税率水平
- tariff nomenclature关税商品分类表,关税税目表
- tariff preference关税优惠,关税特惠
- tariff quota关税配额
- tariff rate关税税率,表定费率
- tax税捐,税收
- tax abatement减税
- taxability纳税能力
- taxable estate应纳税财产,应税财产
- taxable income应税所得,应税收益
- taxable loss应税损失,税损
- taxable value应税价值
- tax accountant税务会计师
- tax accounting税务会计
- tax administration税务管理
- tax advantage纳税利益
- tax advice line税务咨询热线
- tax advise service税务咨询服务
- tax adviser税务顾问,税务咨询师
- tax allocation所得税分摊
- tax allowance税额减免
- tax analyst税务分析师
- tax and accounting sites directory税收和会计网站目录
- tax and price index税收和物价指数
- tax anticipation bill待付税款国库券
- tax anticipation note待付税款中期国库券
- tax assessment税额查定
- tax assessor估税员,税务稽核员
- tax association税务协会
- taxation capacity税收课征能力
- taxation leverage税收杠杆作用
- taxation office税务局
- tax avoidance避税
- tax base应税基础,计税基价
- tax bracket税率等级,税级
- tax burden税收负担,税负
- tax certificate税务扣押证
- tax court税务法院
- tax credit税额减免,税额抵免
- tax credit method税额抵免法
- tax cuts减税
- tax deduction应税收益减免额
- tax deduction method应税收益额减免法
- tax deed税收契据
- tax deferred annuity递延税收年金,递延税收退休金
- tax deposit certificate纳税存款单
- tax difference税额差异
- tax due到期应付税款
- tax effect计税影响,j计税结果
- tax environment税收环境
- taxes withholding扣缴税款
- tax evation逃税,偷税漏税
- tax executives institute高级税务人员管理协会
- tax exempt免税
- tax exempt bond免税债券
- tax exemption method免税法
- tax exempt organization免税机构
- tax exempt special savings account免税专用储蓄帐户
- tax exile逃税者
- tax filling填报税单
- tax fraud税务欺诈,偷税漏税
- tax-free bond免税债券
- tax-free trade zone免税贸易区
- tax harmonization税收协调
- tax haven逃税天堂,避税国
- tax holiday减税期
- tax incentive税收鼓励作用
- tax indexing税收指数化
- tax invoice税收发货票
- tax journal税务期刊
- tax jurisdiction税收管辖权
- tax liability纳税义务,应纳税额
- tax lien征税扣押权
- tax loophole税收漏洞
- tax-loss carryback税损移前扣减,税损退算
- tax-loss carryforward税损移后扣减,税损结转
- tax-loss corporation税损公司
- tax news network税务新闻网
- tax-option corporation纳税选择公司
- tax payable method应付税款法
- tax payer纳税人
- tax payer suit纳税人诉讼
- tax penalty税收罚金
- tax planning纳税计划
- tax preference item优惠税目
- tax-push inflation税收推动型通货膨胀
- tax rate税率
- tax rate schedule税率表
- tax rate structure税率结构
- tax rebate退税
- tax reform act税收改革法案
- tax relief税负减免
- tax return纳税申报表,税单
- tax sale抵税拍卖
- tax saving省税,节税
- tax service税务咨询服务
- tax shelter避税项目
- tax shifting税收转嫁
- tax software税务软件
- tax software company税务软件公司
- tax surcharge税收附加费
- tax system税收制度
- tax table纳税申报表
- tax treaty税收协定
- tax world税务世界网站
- tax year税收年度
- tax yield税收收益
- T-bill国库券
- T-bond国库债券,长期国库券
- T curve T型曲线
- technical adjustment技术性调整
- technical aid技术援助
- technical analysis技术分析
- technical and economic feasibility技术经济可行性
- technical efficiency技术效率
- technical insolvency技术性无力偿付
- technological auditing电子技术审计
- technological auditor电子技术审计师
- technological innovation科技革新
- technological life科技寿命
- technological life cycle科学技术寿命周期
- technological monopoly科学技术垄断
- technological obsolescene科学技术陈旧
- technological risk科学技术风险
- technological unemployment科技性失业
- technology acquisition科学技术引进
- technology advantage科技优势
- technology cost科学技术费用
- technology intensive科学技术密集
- technology leverage科技杠杆作用
- technology trade科技贸易
- technology transfer新科技转让
- teeming and lading截留移用,挪用现金
- tei education fund高级税务管理人员基金
- TEI membership高级税务管理人员协会会员资格
- telecommunication电子通信,电信
- telecommuting通过电信办公
- teleconference电信业务会议
- telegraphic transfer电汇,电子回扣
- telemarketing电信推销
- telephone transfer system电话转帐制度
- teleprocessing电信数据处理
- telex电传
- teller出纳员
- teller proof出纳验证
- temporal method时间度量法,时态法
- temporary account暂记帐户
- temporary advances临时预支,短期借款
- temporary current asset临时性流动资产
- temporary difference临时性差异
- temporary investment临时性投资,短期投资
- temporary loan临时贷款,短期贷款
- temporary money临时资金
- temporary proprietorship临时性业主产权,临时性资本
- temporary receipt临时收据
- tenancy租赁
- tenant承租人
- ten commandments of speculator投机十戒
- tender投标,偿还,清偿,钱币
- tender bond投标保证金
- tenderer投标商
- tender grarantee投标保证书
- tender issue投标发行
- tender offer投标收购股权
- tender price投标价格
- ten-K 10-k报表,上市公司年度报表
- tenor票据期限,票期
- ten-Q10-q报表,上市公司季度报表
- tentative balance sheet暂编资产负债表
- tentative budget暂编预算
- tenure占用权,占用期
- term定期期限,条件
- term bill定期汇票
- term bond定期债券
- term credit远期信用证
- term days支付日
- term deposit定期存款
- term draft定期汇票,远期汇票
- terminable annuity有限期年金
- terminable bond有期限公债
- terminal account终结帐户
- terminal equipment终端设备,终端机
- terminal value终值
- termination of business停止营业
- termination of contract合同期满
- termination pay解雇费
- term insurance定期保险
- term lease定期租赁
- term loan定期贷款
- term mortgage定期抵押
- terms and conditions销售条件
- terms of acceptance承兑条件
- terms of delivery交货条件
- terms of payment支付条件
- terms of price价格条件
- terms of sale销售条件
- terms of trade贸易条件
- terms of trade index贸易指数
- term transfer掉期,转期
- term structure of interest rates利率的期限结构
- terotechnology设备综合管理学
- test抽查
- testamentary trust遗嘱信托
- testator遗嘱人
- test data测试数据
- test of compliance符号性抽查
- test marketing试销
- test of internal control内部控制抽查
- test of liquidity流动性抽查
- test of profitability盈利能力抽查
- test of transactions经济业务抽查
- test risk抽查风险
- theoretical depreciation理论折旧
- theory of asset valuation资产计价理论
- theory of capital structure资本结构理论
- theory of comparative costs比较成本理论
- theory of equilibrium平衡理论,均衡理论
- theory of financial deepening金融深化理论
- thin corporation虚弱公司
- think program智谋程序
- think tank智囊团,智谋中心
- thin market交易清淡市场
- third class commercial paper三等商业票据
- third country trade三国间贸易
- third market第三证券交易市场
- third mortgage第三抵押权
- third party第三方
- third-party beneficiary 第三收益人
- third-party transaction三方交易,三方经济业务
- third statement第三报表
- three-column accounts三栏帐薄
- three-column cash book三栏现金薄
- three C’s of credit信用的三个要素
- three-name paper三名票据
- three-point arbitrage三角套汇
- three-way variance analysis三分法分析差异,三项差异分析法
- threshold临界点,起征点
- threshold agreement临界点协议
- threshold price起征点价格
- thrift节约,节俭
- thrift account储蓄帐户
- thrift institution储蓄机构
- through bill of lading联运提货单
- through freight联运运单
- throughout accounting加工产量会计
- tickler file到期备忘档案
- tick mark代号,标记符号
- tick point浮动点
- tick loan限制用途贷款
- tie-in sale搭配销售
- tight market紧俏市场
- tight money紧缩银根
- tight standards严紧标准
- till money备用现金,库存现金
- time adjusted rate of return失效调整收益旅
- time arbitrage时间套利
- time bargain定期交易
- time bill 定期汇票,远期汇票
- time budget时间预算
- time card计时卡
- time deposit定期存款
- time draft定期汇票,远期汇票
- time is of the essence时间因素是合同要点
- time lag时间滞差
- time letter of credit远期信用证
- timeliness及时性
- time loan定期贷款
- time of validity时效
- time payment定期支付,定期付款
- time rate计时工资率,计时费率
- time series时间数列
- time series analysis时间数列分析
- time sheet计工单,计时单
- time interest earned ratio收益对债务利息倍数比率
- times ticket计工单,工票
- time-value of money资金的时间价值
- time value of money calculator资金时间价值计算器
- time variance工时差异
- time wage计时工资
- timing difference计列时差,时间归属差异
- tip小费
- titanium card钛卡
- title产权
- title absolution绝对所有权,绝对产权
- title deed契据
- title insurance产权保险
- title insurance company产权保险公司
- t-note中期国库券
- turnover of plant and equipment厂房和设备周转率
- total asset turnover资产总周转率
- times interest earned盈利对利息倍数比率
- total asset turnover资产总额周转率
- times interest earned ratio盈利对利息倍数比率
- token coin代用硬币
- token payment象征性付款
- tolerance宽容度,公差
- to let出租
- toll通行税,通行费;租费
- tonnage tax船舶吨位税
- to order凭指示,凭指定
- top financial management高级财务管理人员
- top-hat pension高级管理人员退休金
- top-hat policy高级管理人员保险单
- top out回稳
- Toronto stock exchange多伦多股票交易所
- tort侵权
- total-absorption costing全额摊配成本计算法
- total account总括帐户
- total amount总计,总额
- total assets资产总额
- total assets turnover资产总额周转率
- total breach全部违约
- total capital turnover资本总额周转率
- total cost总成本
- total debt to total capital ratio负债总额对资本总额比率
- total equity产权总额
- total income收益总额
- total information system综合信息系统
- total investment投资总额
- total investment risk总投资风险
- total leverage全部杠杆作用
- total loss损失总额,全损
- total price总价
- total equality control全面质量管理,全员质量管理
- total revenue营业收入总额
- total value总值
- total working capital流动资本总额,流动资金总额
- tour to office and plant办公室和厂房巡视
- traceable cost可追溯成本
- trace backward逆查,溯查
- trace forward顺查
- trade贸易,行业,产业
- trade acceptance商业承兑汇票
- trade accounts payable购销应付帐款
- trade accounts receivable购销应收帐款
- trade adjustment assistance产业调整援助
- trade association同业公会,产业协会
- trade balance国际贸易收支差额
- trade barriers贸易壁垒
- trade bill商业汇票
- trade bloc贸易集团
- trade credit商业信用
- trade creditors购销债权人
- trade cycle商业周期
- trade debtors购销债务人
- trade deficit贸易逆差,贸易赤字
- trade discount商业折扣,购销折扣
- trade financing贸易融资
- trade-in以旧换新
- trade-in value抵换价值
- trade liability购销负债,赊购债务
- trade liberalization贸易自由化
- trademark商标
- trade name牌号名称,商标名称
- trade off抉择,物物交换
- trade policy贸易政策
- trade price批发价
- trader 交易商
- trade restrictions贸易管制
- trade secret商业秘密
- trade surplus贸易盈余,贸易顺差
- trade terms贸易名词,贸易条件
- trade usage行业惯例,产业惯例
- trading account购销帐户,营业帐户
- trading capital营业资本,营业资金
- trading certificate营业执照
- trading company贸易公司
- trading currency贸易通货,贸易货币
- trading on equity产权杠杆作用,举债经营
- trading profit购销利润,营业利润
- trading range成交价格幅度
- trading stock待销存货
- trading unit交易单位
- trading-with-the-enemy act禁止与敌国贸易法
- traditional accounting传统会计
- traditional audit传统审计
- traditional budget传统预算
- traditional corporation传统公司
- traditional costing传统成本计算法
- traditional economy传统经济
- traditional financial management传统财务管理
- traditional industry传统产业
- traditional payback method传统投资回收期法
- traditional pricing传统计价法
- traditional theory of capital structure传统资本结构理论]]
- transaction经济业务
- transaction account交易帐户,经济业务往来帐户
- transaction analysis经济业务分析
- transaction approach经济业务法
- transaction cost交易费用,业务费用
- transaction cycle经济业务循环,经济业务周期
- transaction exposure经济业务风险暴露,外汇业务风险暴露
- transaction file经济业务档案,经济业务文件
- transaction motive交易动机
- transaction risk经济业务风险,外汇业务风险
- transaction tax交易税
- transaction test经济业务抽查
- transcribe转录
- transfer转让,过户;转帐
- transferability可转让性,可转移性
- transferable bond可转让债券
- transferable currency可转移货币
- transferable letter of credit可转让信用证
- transfer agent过户代理人
- transfer book过户登记薄
- transfer check转帐支票
- transfer day过户登记日
- transfer deed 转让契据,过户契据
- transferee受让人
- transfer of mortgage抵押品转让
- transfer of shares股份转让
- transfer of technology技术转让
- transfer of title财产所有权转让
- transfer of value价值转让
- transferor 出让人,转让人
- transfer price转帐价格,划拨价格
- transferred-in cost转入成本
- transfer register过户登记薄
- transfer risk外币转换风险
- transfer tax交易税,转让税
- transfer transaction转帐交易,转帐业务
- transfer voucher转帐凭单
- transformation of taxation税收消转
- transshipment trade转运贸易
- transit trade转口贸易
- translation exposure外币折算风险暴露
- translation gain or loss外币折算损益
- translation of foreign currency外币折算
- translation risk外币折算风险
- transmission传输
- transmit network传输风险
- transnational corporation跨国公司
- transportation cost运输成本
- transportation-in运人运费
- transportation-out运出运费
- transport document运输凭证
- transporsition换位,易位
- traverler’s check旅行支票
- traveling audit巡回审计
- traveling auditor巡回审计师
- traveling expense差旅费
- treadway commission特雷德韦委员会
- treadway commission’s sponsoring organizations特雷德韦委员会德发起机构
- treasurer财务长,财务主任
- treasurership财务长职责,财务主任职责
- treasury金库,国库
- treasury bill短期国库券
- treasury bond库存债券,长期国库券
- treasury corner com.财务网址
- treasury department美国财政部
- treasury note中期国库券
- treasury security国库证券
- treasury stock库存股份,国库债券
- trend analysis趋势分析
- trend analysis method趋势分析法
- trend balance sheet趋势资产负债表
- trend income statement趋势损益表
- trial and error method试误法,逐次测试法
- trial balance试算表
- trial balance of balances余额式试算表
- trial balance of total总额式试算表
- trial balance of totals and balances总额和余额式试算表
- triangular arbitrage三角套汇
- triangular trade三角贸易
- trigger price触发价格
- troubled debt restructuring困难债务重订
- trough低潮,低谷
- true and fair view真实和公正反映
- trueblood committee report特鲁布拉德委员会报告
- true discount实际贴现率
- true interest rate实际利率
- true investment真实投资
- true lease真实租赁
- true yield真实收益率
- trust信托,托拉斯
- trust account信托帐户
- trust accounting信托会计
- trust agreement信托协议
- trust beneficiary信托受益人
- trust company信托公司
- trust deed信托契约,信托契据
- trust department信托部门
- trust deposit信托存款
- trustee受托人
- trustee in bankruptcy破产受托人
- trustee investment受托人投资
- trust for sale销售信托
- trust fund信托基金
- trust indenture信托契约
- trust fund信托基金
- trust for sale销售信托
- trust indenture信托契据
- trust indenture act信托契约法
- trustor委托人,信托人
- trust property信托财产
- trust receipt信托收据
- trust in lending act贷款实情法
- turning point转折点
- turnkey project成套包建投资项目,交钥匙投资项目
- turnover周转率,周转次数;销售额
- turnover of accounts receivable应收帐款周转率
- turnover of inventory存货周转率
- turnover of net worth资本净值周转率,产权资本周转率
- turnover of plant and equipment厂房和设备周转率
- turnover of total capital资本总额周转率
- turnover of working capital流动资本周转率,流动资金周转率
- turnover ratios周转率,资产周转率
- turnover tax周转税
- two-bin inventory control双料箱存货控制
- two-column accounts两栏帐薄
- two-digit inflation两位数通货膨胀
- two-named paper双名票据
- two-parts tariff两部分费率
- two-point arbitrage两点套汇,两点套利
- two-tier board双重董事会
- two-tier foreign exchange rate双重汇率
- two-tier tax system双重税制
- two-to-one rati2对1比率
- two-transaction method双项业务法
- two-way variance analysis两分法差异分析,两项差分析法
- tying contract搭配合同
- type l decision第一种类型决策
- type I error第一种审计误差风险
- type II decision第二种类型决策
- type II error第二种审计误差风险
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标签: 财务英语英汉对照表 (T) 财务英语英汉对照表 T-account T-bill T-bond Tactical plan Tangible asset Target capital structure Target company Target cost Tariff barrier
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